How do I avoid this happening to me?

How do I avoid this happening to me?

Attached: 1552339701795.png (387x767, 646K)

Be less gay

Attached: 1556957853220.jpg (768x1024, 142K)

Get a shitty diet and dont exercise

Don't be 5'3

That's a wide thumb

Are you a Manlet?

If yes, sorry, probably kys.

If no, then it will never happen to you, congrats.


Don't lift weights.

dont be a manlet
take off glasses
get a haircut

Stay away from roids. Makes you look like a subhuman clown.

Don't work out.

Haircuts are important as fuck, the days I get it cut before class I get twice the mires

>move out to big city for college
>now have to travel 100 miles to see my barber

Does the concept of the butterface exist for guys or can no body save an ugly guy?

Don't neglect neck gains

his thumb is a weird texture

F ;_;7

That sucks man, isn't there any good barbers where you live?

The big problem is really just the gay front ponytail thing and the bugman facial hair style. Just don't do that

this guy is like 5'11 or close to 6', I've seen other pictures

>what did you say about my nintendo switch, faggot?

Loose the beard and glasses, get a better haircut, there, I made you 50% better in the face already

audibly kek'd

>not having a simple enough haircut that any barber can cut it
never gonna make it.

Take better pictures

Attached: 1555862955722.jpg (3840x2160, 2.21M)

holy shit

Augment the structure of reality so as to make time linear so you may go back in time to the earliest possible point that allows you to augment the future just enough to not erase yourself while giving you also enough genetic potential to not be 5'3.

If you mean short size, ugly face and disgusting hair all over, then the answer is GENETICS

How can your shorts be gentic? Some people just like wearing them tight, you homophobe.

What if your mom has good genetics but your dad’s aren’t up to par? Would it be inbreeding to back and time and fuck your mom before she gave birth to you?

>>if has babyface:
>relatively full but tapered beard to accentuate the chin
>get contacts
>learn to scowl or at least have a resting face that's more serious than OP's pic
You could accomplish all of these in literally a single month and it would raise you by at least a point if you look like the fag in OP's