He doesn't eat daves killer bread

>He doesn't eat daves killer bread

Attached: Powerseed-white.jpg (797x1500, 237K)

I don't if it's anything but the 7 grain kind.

good one

>consuming any wheat product

I was just like you until I stopped being retarded

That bread is grain, not wheat.

>Eating wheat every no and again is bad and will give me insecurities for my body dis-morphia

>sweetened bread
the absolute state of amerilards

formerly powersuck

Based Powerseed. Has the best nutrient profile of any of the varieties in terms of the most fiber & protein for the least sugar & salt. I toast it and top with fried eggs, sardines, or natty peanut butter.

Contains sugar; I shall stick with holy Ezekiel bread

Literally looked like a guy I know named Dave.

1g of sugar per slice. It had might as well be zero. And it’s sugar, not even HFCS. Also no soi unlike most store breads.

I'm a permabulk bag of shit but sweetened breaf just doesn't taste right man

>he eats bread
What a faggot. Rice, beans, and oats are based carbs.

Based and redpilled

Rice has little to no nutritional value I don’t get why people recommend it so much. It’s just filler.

shit's too expensive

Sourdough masterrace checking in

Attached: 4L_IVoY0e9e.png (800x600, 15K)

Total horseshit nutrition facts. Tastes like cake compared to bread with 4x the sugar.

Based sourbro

rye or die

7 dollars for a loaf of bread? No thanks, I'll get my fiber someplace else.

for me, it's naan or nothing


Looks exactly like my dad, named Dave, but he doesn't have hair

Are you fucking retarded?

>buying bread let alone sliced bread

>Ezekiel bread
Literally the curse bread of besieged poorfags. Why has no one read that story