How to avoid fat?

I don't want to eat more than 20-30g of fat per day but it's in everything. I just bought myself some shit sandwich and boom 18g of fat more. it doesn't help that I like chocolate that also has a lot of fat in it

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thanks for calling me based bro. you are based too

make your own sandwich and skip the mayo and cheese

why skip fat, are you trying to grow tiddies ?

Why would you want to eat so little fat? You didn't actually believe ((them)) when they told you you should stop eating a natural diet and switch to a diet based on heavily refined man made plants instead, did you?

because I want to lose fat
>are you trying to grow tiddies
how cutting on fat will cause my titties to grow?

Fat (especially saturated) is needed to produce testosterone. 20-30g is dangerously low.


Thats exactly what ((they)) want to happen. People should stop being so masculine. It's 2019, start embracing a more gentile lifestyle, user.

ok then. how much fat should I eat and how to I lose it from my body at the same time?

Is this some kind of Jow Forums meme? Fat won't make you fat, retard


Body fat has absolutely nothing to do with your weight and how much fat you have lmfao u in the 1970s or something?

The amount of fat that your body decides to burn or store is not directly depend on the amount of fat you eat. Thats not how it works. Storing or burning fat is a hormonally driven process, and if anything, dietary carbs trigger the hormones that makes you want to store fat and stop burning them significantly more than fat does (which is why low carb high fat diets are so popular). There is no such thing as an amount of fat that you need to eat. But you really need to get over the idea that eating fat is what makes you fat.

so I need to avoid carbs then. are they needed for something or I can try to reduce them to some ridiculously low levels?

Added fat and other unnecessary fat is present in virtually all processed foods so you can't really rely on them. Instead you can focus on simpler and non-processed foods, some of which you will have to cook yourself.

To lose fat you need to enter a calorie deficit

Fat is not needed to produce testosterone. Also, the body can synthesize saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids as needed (hence why only polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered essential)

>dietary carbs trigger the hormones that makes you want to store fat
Fat storage is a result of fat consumption in combination with calorie excess. Insulin has nothing to do with it, at all.

Body fat is composed of dietary fat.

You dont "need" to avoid carbs. What you really need to do is eat less calories then your body burns. And if you really want to speed things up, then eating a low carb diet would probably be slightly faster yes, because then you aren't just targeting the calories in calories out factor, but you are also targeting the insulin (hormonal) factor a bit harder.

And no, your body literally doesn't need carbs. They are a non essential nutrient. You can literally eat 0 of them if you want. Although that is highly impractical because that would mean that you can not eat any fruits or vegetables.

If you wanna go low carb, i'd recommend to just eliminate as many grains (bread, pasta, rice, corn, etc) and potatoes from your diet, and just keep eating plenty of vegetables and some fruits. But low carb really isnt "needed". Its just a bit more effective.

>Fat is not needed to produce testosterone
What are you talking about. Test is made our of cholesterol, and cholesterol is made out of fat (its technically still a fat actually), so how is fat not needed to make test? Care to explain your statement?
>Fat storage is a result of fat consumption in combination with calorie excess. Insulin has nothing to do with it, at all.
Are you even serious? Insulin literally is a hormone that puts our body in a state where it wants to store fat and prevent it from being burned. There are countless of studies where people who eat a caloric deficit get injected with insulin and then start storing fat.

No offence, but do you have any clue what you are talking about?

I have another question then. I am borderline underweight and somehow I started developing a double chin. because my BMI is so low it probably means that my diet isn't that high in calories or I am just genetically predisposed to storing fat on my face. is it worth it for me to even bother or should I just live with it?

To be honest i think that might be a case of you having a recessed chin. Look into mewing.

There is also some vague evidence that double chins are caused by too much insulin. Our modern lifestyles seem to kinda mess up where our fat is stored. It likes to place it in our bellies, chins and around our organs. If that were true (which seems kinda likely imo), then doing stuff like eating low carb and fasting would theoretically probably be the best way to counter it. Also, please dont listen to anything this guy says. He really doesnt know what hes talking about. Fat is most definitely need to produce testosterone and insulin has A LOT to do with fat storage/burning. That isn't even an argument. Even the pro vegan anti fat people atleast admit that insulin is a factor. There is piles of evidence for it.

