What are you having for breakfast on this lovely Saturday morning 4channel?
Me, 7 grain rice, avocado and scrambled egg
What are you having for breakfast on this lovely Saturday morning 4channel?
Me, 7 grain rice, avocado and scrambled egg
Cheese, onion, and chive omelette with beans and a smoothie
Meatballs with cheese. You're already eating eggs why do you need homocados?
3 eggs
Wholegrain toast with honey
Orange juice
water and coffee because i'm not a fucking boomer
>because i'm not a fucking boomer
Yes, you are a fucking child
actually, i'm more like the young hunter of the village, while you're the old and fat and bald boomer faggot sitting in his hut eating the berries he collected the night before
You're still inferior to this Eurochad right here:
Whey powder and coffee. Might put it in the coffee.
Shake consisting of:
Egg whites
Peanut butter