NoFap_Porn Ultimate Benefits thread

Hey Guys! I would like to start a thread where as many people as possible write the benefits they experienced with NoFap.

I'm only at the beginning of my journey but I want to know what you experienced :-).

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It increases free testosterone which helps with gains and it teaches you self control
Obviously if you dont fap for a while and then fap it feels great which is a bonus

The soÿboy ir cuck fetishism memes are real what the shit
Until you cum and feel like shit

fap to regular porn (no bbc cuck tranny porn for you) and dont do it every day

this whole no fap shit is stupid

I dont understand the people who go to those conventions as fans. You would think that the reason they get obsessed with porn and cam girls is because they lack social skills and dont go out side but here they are, shamelessly standing outside a blacked porn booth at an adult entertainment convention.

Why is it stupid?

>do nofap for 18 days
>only change i notice is that i want porn a little less
>don't even get a nocturnal emission
i've had a few other streaks that lasted a little shorter than that, and the result has been the same. i do find it's been useful for keeping me from being a total slut though, so i still do some few day long streaks every now and then.

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>expecting a +10 year addiction to be cured in less than 20 days

it takes at least 1 month per every year of addiction

Day 32 here.
Also week 5 of lifting at 30.

Shit is magical at this point. I got a new professional job. My wife can't keep her hands off me. Last night my wife insta'd us hot tubbing and a friend she hadn't talked to in years messaged to tell her how hot I was. Yesterday I randomly ripped out of my shirt at work. Today some Croatian slut was throwing herself at me at work. And, some random dude complimented me on my car.

This all happened within 32 days. I even inspired my wife's girl-friend to start working out. My wife has also started lifting, she's on week 4.

Never give up. Things are going to skyrocket for you.

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wtf is this

So you ripped your shirt because you're getting bigger. How is this related to nofap?

Shes perfect

This succubus looks like an actual demon, like she literally sucks the life force out of you when you jack off to her

The kikes aren’t even hiding it anymore
If only the synagogue shooters targeted porn studios instead

Nice larping faggot

>implying i'm trying to break an addiction
>implying i started fapping as early as you did
i was just curious what benefits i would get from it.

The same reason your posting about NoFap on Jow Forums you geed

if you arent addicted to porn or masturbation then you wont see any benefits in doing so. basically you are normal.

people who dont fap dont get \superpowers/, they just get to live a normal life, work, socializa, have sex. to us those are super powers.

Good vibes, brother. But seriously I used to fap at like 2 AM and miss out on sleep. This prevented me from waking up early. Now I'm asleep by 11:30 and up for the gym at 6 AM.

I also take cold showers - no fap helps my motherfucking electricity bill. And, I'm getting to work consistently on time. I used to be late busting a nut at 8:30 after my girl went to work.

Degeneracy has a cost.

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>anime bag
>rat cuck shirt

Marks every single check mark for maximum cringe. How fucking embarrassing lmfao.

you forgot about his facial hair and skin

lol white? hahah

That's clearly a spic m8

Hispanic is not a race, retard.

Sauce on girl pls

What could possibly be in the loot bags? I just can't imagine being able to use anything from a porn convention outside of the convention or in public.

I went ironically cause my friend was a promoter there and asked me to accompany her. All the actresses would grab my shoulders and compliment me.

One actress there was actually a waitress at my favorite restaurant too so that was kinda awkward.

Anyone who shows up for events like this need to be gassed. What the fuck how disgusting can you be.

He is at least part Indio, look at his eyes
Those arent European eyes at all

nofap is a meme

What was in the loot bags? Was there lip balm?

I started no fap a year ago because I thought that masterbating was the reason i wasn't getting laid. I used to jerk off to porn a few times a day, each session lasting an hour or so. After I quit, I actually ended up getting a girlfriend. I lost my virginity to her and was a little underwhelmed with sex. I dumped her and found another girl, still practicing no fap. She was a total freak in bed, but I constantly found myself closing my eyes and imagining myself jerking off to porn while fucking her. I'd make her ride me while I sat in my computer chair and would click on my mouse with my eyes closed while she tried to get me off. Eventually I realized that No Orgasm was the true red pill. I've been No Orgasm for a few weeks now. Men hold doors for me a lot more now, and dont look at me in the eyes anymore. I've also noticed that birds stop singing when I'm nearby. I think I'm radiating so much test that the animal world just picks up on it. My night time vision has gone up by about 40% as well.

Anyone got more pics? Couldn't Google it.

See I do all that already but im just constantly pulling on my weiner too, does this just mean high test?

Youve got good sized arms, but you ripped your shirt because it doesnt fit and your arms are long. I do this in the arm pits and elbow all the time with my 16 in arms...

Lmao he is a spic and after that he looks more asian

I'm just trying to break my porn addiction, I've always used porn to fap. On day 40 just starting to get some urges.

who's the semen demon?

