Goal Body Thread

Post your goal body

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I would rape that bitch.

I would have sex with that bitch but only if she consented to it

Shame about the small ass though


based respectposter

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I would not have sex with this bitch at all.

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Skinny, tall, defined with a cute tummy.

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im too busy shredding gnar to get with this bitch

your goal body should be different from your ideal body, no way you can afford as much blow and clen as prime keira was on

I would shit my pants and watch the look of disgust spread across the face of this bitch

keira's not a bitch. she's flawless

keira isn't a druggie

Found the black guy in the thread

But I'm white Euro.

Wanna see my tummy?

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In what way is this body ideal? She has the posture of a curly fry.
I'm drunk btw, ideal body is angry-drunk Dionysus


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I wanna kiss her tummy

she's a qt stick with a flat tummy. #goals

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Something like this

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>shitskin middle east bf

She looks like an inshape hot lauren southern

I want to cum cum on her tum tum

So...a nonhot version of her?
Like one for cucks and homos/lezbos?

Stop posting this woman. You're embarrassing yourself.

But she's my avatar.

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I honestly want to be hugenormous.

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Praise the sun

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0% bodyfat.

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anyone have the shopped version where her happy trail is visible?

yes, whip out that gut

She's getting close to camwhoredom

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kys fucking loser

That's my current, short-term goal. Legs and core are already there, chest isn't far behind. Just got to work on these stupid noodle arms. Pic related is approximately my next goal.

I have never been more confused and aroused simultaneously.

Upload failed I guess?

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Gib superman body pls

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Why can't genderqueers be badass like this and not giant activist killjoy scolds


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this is only cool in a photo. super cringe in real life. dude is swole tho.

of course you would have to rape her to sleep with her, ugly fat retard.

based as fuck

lmao pussies

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>current year
>not being rapepilled

I've litterally turned down hotter.

Congrats would you like an award? How about an ebic upboat for your superiority? Bite a 9mm faggot.

cringe fatty chaser detected




i dont get his physique. he looks big but he has no definition in his abs, despite being pretty lean

Based non-degenerate

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it's the dbol and costume he's wearing.
for some reason they gave him a bunch of wierd scars.
Probably the old hollywood "black guys can't be attractive else they moisten the panties of good clean white women" stuff.


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disgusting hips

don't @ me

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I dunno why you would. She's hot


Not gonna make it

Lauren southern is like a 7. She's pretty but nothing crazy

what's wrong with alice glass

bunch of degenerates who disregard the beauty of the greco-roman ideals

kill yourself my man

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What the fuck am I looking at.

>the virgin chad
>The Chad Virgin

Obviously, you're looking at a fag

Kowalski, analysis

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It was part of his character, when he was in the military he’d give himself a scar for every person he killed, or so the exposition told. Some stupid edgelord shit, but he was only in the story to give Black Nigga something to do anyway.

you are not gonna make it

this desu

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I need moar, for inspirational purposes.

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I wanaa fuckit

I wonder why niggers didn't chimp out on that tard.
"Why didn't WaKANGZda help black people around the world!?". That's literally saying that all black people are the same.

Alice Glass doesn't give a fuck about you, just post a glutes pic.

What do you guys think its her TDEE? How many cals to keep that body

k i l l y o u r s e l f m y m a n

whats your problem low iq? go back to r*ddit

Probs like 1800cals plus cardio and some light calisthenics. She's slim, but not super toned, so I doubt she does any really serious exercise.

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Oh that's what it was. Thanks, it was on the tip of my tongue.


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She's just an avatar.

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How do I into this mode

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lmfao cuck