you're not about to go skip your workout to go drink right Jow Forums?
You're not about to go skip your workout to go drink right Jow Forums?
no but i am gonna drink after my workout and watch anime and play vidya while enjoying a hearty meal
With a car you can go anywhere you want
What is the most sleazecore exercise that you can do?
Damn man, that's what my plans are for tonight too. Party on user.
E85 costs more to make, producing more CO2 in its refinement process and increases food costs. That's what is wrong with the picture. Its a big ol' commie government scam.
And no I am not gunna skip my workout to drink, but I am gunna stop by HyVee to get my mother-in-law 5 boxes of Lucky Charms for $5.
>with a car you can go anywhere you want
>tfw did both heavy bench and OHP today
>another hour of accessories, mainly abs and arms
>took a 1.5 hour nap
>waiting till later and gonna get pizza and vodka while watching a movie
Only 21 so I'm sure it'll catch up to me one day
Riding one of these in a studio apartment while on speed
I live in a ghetto shithole and I was already out last night. Fuck off
bicep curls while smoking a cigarette
drinking is absolutely degenerate, every person i know who drinks regularly is an absolute loser dyel.
counting myself.
I'm a loser dyel and I never drink, so should I start drinking?
literally anything in my home "gym"
no you should start lifting and training your body, the reason people who drink have horrible bodies is because alcohol inhibits the bodies ability to process nutrients from food. All you will do is risk getting an addiction to a substance that will potential ruin your already shitty life when you should be on the path of gradual self improvement.
Jesus fuck
sleazed and paisanopilled
>local man dies in homemade guillotine suicide
t. autist who has actual zero friends besides the gym
>tfw will never be this sleazecore
>tfw will never be a early 90's sleazecore wall street fortune100 super PAC douchebag that walks around his office with his shirt unbuttoned and a cig in his mouth talking to his bitch wife while winking at Pam (the new secretary who sucks you off every morning)
>Leave work at like 11 in the fucking morning with your other CEO douchebags and head to the cafe' by the strip club where you start your daydrinking + cocaine bender that lasts for the next 4 days
life is suffering
I don't even drink anymore for this reason
Lat pulldowns
>ywn achieve sleazecore
whats up bro i live here too but leaving soon
*underhand lat pulldowns
is he wearing a suit with really short sleeves? are the sleeves rolled up under the shirt cuffs?
Bent over dumbbell rows
I'm retarded. Could someone explain this joke to me?
It just sounds funny
I would like to, but is it fucking worth it? In those few hours, kinda. I could get out maybe 6hours having "fun." 20% extra fun. 20% extra relaxed. BUT, it feels like my 2hour workout on friday will have been for nothing, me eating alot of protein will have been for nothing, my shaking my shakes will have been for nothing.
Maybe I will go and buy a pair of shoes instead, that I can use for spring and summer. Have a bit of coffee, have my shakes, have my meals, and continue looking good.
The gentleman may drive wherever he pleases, due to his possesion of a motor vehicle.
why not just build a shitty roof on the top if it to keep your stuff from getting wet?
This always fucking gets me
best image
Here's a secret. That's still happening in a lot of companies.
yes. He is fucking killing it too.
This is how I want to look in 10 years time.
thats pretty cool user but what the fuck
This image legitimately motivates me to finally get my drivers license and buy a car.
I'm going to workout AND drink. Karaoke night babyyy
Kek'd but
>let's him get into any casino in Vegas
You only really need a shirt, shoes, and some kind of pants/shorts, casinos arent really picky like that