Critique my deadlift form please

Yaas i know i'm a dyel skinny fat cardio bunny. In fact I never realized what a disgusting double chin I had until I made this video. Absolutely disgusting.

Attached: PoorIndolentAmericanwirehair.webm (640x1136, 1.83M)

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post butt

That's called a stiff legs deadlift. It's common with thots. I mean do you even lift


Attached: Daq37aAVMAAZWIt.jpg (640x480, 61K)

>Yaas i know i'm a dyel skinny fat cardio bunny. In fact I never realized what a disgusting double chin I had until I made this video. Absolutely disgusting.
Is this supposed to be a new copypaste?
Big yikes
I love the toilet on that gril tho

Attached: 1391906441993.png (635x636, 77K)

dont be rude you guys..i'm here for my fitness!

Attached: HealthyAffectionateHarborporpoise.webm (640x1138, 1.88M)

Is that a fake ass? There's something unsettling about it.

Her shoes are gay

Post tits or gtfo

looks real to me?

Those are stiff leg RDLs, not deadlifts.

Incorrect if doing SLDLs and incorrect if doing RDLs

The barbell should be on your legs not hanging out in space like a row... This is bait tho so fuck it

Lovely stank dear

Assuming this isn't bait watch "the art of manliness deadlift" on youtube, because this aint it

yeah that's great form

it doesn't matter, to some degree it's preference. can't remember who but a top powerlifter does them with the bar hanging out in front.

Doesn't matter who he is if he has space between the bar and his legs he's not lifting as much weight as he possibly could

1. That's not you
2. Are those 10 pound plates?

have you never heard of a romanian deadlift?

These are called Romanian deadlifts

Incorrect in relation to this movement. in a regular deadlift though; yes.

key word being possible, just look at the levers present in this video.
Bar is supposed to keep in contact with the legs

smells like marbled cheese

Be gone thot. You literally structured the video to show your ass. You would jibe whipped by your future husband in a based and redpilled Islamic society for this infidelity.

Bad Romanian deadlifts then