I knew this was the reason - the sleeves were too short - I just exploited it.

looks like katrina jade

Most animals where ejaculation frequency was tested there was a inverse correlation between ejaculation and lifespan. In some even in mass.

In some studies the inverse is true but its usually because the ones who are sexually active are more dominant and have better genes not because they ejaculate more.

Bbc porn is alright though

Jow Forums how has nofap impacted your lifts?
>tfw no fap
>squat day
>going for 4pl8 pr
>belt check, sabaton check, chalk check, cardio bunny check
>cardio bunny?
>long auburn hair, tight waist and a ass that would give Bill Clinton a heart attack
>her ass gives me a chubby
>question whether to continue with the lift or not
>take a quick glance
>qt3.14 still meerin
>hasn’t noticed that I noticed her
>unrack weight
>feels like the weight of the world is in my shoulders
>core engaged, will fortified, cock diamonds
>cock diamonds?
>due to all the blood pressure what was previously a chub has now evolved to become fully erect
>begin decent
>ass so low Im sure Satan got a wif of my b-hole
>all those oinons, all that ginger, all that peper for absorbtion fuse together
>exert enough power to fuel 10,000 rascal scooters
>gym bro cheering me on, qt wet at the sight
>full extension
>the dam walls give way
>blood, sweat, and cum run down my leg
>SS not even once.

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>be me
>work from home as web dev
>have 3 monitors
>1 monitor is purely dedicated to THICC BRAPPERS on MFC

I just need the test boost throughout the day. I rarely fap to them and I've never given money

How do I summon succubus?

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>blacked takes ideas for scenes if you email them

Might as well let me direct it

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Day 8 here. Was reading outside today. Felt the sun on my face. Reading is becoming easier again. Was more alert to the world.

What kind of sad human being attends a fucking porn convention? What's even the point?
Also no fap is a meme

Wave 200 dollars at a hot broke mexican woman.

>The no succubus to take my virginity
I'm never going to make it

>mexican woman
breh, you can get a 8+/10 mexican escort for $100 lol

I've got an idea for a made up story. Its gas chambers with wooden doors and rollercoasters into ovens. I know it's so crazy nobody will believe it, but jews are good at making people believe fake shit



I'm in the midwest and a latina that looks almost identical to angie varona goes for $100 - $150 for an hour. I suppose if you live in a major city (miami being one), they're entitled as fuck and charge way more.

Thank u

I went to one in LA once with this sloot I was seeing at the time. We saw a billboard advertising it and decided to go for the memes. Was actually interesting seeing whores you whack it too face to face.

Lol he fixed the >arburn hair
The absolute madness of this incel

Also showing up kinda drunk makes it a lot gunner.

>posts on an protein synthesis board hours on end
>so lonley only memories he has are random green texts
>lol incel
the absolute state of (you)

-10/10 b8

>better posture
>better walk movements
>better hability to speak
>better hability to write
>better at playing guitar
>more muscle
>more energy
>more discipline
>more willpower
>more mires from girls
>more respect from mens
>increased confidence
>better eye contact
>getting leaner every day
>increased strenght
>increased resistance
>increased explosivity
>increased imagination
>hability to focus increased like 400%
>better social skils
>increased moral values
>disgust from music I used to listen
>increased luck
>looking better
>jaw more pronunced
>eyes are bright like never before
>all seems like being high 24/7
>new ideas and realizations

You are delusional. You don't get nega-Disney princess powers and stop birds from singing because you don't touch yourself. In 3 months you'll be claiming x-ray vision.

You failed to mention the Assassin’s Creed symbol tattooed on his forearm

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Day 24 here.
No improvement
Lift slowly decreasing (i’m on a cut)
Lost only 2 pounds in 4 weeks on a 500 cal deficit
Sleep only 2-3 hours a day and then crawl in my bed eaten alive by my anxiety for 5-6 hours
My dick gets hard 1 time a week
Can’t find confidence or self esteems just because i’m not touching my pee pee.
I don’t know, maybe i just have to wait longer for the benefits but reading what other people have experienced on nofap just bring me to the ground and makes me think what’s wrong with me

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> Patterned dress shirt

I jerk off a lot, at least daily, quite often more - but only to pictures/videos I took or pictures/videos I am in.
Is that still porn?

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jessica rabbit tattoo on right arm lol what a worthless piece of trash lol

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That girl is cute and pretty af.
Just needs more tattoos though, and some weight loss. And piercings.

Just felt less awkward in day to day life

The benefits are unreal. I went 90 days and but I relapsed and ejaculated when I started talking to this girl on tender. She is really hot and I started edging looking at her pics. Was a relapse and I felt awful for a few days. Like Sampson losing his hair and strength. But I'm back to day 5 and starting to feel benefits again. I'm went on first date with that girl and it feels better. It's a lot of up's and downs. I was super fucking edgy 90 days hard mode. Had cycles of absolute beast mode and cycles of lows. It's the only way to live.

