Is a 3 hour walk too long?

Is a 3 hour walk too long?

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If you're under the age of 65 there's absolutely no reason you should be walking instead of running

No, you should be caring about distance first hand, not time

Where are kino places to walk?

Along the embankment

Time doesn't matter, distance does. Actually longer time is a waste because most calorie counters for walking give you a gross estimate which includes calories burned just living plus the activity. Quicker you do an activity, the more calories you're burning per hour.

Walking is not about buring calories. It's for movement in all planes. It's good for mobility

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Walking should not be measured in distance traveled or calories burned, but in novel thoughts created

Wear sunscreen

Shut the absolute fuck up

Damn it's pretty much spot on, was the virgin a non virgin all along?

If it becomes unenjoyable or is conducted in unstimulating surroundings, yes.


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Living in NYC i walk 5 miles daily.

*5-12 miles*

I maintain a huge factory and do about 12,000 steps on a shift. Feels good. Still have to go to gym.

Or you want to get somewhere and not reek like a fucking imbecilic piece of shit.

No you should be caring about your pace not your distance

or too heavy, think about it

Walk is ok but you must go at least 5mph. In Japan walk is ever day

lowiq thoughtless monkeycuck littlesensitive stupidbitch

>If you're under the age of 65 there's absolutely no reason you should be walking instead of running
or have asthma thanks to forced childhood Jew vaccinations

>Is a 3 hour walk too long?
How much miles in 3h ?

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It takes me 16 minutes to run the mile. I never could even when I was like 13. Fucking childhood vaccinations fucked up my lungs. Fucking Jews I hate them.

What's a good pace?

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For 10km? 6 min/km is ok

Seem that normies pace is 4-5km per hour so you're in the norm

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Holy fuck, I gotta shave 4 minutes per km off. That sounds like a jog

Well I was talking about jogging, who tracks their walks?

Lol apparently I do. Baby steps

It's in my opinion hormonally retarded
Your test will drop drastically, and you will probably start having diarrhea
But, for weight loss? Fantastic, but be prepared to become a skelly

Walking is literally one of the best ways to exercise if you have the time. Low impact, sustained cardio is great for you.

Fucking retarded

Hunter gatherers used to walk 15 to 20 km a day at least, often over difficult terrain. If you find that distance to be a challenge, you are definitely soi-tier

Any pace that lets you maintain a good posture and decent gait
Long distance injury is a literal pain in the ass

it depends where are you going...

you filthy dumb cunt


Damn, this is profound. Have you been reading Marcus Aurelius?

Stand upright. Chest forward, shoulders back. walk with purpose.

Do this and your life will improve.

Thanks friend. The first step is often the hardest

I take 8 hour walks just for fun

Jogging is still better at a manageable pace if you know how to

>childhood vaccinations fucked up my lungs
what did you get/ why do you blame vaccinations?

High IQ post. Are you me but from a parallel universe?

I work in construction and once did 30k steps in 8 hours
lets say less than half of that was with 20kg on my shoulder
so 20k steps walking and 10k weighted walking

how tf do i bulk

Dude you're part of the 5%

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Fucking based, also you can do the same on the fucking toilets!

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Kys you pseudo intellect faggot trying to sound deep on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

americans don't walk because apparently their cities are too big

No it’s that our courntry was being developed around the same time as cars were invented so while Europe is built with walking distance in mind America is built with roads in mind

And also the fact that American is something like 90% rural and only 10% city

I've started hiking recently and have been out 5 times in the past week. I'm 230lbs so my calves get a great workout and I can already feel my cardio improving (I also play recreational football and do some rowing machine).
Great way to spend a day, being alone in the middle of nowhere halfway up a barren hill.

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maybe you should kill yourself, same thing might have happened if not for the vaccinations you got as a kid.

Elementary school, in a trench coat