>To be honest i think that might be a case of you having a recessed chin. Look into mewing.
Jow Forums, the board where you think you come to make a better version of yourself, but the longer you visit, the more you start to become aware of all your flaws and the more you start to dislike yourself

Keep coming here OP, and in a few months you'll worry about clavicle width and biceps insertion point.

>To be honest i think that might be a case of you having a recessed chin.
my chin is slightly recessed but from what I see mewing is just proper tongue posture which I always did. My parents have much bigger double chins so I'm pretty sure it's genetic but I can try to reduce it by avoiding insulin. Is avoiding carbs enough or I should do anytthing else?

>Test is made our of cholesterol, and cholesterol is made out of fat
The body can and does synthesize cholesterol and fat as needed. Therefore
1. Low-fat diets do not cause low testosterone
2. People who lose weight liberate tremendous amounts of fatty acids into their blood stream, so the physiological effect is nearly identical to eating a full day's worth of fat.
Supraphysiological exogenous injections of insulin have nothing to do with what I said.

1. Insulin is not needed for fat to enter fat cells for storage, nor for glucose to enter cells.
2. Fat gain is the result of long-term calorie excess, although every fatty meal is transiently stored as body fat - even in a calorie deficit, and even without insulin.
3. Fat loss is the result of calorie deficit - as is known.

>9 posters
>23 replies
It looks like it was a shill thread from the start.

Noone really knows what is enough. But general low carb diets dont seem to be enough for most people to significantly change how their fat is distributed. Some people swear that more extreme methods such as prolonged fasting or even dry fasting are very effective against targeting stubborn/badly placed fat, but that still is anecdotal, there is no long term evidence yet. But in my (semi professional) opinion (im a nutrition student), it does make a lot of theoretical sense. Fasting is indeed by far the most effective way to lower insulin and there is also some mechanical explanations of how our body would probably prefer to burn fat in a fasted state that it would otherwise not burn as easily.

richard pls go

>people can't have back-and-forths
god what a fucking dumpass

Be careful, you don't want to end up with rabbit starvation.

>such as prolonged fasting
but isn't fasting really bad for you overally? like destroying muscles and fucking up your metabolism?

You can go low fat or low carb and lose weight

If you go low on both you'll lose even more weight but you'll be sick as a dog and weak as a kitten

If you eat too much fat and carbs at the same time you'll get fat as shit. You'll be super fucking anabolic but you'll get fat preferentialy.

That's all there is too it.

Oh and if you eat healthy natural forms of both of the above you'll be healtheir then someone who relies on processed forms of carbs and fats.
Like cornsugars and vegetable oils.

Look, metabolism is a very individual thing
Some of the fattest people you see on my600lb life have an abyssmally low BMR, and some people have BMR at 3500kcal a day

Everyone responds differently to different macronutrient plans, fat doesnt have to be the enemy and neither do carbs.

The only way to figure out what will work for you and your genetics and your body is to try the repspective diets for 4-6 weeks at a time and consult with a physician on what has changed

If you see fatloss on a low fat diet, good continue doing that, if low carb does the trick then go for it.

Don’t believe what people on here preach about that losing weight is a be all end all situation and ONLY keto works or whatnot.

The most important thing is daily exercise 45min-1,5hrs and cutting out processed shit.
Fill up on leafy green and legumes, get plenty of protein and figure the rest out as you go along.

cut the carbs and eat your fat, it's good for you

Actually, no. I would not recommend to just randomly start fasting without reading a lot into it. But.. In theory, fasting raises muscle sparing hormones (like HGH), so fasting actually destroys less muscle than regular weightloss methods do. Also, there are a few studies that compare metabolic adaptation of fasting to regular weightloss methods and they all show that fasting causes LESS metabolic adaptation.

Try to think of it like this. Back in nature, If we migrated to a new area, where there was slightly less food, our body had to adapt to this new standard by lowering its metabolism or possibly even getting rid of some excess muscle mass. Our body would regocnize this "new standard" by the fact that we would still continuesly eat food (this happens hormonally), but the food just was less. Fasting on the other hand is a state of absolutely no food at all, which our body recognizes as a temporary period (i.e. we didn't catch a deer for 2 days), and so it goes into this mode where it tries to spare all muscle and keep its energy/metabolism high.