Tbh its better then the dudes cringy assassins creed tattoo

Still think it's bunk, but if it leads to less fucking interracial fetishists then it's bunk I fully support.

Yes! Reading!!
OP its about 60 days in when you just feel motivated all the time. If you arent working youre either lifting reading or sleeping, always striving to improve

25, male. I haven't masturbated since last summer. I get wet dreams though ofc. I'm at a point where I get a chubby every time I interact with a female. It happens when they look me in the eyes and smile. Everytime. Jeans are a life saver.

Lol, i jerk off once a day minimum. Still wake up with raging boners, still get random boners when interacting with hot females and still get random boners when thinking about sex even when in public.

Look like people who would watch that weird stuff.

good for you

This picture hurts my soul

no fap has nothing to do with your ability to get a boner unless you have porn induced erectile dysfunction. It's about sperm retention and what that does for your body and hormones. Basically your sperm is filled with nutrients. That transmutes into your blood giving you benefits. When you jerk off every day you are robbing yourself of nutrients, dopamine, testosterone/androgen receptors from sperm cells ect...

So I'm reaching almost 400 days, I stopped cold turkey around March 2018 and haven't relapsed since. I quit because I was terrified of ever experiencing PIED. Did the whole cold shower, meditation, proper sleep hygiene thing.

Biggest benefit for me though is the reduction in brain fog, I honestly felt like I was on autopilot for so many years. I now feel far more anxious than I ever have and I wonder if fapping would ease that, but I think the anxiety comes from feeling actual emotion.


Less tired. Less bitchy. Wake up with boundless energy. Can't fuck more than five minutes. Cum is as thick as custard and volume is more than tripled.

Nofap is meme, but a good one.

I'm at 10 days, i sleep less well since anxiety is to the roof but sadness is gone and focus is x10 better.

This is me right now. Up at 4 because I had an erection and I needed to jack it. Why the cold showers though?

Have some willpower, disgusting.

Boredom + nothing to look forward to this weekend fucked me. I can stay on the wagon easily if I know I have something to do on the weekend with my friends, but no plans this weekend so I had to look at porn, wasn't even horny.

This shit is a fucking struggle man.

You gotta get some hobbies man, start playing music or drawing or building things with your hands or whatever else. Find something that inspires you better than tugging on your dick, and once you've created something you will feel proud and it's a virtuous circle from there

Visit /x

I've a load of vids I've taken of myself with women and yeah it's still porn unfortunately and I love jerking to it.

Just had 2 wet dreams in the same fucking night. Had one, changed underwear, then had a 2nd wet dream. I feel so fucking lethargic today. I was on a 7 day streak as welll.. does this ruin my streak?

Told my wife briefly about the NoFap last night. She said, "where do you even manage to jerk off, the car?" I brished it away saying that it doesn't matter anymore.

>Never successfully jerked off in the car but I've definitely nutted in public washrooms. Can definitely understand these maniacs getting caught in cars and getting on a list for life. Glad it won't be me.

I'm at Day 27 of no fap. I edged really bad a few days ago but have been clean since then. Nearly busted a nut everywhere and felt like a raving lunatic.

Ever since I stopped looking though I've been much calmer. Now my main goal is just to stop touching my dick, period, which is easier said than done.

Benefits I've noticed mostly related to my wife:

>Less creepy, intrusive thoughts about other girls
>Less thoughts of infidelity
>Starting to see/appreciate my wife's beauty over other girls and to prefer it even
>Want to invest more of my time/energy into my wife now that I'm not wasting it on porn
>There hasn't been a single fight between her and I since I started no fap
>Not really tempted to engage if I notice another girl miring me, it's very easy to just ignore her and think of the consequences if I were to talk to her
>The sex with my wife is out of this world amazing. Before no fap my wife would want it more than me and often be the one to initiate, but now I'm the one asking for it more and she loves it

Just four days away from beating my old record back in 2016, which was around the time I met my wife in the first place. Magical things seem to happen when I'm no fap/no porn. The hard part is waiting out the urges, but every time you do so, you get stronger.

All of these men are right wing. I guarantee it.

I just feel better about myself in general, more driven, less depressed, and if there is a cute grill I will shamelessly flirt. Will still do the same even if she isn't cute.


>Hit a 26 day streak in March.
I was feeling GREAT and getting so much female attention. But I had a wet dream that broke it and then my mojo was ruined. relapsed for a few days then started again

>17 days now
not feeling many benefits.... it was finals week during, so a big ball of stress that might've ruined my energy. Anyone have experience with this? how do I break the flatline, and is it stress induced?

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no way man. You keep it at, don't let me down. Those things are difficult to be rid of, so just ween yourself away gently from as much sexual content as you can.

Day 290 here. Hang in there.

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