I don't want to eat more than 20-30g of fat per day but it's in everything. I just bought myself some shit sandwich and boom 18g of fat more. it doesn't help that I like chocolate that also has a lot of fat in it
How to avoid fat?
thanks for calling me based bro. you are based too
make your own sandwich and skip the mayo and cheese
why skip fat, are you trying to grow tiddies ?
Why would you want to eat so little fat? You didn't actually believe ((them)) when they told you you should stop eating a natural diet and switch to a diet based on heavily refined man made plants instead, did you?
because I want to lose fat
>are you trying to grow tiddies
how cutting on fat will cause my titties to grow?
Fat (especially saturated) is needed to produce testosterone. 20-30g is dangerously low.
Thats exactly what ((they)) want to happen. People should stop being so masculine. It's 2019, start embracing a more gentile lifestyle, user.