I have to go make dinnernow, my gf is starting to grow restless, sorry i cant answer any more question OP. GL with your journey.

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>Look, metabolism is a very individual thing
but it's not. Nature did not craft every single human body individually.
>The most important thing is daily exercise 45min-1,5hrs and cutting out processed shit.
Exercise has 10% impact on weight loss. Diet has over 80% impact.
>Fill up on leafy green and legumes
why exactly? enjoy organ failure and inflammation
>get plenty of protein
you need 40-65g of protein per day, more than that is just damage to your body and everyone around you (farting and shitting all day)

Humans are part of nature and laws of nature apply to us too.

You avoid fat by cooking your own food. 20-30g is not a lot of and you'll have to be very restrictive in your eating with that low amount of fat.

Last year when i cut i was on 45-50g of fat, 200g carbs and 190g protein, it was a bit of hassle avoiding the fat because its in everything and you need it for cooking etc and so on but just cook your own food, if the food is dry and hard to eat then add veggies. That is really all there is to it.

Fuck all this low fat low carb thing, its not really helpful

wait a second. how do bodybuilders manage to go as far as 8% body fat while they eat crapload of stuff and if according to exercise has only 10% impact?

Wow. Almost everything you said is wrong.

because is the same guy that claimed insulin has nothing to do with fat storage, despite it literally being one of the main hormones in our body that drives that process. Just ignore him

>you need 40-65g of protein per day, more than that is just damage to your body and everyone around you (farting and shitting all day)
Jesus m8, there are literally scientific papers that show that people eating 100 or even 150g + of protein a day while losing weight maintain significantly more muscle mass. Please stop saying all this nonsense. People like OP might actually read it and believe it.

This guy is the most wrong guy ever. Please everyone ignore these posts.

Do you have autism? I have no idea who or what you are talking about

cutting fat does not equate to losing body fat

fat is actually exceptionally important when cutting because it makes you feel full and helps you stay within your caloric plan for that day

Fuck off autist. All we need is protein and sugar

I have no idea what im talking about because i say insulin plays an important role in the process of storing fat...? ok....

>Jesus m8
Im not religious but I hope Jesus helps you

>there are literally scientific papers that show that people eating 100 or even 150g + of protein a day while losing weight maintain significantly more muscle mass
Keep drinking white powder and farting all day. You are probably phoneposting from the toilet right now

Essential fats exist, essential carbs dont. Now please go, silly vegan

Just to tack on a more practical bit to that. If you are getting into fasting, not even like prolonged per say but 24hr-48he fasts, you definitely don't want to jump in the deep end because it's likely you are at least a little metabolically fucked up.

I'd start with just skipping breakfast (have a coffee black if you usually have one anyway) and eating lunch. Once you get used to doing that for days in a row and it no longer makes you feel tired then skip lunch too. If you can get used to just one meal a day then you are pretty much golden and more lengthy fasts would be an option you could consider.

Someone lives rent free inside your head. Or you are reading imaginary texts. That cannot be healthy, maybe schizophrenia or something?

You don't belong here. So many things have no fat but I'm sure you wouldn't know that since you eat exclusively at fast food places. Try a salad

Fat has the lowest satiation out of the macronutrients. Saturated fat has the lowest satiation out of all fats.
Unfortunately you don't understand basic physiology. Fat is always partially stored after a meal, just like glucose is always partially stored after a meal. Meals typically contain many more calories than what a body can use in the time it takes to digest. That's why animals have the capacity to store excess energy. Insulin is not needed store glucose or fat. The primary purpose of insulin is to inhibit glucose release from the liver, everything else is secondary and effectively optional.
>insulin plays an important role in the process of storing fat.
It doesn't. What do you think happens when people consume excess calories in a low-insulin context? They become fat, what else could possible happen? Fat cannot accumulate in the blood forever, you would die if it did, not can it exit the body through other means once it has entered the blood. It has to go somewhere, it's not magic.
Essential saturated and monounsaturated fats do not exist either. So are you saying humans should be eating only essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fats? Sounds pretty fucking stupid to me. Have you ever sustained a head injury?
>If you eat too much fat and carbs at the same time you'll get fat as shit
Too many calories of anything leads to fat gain. Whether that is fat or carbohydrates is entirely irrelevant.

>Fat has the lowest satiation out of the macronutrients
