Reminder that Zyzz smashed slootz and still fapped, nofappers btfo
Reminder that Zyzz smashed slootz and still fapped, nofappers btfo
>what some druggie steroid user who died at 22 did
opinion discarded
I find it hard to believe people actually do nofap.
Why in the fuck? Do they actually believe it'll give them superpowers?
Holy fuck people are gullible
If you can't control your desires you're a subhuman slave
times change. anyone who's used Jow Forums from that time has since become racist
I find it hard to believe you can do no reading into a subject at all and just say nah bollocks to that based on literally hearsay.
No difference between discarding nofap out of hand and fat/skinnyfat normies who discard healthy lifestyles out of hand as 'extreme' or 'what's the point'.
nah we're not all underage poltards
i knew i should have inb4'd this.
if you've been on Jow Forums since the times of zyzz there's an extremely high likelihood that you've absorbed all of the main Jow Forums memes.
you are not Jow Forums
Its literally proven that not cumming is correlated with higher risk of prostate cancer. Youre supposed to cum atleast 21 times a month
oy gevalt!
>still quoting the same old 1980s study of 31 chinks
>it's literally proven
Friendly reminder that this only applied to the 50+ group, and the exact opposite was true for the younger group.
If you had a wife or husband would you not fuck then at least once a day?
having sex with someone you love is totally different from fucking your hand
I don't think leftists want to start playing the IQ game, lol.
He left more of an impact on the world and the internet than your basement dwelling jelly ass ever will
Ffs, Why did they remove his FB page, I remember scrolling through it few times from beginning to end. Feelsbadman
in thqt your hand loves you back?
it doesn't give you superpowers in a literal sense, sweetie.
it won't turn you into Spiderman or some other Staaaaah Waaaaaahs character.
Not if you're doing it just for the health aspect. If you spend 95 minutes looking for the perfect porn, then there is an issue. Taking 2 minutes to blast one off in the shower is nothing but good for you.
Listen to this fucking tool
>2 minutes
It feels like work. Take the time to wnjoy the fap at least. Dim the lights, put on some tunes, get the big screen ready, take ya time. I’ve been spending at least 15minutes per fap session, once a week
No fap did the opposite. When I stopped fapping I got less horny in general and stopped being interested in smashing my girlfriend. Got back into porn now I'm horny as F again and back to smashing.
If you have ED from it then ya know, fair enough, but it's a fucking meme.
ooh npc mad
That’s probably because we don’t have to do any mental gymnastics to justify why we hate black people where as commies have to be Olympic level athletes to justify why we shouldn’t genocide all non white + yellow people
>being on Jow Forums for a long time somehow makes you racist.
What did he mean by this?
He meant he's an 'old fag' (since 2016, the year this shitt website got infested).
t. seething NPC lmao
controlling =/ supressing you moron.
>be told on Jow Forums to do nofap for test gains
>be told to do noporn cuz it messes with the brain
>be so fucking horny when fucking that i cant keep it together and nut after 5 strokes
I know faggot, that's why you should ejaculate in your gf and not your hand to some anal gaping
Why not sticking it in again?
I'm on 500mg of testosterone a week, will nofap benefit me?
His test was so elevated from the gear he already had the benefits of nofap you mong
Enjoy? I don't even feel it anymore. I just do it to get rid of dead sperm.
Full on nofap is retarded, but limiting yourself to once a week or so is great. Your dick will look fuller and feel smoother, your orgasms will feel better and last longer and your loads will be larger. You will have more confidence and be stronger mentally and physically. Jacking off all the time will fuck you up just like getting drunk or high all the time. You need to self moderate.
Not true. I only ever hear about him from NPC shills on here. Literally nowhere else.
If you're trying to quit porn, yes. But even if you're not hooked on it you could get some good benefits like more focus, better memory,and a SHITLOAD of ENERGY.At least it's what i have experienced and it's really good, also you feel very 'clean minded' for not looking at porn.
..and now he's dead. Some legacy.
Almost every dude I know around my age who works out was inspired by Zyzz
>if you're underage then there's an extreme likely hood of you absorbing Jow Forums memes because you're an underage and gullible retard
it's not possible to be a slave to your desires because you're the one producing them
LEL the irony
You know what your fap study is based on? its not much better you fucking retard
>fucking your hand
Raping my cock
It's no superpower, just taking all that energy you waste on self-abuse and doing something productive with it.
>found the jew
>90% of strong white men are going to be right wing to some degree.
Ironically, in dying and becoming a meme he may have had more impact than he would have had if he was still alive. He really did leave humanity behind.
never forget the gains that they have taken from you.
Pic is too sad for mr
>not interested in fucking girlfriend unless watching porn
Maybe you should replace her with an attractive girlfriend.
Uncomfortable truths set deep roots in you when you're exposed to them.
it's ok dude, u don't have to validate yourself to us here..ok...ur a weak pussy and u can't go longer than a week without masturbating like a baby wahhh baby want to feel good gooo goo gaa..its ok dude just be yourself and do what you feel is best
I suspect low IQ immigrants flooding the country and voting Democrat are confounding the data, to be fair.
thanks shekelbergmannstein