Rate my routine


Flat/Incline Bench
DB/BB Rows
Goblet Squats
EZ-bar curls

Seated OHP
Weighted Pullups
Lateral Raises
EZ-bar Curls

Kinda limited in the exercises I can do since I train in my basement and the ceiling is low and also don't have a squat rack.

Attached: 54c7e38d063d0ed6ff6ba388e3d05ea4.jpg (700x700, 88K)

It's shit. Get a gym membership and do a real routine.

post body and routine.

There's a 100% chance I out lift you in every lift,srs.

this is what your arms will look like

Attached: 509.jpg (1900x1439, 208K)

>implying it's not one of the most aesthetic creatures you have ever seen

Why don't you post body first nigger?

Weak ass shit

because you tried to flex on me first you mongoloid

better than nothing

Wchu mean "real routine"? It's essentially an alternating full body 3-4/week. If he could swap out goblet squats for actual squats he'd be g2g imo

Is there something I should add or throw out?

I can't really get a squat rack in my basement like I said