Well fuck i got fit-ish and got asked on a date for the firs time in my life and she wants to hang out at her place...

well fuck i got fit-ish and got asked on a date for the firs time in my life and she wants to hang out at her place which means sex i assume. now what the fuck am i supposed to do? the nausea days out is way worse than any DOMs.

sexual health question so it is relevant

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You can say "no" politely you know?

shes not ugly im just not sure what to do

Its on you buddy, fuck her, leave her, dont do shit, kill her, ghost her, whatever as long as you good with your decision and happy about it, why our opinion matters to you? Its your life chico.

what kind of question is that? do you want your dick wet or not? it's not rocket science

HOW DO YOU DO IT? cant just say ride me can you?

Yeah you can actually. But don’t say that shit until she’s already got a hand/mouth on your dick and let her make that move, but you can initiate the kissing if you’re comfy if not don’t. For the love of god just sit close to her though. Don’t park yourself across the room. IMO this is the best way to tell if

>she wants to fuck

Good luck my virgin friend. Don’t get a rape beef.

She asked out you which means she probably sees more cocks than hot meals but go have fun

thanks man
any kissing tips?

For a lot of people just losing their virginity is a self esteem thing, even if its to a slut.

Follow what she does. Mimick her technique, they will always like it.

See it an one time experience. She might not like the sex but at least you're not a virgin anymore. You'll learn fast and if you're good she might want more.

Don’t shove your face into hers. A little tongue goes a long way. Take little breaks, kiss her cheek/neck/ear (gently). Make sure your breath is good, don’t be eating any dairy or protein shakes or onions within an hour or so before. And I like to grab by the back of the neck but again gently and don’t pull hard or pinch her earlobe with a free hand Idk why but they seem to enjoy the ear pull bit. Don’t be too shy but don’t be a loud cunt either. If you got to know her somewhat well before you should be alright. If it’s pretty much a cold date that’s more of a challenge to get things rolling. Sounds like a dirty bitch or a saint to bring you to her place right away desu. Figure out which quick.

This is good too and might be better advice if you’re not experienced at all tbphwyf.

Tip: just relax for a bit at here place, without making any effort to make it sexual yet, talk for a while. Then suggest to watch a movie and while watching ask her to come closer and wrap an arm around her. From there start touching her gently and nicely. Then initiate the kiss and proceed in more sexual stuff. This routine has worked for me 99/100 times and is the 101 method for a situation like yours

Keep remembering one word, ACTION. You will always be nervous awkward and unsure the first time but that only matters if you allow it to freeze you into a polite harmless emptiness. Just remember you want to fuck her, she wants to be fucked so keep taking steps towards it.

>touch her back
>sit next to her
>kiss her etc

After you kiss it's easy because the ice is broken. The more quiet and still you are the more ice you make.

>eating onions
>getting sex
Pick one

Also this is very good advice.

This is basically trying to say don't let the nerves freeze you, accept them and power through by taking the steps.

If you in doubt, write the steps on the palm of you hand. Like:
1.talk to her 2. Touch knee 3.touch boobies 4. Toungue in ass 5.condom

>tongues the ass
>uses a condom

In for a penny in for a pound desu

just relax you fiucking loser. but go ahead and tell us later how you fucked it up in your next thread

thanks any suggestions for positions

I have faith op, but maybe some don’ts just in case. Don’t reveal your power level or sperg out. Don’t talk about the gym incessantly. This is yours to lose. But if you do fuck it up be sure to let us know, maybe use a Jordan Peterson 400x400.gif so we know it’s you.

just tell her your a virgin shes going to know anyway

You’ll be lucky if you make it through 2. Keep it simple, doggy, missionary and let her ride it (could be bad news if she’s a mega slut) don’t get carried away.i think you got plenty of good shit it’s all up to you to bring it home bitch. Also prob use a condom my man it’ll still be good for you.

Keep it simple, probably start with face to face, her lying back on the sofa you on your knees on the ground. This is a natural progression from where you will be fingering/licking her. Switch to doggy after a while once she's hot. Then back. Maybe she'll ride you idk. Don't bother with anything outside of those three unless she initiates it.

While you're still clothed and chatting just keep thinking of how you want to do pic related to her and your instincts will take over.

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Go full nelson on her.

any oral tips?

this is actually good advice. never thought I'd find that in this thread

Anything but this.

Saint? For fucking a fitizen

>user, whats that on your hand?

Enjoy it. Woman's yin is physically fulfilled by man's yang desire expanding into her. The more you enjoy it the more she will enjoy it. Treat it like a delicacy, tell her how much you like it. Hold her down a bit and go mmmmmm.

Don't lose your head and go motorboating like a maniac though. Keep cool.

The real question is do you fap first so you last longer or don’t Fap to reduce the risk of anxiety Ed

>do I drain my masculine energy and sex drive before going to see a girl?

Now you're asking the real questions.

If he doesn’t he’ll come in 5 pumps

make sure your hygiene is on point.

don't use too much tongue, too much split. i pretty much kiss like I'm sucking the bottom/top lip.

hes implying he wants to fuck her but doesnt know how to escalate the situation while hes at her place

Then he can fuck her again. Also, not necessarily. Nerves + condom are obstacles enough.

