Who on Jow Forums knows how to increase voice gains? Currently I sound like a mix between michael cera and 1000 screaming banshees
Squeaky beaky voice
Demi Lovato looks like THAT?!
Better breath support
Better Cardio
You can't really make your voice deeper, so don't worry about that.
My fucking dick
Breathing exercises. Speak from your chest, not your throat. Mind your posture too. Stand up straight, chest forward, shoulders back.
Speak slowly and clearly. Insecure people talk fast because they fear being interrupted. Like malnourished kids wolf food down, afraid it gets taken away.
speaking from your stomach is the proper term, not chest
Just fake it, seriously you will get used to it after a while
Unironicaly practice singing everyday
Unironically breathe through your balls and speak through your stomach. Imagine your voice is coming from your gut and your head is just there to aim the sound. The point is to get breath support in your diaphragm to help resonate the sound better in your body which creates a sturdier sound with clarity without throwing out a lot of volume. It will also help to have proper posture as the airway and diaphragm musculature can become compromised with an unaligned spine. Look into something called Alexander Technique
>t. stage actor with quite a bit of voice training
Don't do these. Without coaching and specific practice you can create/support bad habits that can damage your voice at worst and waste your time at best
Manly voice gets the girls desu if you sound like a dude with confidence you'll nab the birds
Your pic is better
>tfw no german trad thot gf
Take test
Put some metal on in your car and shout along with it. It will tear up your throat but you will become stronger.
take the pinkpill
GD what is the jail sentence if you're caught after sharking a woman?
"Don't objectify my body, pigs. Incels."
Take singing lessons.
Virtually anyone can learn how to sing. If you don't speak strictly in a monotone, then you already have the necessary prerequisite (ability to project voice at varying frequencies). You just need to learn how to control it.
Once you have vocal control, you can consciously choose to speak in a lower tone. I wouldn't do it dramatically lower, as this would be uncomfortable, unhealthy, and weird to all of your friends and family, but you can make slight, gradual adjustments. With dedication and mindfulness (much like forcibly correcting your posture) you can lower your speaking voice.
Just be black
Project your voice from your diaphragm. Imagine it coming from your stomach. Then imagine it coming from your throat and you'll feel and hear the difference. Also learn to breath properly with the stomach expanding as you inhale and contracting as you exhale.
I'm going to get shit on for saying this, but unironically just be confident bro. It won't change your voice but it will make it bolder and more masculine as you confidently project it
i prefer small chest but i want to fuck a girl with big tits at least once