>constraction worker >has never been at a gym >has never seen a dumbell >just works all day and gets paid >most extreme fitness exercise he has ever done is push ups (and MAYBE pull ups) >you hit the gym daily but he could literally break your arm with gripping it
Say goodbye to your back, knees, shoulders and hello to carpal tunnel
Carson Mitchell
>constraction Manual labor destroys your body and is not good training. You're just wrong.
Elijah Edwards
>Not wearing gloves Dumbass
Jayden Carter
Most construction workers are DYEL and extremely unhealthy
Jacob Jackson
Most are also criminals, drug addicts and high on speed
Jordan Peterson
Most often they are fat too.
Jaxson Reed
Bet you wear gloves to the gym too
Jordan Price
True, but the strongest people at my gym are construction workers too.
Ethan Mitchell
Those are the old guys. The belly bloat is from alcohol
Easton Rivera
Brick layers are the meanest, most miserable pieces of shit I've ever worked for. FUCK THEM
Brayden Torres
>Not doing both manual labour and gymmaxxing Git gud
Thomas Watson
Based. The office basedboys are just jelly of our paid workout.
Connor Thomas
>y-yeah I'm tough! l-look at my muscles! >working with your hands for living is dangerous! lmao @ all the PUSSIES in this thread that's nu-Jow Forums for you go drink your protein shake now princess
Logan Cruz
no they're not. I've worked tons of manual labor jobs including a bit of construction and all but a few of them were weaker than me in every way shape and form.
Angel Young
you never worked in physical labor if you unironically believe this
Jose Morgan
They must be salty about their craft becoming obsolete.
Connor Myers
In my humble opinion, painters are.
Adam Gomez
>what's your excuse
I make his yearly salary in one month
Brandon Gonzalez
Brandon Robinson
I worked as a framer for a few years. Tough work. Respect for those guys
Eli Stewart
Best outcome is SOME time spent doing a hard af job like roofing, framing, demolition to build your pain tolerance, grip strength, and proprioception, then finding a less physically taxing career (where you're still active) and going hard at the gym.
Walla, you now have the much coveted "dad strength", AND you're juicy.
Samuel Wood
>throws brick at your head
Jaxson Diaz
>roofer here
Can confirm. Sometimes we pull the safety on our guns back and fire nails across the yard at ground guys for a laugh. Only from a safe distance tho, and only when they're being lazy or dense.
Sometimes we nail each other's pouches to the peak of the roof, or precision flick tar into each other's nail pouches, or slap some molten hot ice shield onto the back of a person's hairy calf.
It's all jokes desu .
Mason King
I haven’t met a single blue collar worker that wasn’t a fat fuck >t. Plumber