Hygiene? ShAve?

kek, this would be exactly me haha

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>now what the fuck am i supposed to do

stick with the pointy end

weed is an aphrodisiac if you are comfortable with her, and will make you fuck like a king. No premature ejaculation, barely no refractory period

Going down on women is gay

Why the fuck would anyone go to a party to sit in a corner and "mind their own business"? Stay at fucking home!

>he has no inner voice
>he cannot just stare into the void, deep in thought
>he needs other people to constantly validate him

What if it is their home?

the best thing you can fucking do is just tell her straight up "listen i really like you but I've never done this before (or say in a while if you want to lie about it). kinda nervous, you know?"

then watch her fucking guide you. its magic.

Go down on her right away. And make her cum with your mouth

Disregard females and pursue God

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this, good lord so many women are weird about kissing
>wow youre a good kisser
bitch I just do what you do, with your goofy tongue flying all over the place ass


How to change sexual positions and how often? Should I set a timer on my phone?

You know how you can tell an intelligent person? If the can delay instant gratification. Do you like this broad? If so, hang out, act normal, watch a movie, let her pick it, Goof off and let her see your quirky side (this doesn't mean autistic side, which sounds like you might have some), self deprication goes a long way. Don't focus on sexual stuff or being to cool. If she thinks that's all you want, you done. If a kiss is possible when you say buy, do it, but keep it brief. Next time you come back she'll want more and you'll feel more relaxed and confident bc you got a second date. If things happen it won't be as awkward bc of this. If you don't get a second date after being yourself you saved wasting your virginity on someone who doesn't mesh with you. Knowing you don't have to fuck the first date takes pressure off to do the above without spilling spaghetti.

So, are you one of those retarded kids that eats the cup cake as soon as the adult leaves the room or can you delay and get two?

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>user finally gets laid
>starts in on missionary
>suddenly phone goes off
>"w...we need to switch positions now"
>this continues 3 or 4 more times

Yeah definitely do that. Make sure and report back how it went

some legit advice in this thread. will re-read when my diets over and I actually can be bothered to// have the energy to fuck again. Whats the best way to get good and natural at it after a very long period of celebasy? My plan is to not be picky and get with random sloots for confidence and practice

What do you mean what are you supposed yo do? Go to her place with condoms on you and fuck her. Good luck bro

A1 advice, I believe in you user.
Put the idea that your /ALPHACHAD/ into your head and that she want's you for you. Don't try to act like someone else, be be best version of yourself.That way, even if you do something weird or awkward, it's still you, and that's what she desires. so basically you can't fail :)
>just don't go full retard

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maybe around a day in advance but if you need to last longer during the act theres a trick you can do where you glance at something in the room (without staring around for too long like an autist obviously) and try to recite the name of that thing backwards in your head. ex: theres curtains behind girl, spell "S N I A T R U C" in your head, it uses up your focus for a bit and distracts you from cumming, so you buy a bit more time, just dont focus too hard too long or you might lose some hardness. works for me at least

I said to my ex our first time "you wanna try riding me?" She said okay and started biting me. I was like wut. She thought I said biting. We laughed so much about it after. Good memories.

I miss you Femke, please come back.

I'd say when you get close to nutting, slow down and change potions in order to last longer.
>Should I set a timer on my phone?
Plz for the love of god don't do that

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Based and patrician-pilled

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solid advice for kissing? a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one

are you asking for advice or are you giving advice?

OP, just bring some alcohol with you. If you're a sperg like me you'll need something to break the ice. If you're going straight to her place, she might already have a few drinks in her before you arrive. You just bust out the bottles and start have a few drinks together. She will be more fun to fuck, and you will be less likely to overthink it.

good post

>Idk why but they seem to enjoy the ear pull bit.
Try nibbling on their earlobe some time.

Use your fingers. Pay attention to her reactions. Don't waste time on bs like the alphabet. Find the clit. Big bonus if you can find her g-spot.

You can do that at home. What's the point of going to a party and not socializing?

I laughed at this. I feel bad for laughing at. But I'm still laughing as I type.

Looking forward to OP's update.

Don't do this.

Lick her out a bit but the main course is going to town on her clit with your tounge while you finger her. One finger at first and then work a second one in. Curl your finger(s) upwards (towards her clit, so you're palm up) so you're pressing towards her clit from inside.


The trick to not cumming is stroke length and depth. If you're popping your helmet in and out of her vaginal opening you're going to blow. If you stay on the other side of it and grind down on her clit with your pubic bone you should have some staying power. If you can manage ten minutes the first time she'll 100% have you back. Also, wear a condom. You'll last so much longer.

Ignore this.

Why are you lying about being a virgin on an oriental shitposting forum?

It's a game, actually, and a fun one. I'd suggest that you start with wine, to loosen up. Do not think too much about it, seriously. I know it's a cliché, but let it flow.
Enjoy, user.

The girl I'm seeing now sucks me off and swallows every time we hang out. Is this normal? I've never had a girl swallow and I'm 28. It's addicting

She's gobbling your gains.

This, tbqh. Girls will know even if you lie especially if she a thot