The Impossible Burger has more estrogen per patty than estrogen supplements for post-menopausal women

The Impossible Burger has more estrogen per patty than estrogen supplements for post-menopausal women

Attached: impossible-burger.jpg (1200x976, 406K)

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no shit it’s made of concentrated onions
tons of foods have worthless onions protein in them now it’s cheaper than actual good protein

onions? does onions get changed to onion or sth like this?

Why doesn’t my stomach acid just destroy estrogen :(

>still believing the phytoestrogen meme

nice post bud

But those supplements are a meme. There's no evidence that dietary soi consumption results in hormonal changes (excluding that one case study of that guy who drank like 3 gallons of soimilk a day)

oh i see

Only women have the relevant receptors, beer its hops has enough to stop hot flashes

S 0 Y industry paid the mods to create this wordfiter.

Dan Duchaine wrote about what it was going to do to the men in america back when the S 0 Y industry finally convinced the administration at the time to push that product into everything in the 70's. How it was going to feminize men and make them weak.

Now we have the entire damned country and multiple generations of women being convinced that breast feeding is bad and wrong and to use onions and sugar based formulas and to wear testicle burning diapers and to circumcise their boys and not have natural birth because it's super duper painful.


This onions shit

but Hitler encouraged the Wehrmacht and Hitler Youth to eat s o y beans because they were high in protein.

Is onions protein that mediocre compared to, say, whey?

Hitler was also a vegetarian due to being basically proto-PETA and the NSDAP being the true predecessor of the environmentalist green parties.

Maybe eating more meat would have given him the the aggressiveness to actually win that war instead of pussyfooting about doing what needs to be done the entire time. But I don't know. I don't want to criticize a great man that can't defend himself now.

I mean, I'm not that invested in the Hitler part, I was just reading a book and found it interesting that he supplied the armies with s o y beans as a protein supplement.

More curious was I about:
onions protein powder vs whey

>No """evidence""" from studies that were paid for by the sounds industry
>But every weenie boy you see loves soi products

Must just be a coincidence

I'm not gonna blame a man in 40's for not knowing the long-term effect of soiy.

So you believe the evidence that tells you how much soi is in those products, the evidence that tells you soi is a phytoestrogen, and the evidence that tells you what estrogen does in the body.

But you don't believe the studies that tells you that dietary consumption of phytoestrogens doesn't convert into estrogen in the body?

>dictator aiming to make masses more controllable
Gee I wonder why would it be.

Don’t forget how they put fluoride in our water which is a know estrogen receptor enhancer and testosterone suppressant

this, simply.

No one is trying to say it converts to estrogen in the body in the first place. It attaches to estrogen receptors. Clever misdirect though, do you also work for the s o y industry?

That's a different conspiracy though. They put fluoride in the water to protect the aluminum and nuclear industries from lawsuits for polluting the environment with fluoride - an extremely toxic and dangerous pollutant.

All that shit about test suppression, a) they didn't know that at the time, all they knew was that it was turbo bad for you, and b) they didn't give a fuck, what they wanted was to have nuclear fuel without getting sued for trillions.

Hitler literally took over all of Europe and brought back Germany from the worst economic collapse the worlds ever seen.

Yeah I’m positive because you eat meat you’d be able to beat every country in a war against your country the size of Montana

Have any evidence to back that up buddy?

Don’t be a water shill. Fluoride is known to be shit for you in many facets it’s most known is testosterone suppression and since were talking about estrogen in fast food it’s a logical to include other estrogen increasers


bro desu onions

I've heard taking both is recommended. Test with one, the other, then both, and see how you feel

They probably did not know about its other harmfull effects at the time. If they knew about phytoestrogens they probably would stop recommending it.

The filter for S 0 Y should be fucking removed, from this board at the very least. We're trying to have an discussion you retarded mods.

tbf when we started using it we went a bit overboard

Hey also gave them Meth

Meth overpowered the S o y

Nigga we can't even say Onions anymore?

Damn apparently this shit tastes better than the meat whopper might give it a try

onions wasn't GMO back then. Organic onions is one of the healthiest foods so (((they))) modified it to absorb toxins. Just imagine how hot western roasties could be and how many more twinks we'd have in a few generations of high onions consumption

Hitler wasn't a vegetarian although he went through different diets due his stomach problems.

He literally was a vegetarian

>Speaking this definitively on a subject that is still undetermined.

You're the retard here

He's misrepresenting the studies. Pretty much all of them show lower levels of testosterone - the authors just conclude that the effects are insignificant at the dosage levels.

In 10 years time people will wonder why test levels have dropped off a cliff and then we'll realise that it's the food


Did you actually read the studies? They do show lower test levels. If you agree that the guy who had too much soi affected his test levels - how can you not agree smaller doses have a smaller effect?

>trusting what Wikipedia has to say about Hitler

Attached: 1556737180851.jpg (700x557, 41K)

They already have. Low test and low sperm quality compared to 50 years ago.

Holy shit, a lot of (((people))) in this thread completely lying about phytoestrogens

Sounds like something a onions boy would say

so how do I get this shit out of my water?

Filtered rainwater collection in limestone cisterns. I've lived for the past 5 years just off that.