1 month on Tren
God I love steroids
Should have used caber or prami, you got gyno from the prolactin
>telling a woman she has gyno
the fuck is wrong with your nipples
>roiding for this
many whys
How are the clit gains?
My pp is confused desu
>Roiding to become an ugly beta-male
kys faggot
baby why would you post your naked body to all these disgusting pig men?
these pigs see you as an object
these vile filthy pigs only see your nipples and then they touch themselves until they cum
why would you degrade yourself to their level
scum of the earth pigs are now rubbing their filthy pig dicks to your breasts
Ya'll niggas like nipple piercings? I fucked a couple girls that had them. They thought they were so cool but it didin't seem very special.
Fucked a pierced vagine too once that was cooler I guess
sweet tiny tits, i would lick them
post feet
>Me thinking of u hurting
what the fuck are those mutilated nipples
Why do you have a bikini tan user
wow I'd like to do a movie like intense kissing from the breastes and make my way through the abs and down to the pussy.
No, piercings are a dumb 90s trend that are up there with tribal tats and slogan tees. The ones in the OP are straight comical.
Half the chicks I know only bother keeping their earholes open for events and don't even bother with studs anymore. It's going the way of the dodo, just expect magnetic earrings to become the norm and for noone to bother.
White knighting for a male with gyno
Well they let a crypto-incel like you fuck them, obviously they must be off in more ways than just piercing of the nipples and vagina.
I'm confused, is this reportable or not?
Post face
That's the point dumb ass
How fucking dare you he is a male
This is actually a girl, 10/10 post OP.
I want to give those tits a tasteful, dignified funeral.
Incels actually think this is OP
Timestamp or gtfo
and then one day, for no reason...people voted hitler into power
>Well they let a crypto-incel like you fuck them
You do know what the word 'celibate' means, right?
it's enraging that FtMs can get all the steroids they want legally, while beta males have to cope
Are those titts or man chest? I'm serious I can't tell.
No tits but look at the stomach and body shape. 100% it's a bird alright or some twink born with those genetics
it's a girl, those nipples are absolutely female. i have legitimate gynecomastia and my nipples aren't as large as those.
that's a furry tummy
That's a woman. Why else would she have that tan line?
>no muscle
We warned you. 'Oh we just want acceptance!' 'Oh we just want to love who we love and be ourselves!'. 'Look, we just want the same rights as everyone!'. 'Actually now we want to get married.' Ok now you're gonna bake the cake'. 'And now if you don't use my preferred pronouns we'll get you thrown in jail lol'.
We told you, but you just called us crazy fundies. We told you that embracing sexual depravity would be our downfall. Now madness like this, which only 10 years ago would have been considered complete fantasy, is now the norm. They say 'God bless America', but why on earth would He do that!?
Que puto asco, por dios.
You mean I masturbated for nothing?
Fucking women, I swear.
Where do you guys get these bait pictures?
Why does he have tanlines?
Can I suck?
>roiding to cover cope
Not the way to do it ?
This image is from many small titties threads on /s/. It's a girl.
Would love to bang some no-breasted skinny bitch like my slut ex gf. Instead my wife and all gf's since have had DDs.
female breasts are not sfw. report that shit.
fuck off faggot
what is /s/ precious?
People talking about the nipples , but no one mentioned the fucked up belly button (s?)
Words don't need meanings anymore.
Looks normal, just has the piercing hole around.
Which shouldn't be surprising with the nips.
god I love when blondes have that light peach fuzz all over
those nip piercings are just magnets, not piercings. you can see the other magnets attached to eachother on the right on the floor.
Mirin that image bro.
The sex is ambiguous, plausibly could be male on a board where guys regularly use drugs that might cause that
this a tranny?
Pls give me more or give me sauce