Reminder that 'NoFap' is a stupid bullshit meme that is actually bad for your health
>"beneficial for one’s physical, emotional, and relational health."
>"masturbation now is regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable, and safe."
>"the medical community considers masturbation to be a natural and harmless expression of sexuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout a person's lifetime as a part of normal sexual behaviour."
>"Masturbating is totally healthy, and totally normal. There are tons of myths out there meant to scare you into thinking masturbation is wrong or bad. But the truth is masturbation is perfectly safe. Masturbating won't make you blind, crazy, or stupid. It won’t damage your genitals, cause pimples, or stunt your growth. It doesn’t use up all your orgasms or ruin other kinds of sex."
>"Masturbating frequently could significantly reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer.
>"What qualifies as frequently? According to recent research from Harvard University, men who have 21 or more orgasms per month could cut their odds by 33%."

You're just plain fucking stupid if you fall for the nofap meme, it's a joke

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off, kike.

>A list of Jewish sources written by Jews
>(((Psychology Today)))
>(((Planned Parenthood)))
Nice try Schlomo but you're not going to make me sedated and weak this time

Fuck off retard.

>Jewish conspiracy meme
Outed yourself as a fool and you know it

Nofap is good if you want to fire bigger loads.

>seething cope
You're fucking done

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>tfw don't care to try nofap but also don't have the energy to fap 21 times a month
there's something wrong with me

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Tell me, when has society ever had such a large amount of mentally ill fools as it has now? When has society also had the most mass marketed sex? Really makes u thonk

Fellas I like the idea of fapping but I don't yet have the willpower to stop fully.

I have managed to go from once every day to once every three or four days, however. But only because I started doing BJJ 5x a week and going to gym 4x a week makes my shoulders and elbows hate me on top of the abuse I inflict on myself through masturbation makes me have to stop rolling the last half or so of BJJ because my arm is in so much pain between my shoulder and elbow :(

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I like the idea of *not* fapping

>What? Harvard?
>*starts sweating*
>*hasn't masturbated in 2 weeks*
>uhh muh jews!!
>(hehehe that'll show em)

I don’t have anything against jacking it, but since I’m a porn addict, I can’t do it without porn. Maybe if my mind gets right, but not now

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anyone who has done nofap for more than a week can tell you it makes a huge difference in energy. it's not normal to get a huge chemical cocktail of dopamine every night before you go to sleep, intended to bond you to a female, but instead caused by manual stimulation, and especially not to hypersexualized porn images,

How hard do you fap that it injures and works your shoulder and elbow? Are you speedfapping? Trying to break the speed of sound with your hand?

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Repeat after me goys :

Masturbation doesn't cause any harm, either physically or mentally, even if you do it often.

Masturbation doesn't cause any harm, either physically or mentally, even if you do it often.

Masturbation doesn't cause any harm, either physically or mentally, even if you do it often.

Masturbation doesn't cause any harm, either physically or mentally, even if you do it often.

For me personally im more tired and bummed a few days after busting and more energetic and happy if i havent busted in a week or so

The person that wrote that article is animal that is full with lust. You guys wanna change the truth so you can felt better for yourself , say it alright and you did nothing wrong. But deep down yourself you known that fapping affect your mind and body. You tend to masturbate at home , to release your stress in unhealthy way , while other people tend to use that time to improve theirself.

It is not that ejaculating cures prostate cancer but rather a reflection that men of this age who still have the libido to ejaculate 21 times a month objectively have better sexual fortitude/health than those who fap less. From experience, reducing fapping frequency for a while can help you get a better libido again.

The study didn't lie, it's the people who "translate" it to the plebs that are intentionally deceitful.

t. someone who doesn't know how science works and why blind studies are a thing.
>deep down you know
And that's when you sounded like a retarded alternative medicine freak. Which nofap is, apparently because there's no actual scientific energy that it helps.

Pretty fast at the end

Maybe if I use hip thrusts into my hand and make it an make it a overall more difficult experience I can save my arm joints

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>a thing

Nice try OP. Everyone knows that all published research that I disagree with is just bullshit made up by the jews to convince people that my views are wrong.

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I was about to give some advice but then I realized I'd be giving JOI to some man over the internet.

Buy lube and an onahole, user. Save your joints. As laughable as it is to say you have an actual justifiable reason to own one.

High estrogen makes bones fragile. This would be cured by nofap alone as every ejaculation upregulates Estrogen Receptors and downregulates Androgen Receptors for several days. Its crazy that you think this pain is normal at your age, just from basic function not even actual hard work. And you want to get into fighting hahahaha.

Fapping is a sin. Lust is a deadly sin. If a person cant control his own will , his is weaker than a child that are starving to death.

I think masturbation can be healthy but porn is absolutely degenerate and does fuck you up mentally and physically. When you watch women being used and get pleasure from it, of course you are going to look at them differently. It makes sense logically. [spoiler] I think vidya can fuck up people too

No amount of pro masturbation shilling can now make me believe in fapping is okay.

I say it from experience,
I feel manly when I don't fap.
I hit PRs when I don't fap.
I have emotions in control when I don't fap.
Kike shills don't want you to do this.
Try no fap for 15days, if you don't see a difference, Go back to fapping on cuck porn everyday.

here's a question. When I go a couple weeks nofap my dick feels painful when I finish pissing, like near the base inside.

That's right you fucking porn addicts, the only ejaculating you should be doing is inside a Tan 10 with a 10, like me.

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This isn’t about physical health. Resisting urges of the flesh builds mental resilience and allows one to focus their time on productive works.

Why do you care so much about what others chose to do with their lives you actual loser? Like what a weird fucking thread to make, of all things. Dumbass.

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t. mindgeek

Intense Exercises With Weight

Porn often shows women in power and that isn't any healthier for your mind. Creates a mindset of being dominated yourself. All the cuck porn, all the porn that promotes cheating where the woman "wins" by having a cucked husband.

Heres my experience. When I fap to petite, very feminine and young (18+) women where I feel in power, the next day I wake up to almost no negative hormonal repercussions or sometimes even feeling manlier.

When I fap to women that look in some ways "strong" or dominant (this applies to busty, big asses, tall women, even petite milfs because theres a psychological aspect of motherly domination), the next day I look slightly more like a soiboi. The less frequently I fap to these women or scenarios, the more I look and act manly. The time I woke up looking the most LOW TEST was when I made the mistake of fapping to a tranny hentai.

You are the sum of your habits.

Aside from the explanations coming from absolute retards who put on their jewish conspiracy goggles, what those studies fail to acknowledge is addiction and/or turning it into something other than an "expression of sexuality/sexual desire". Self-satisfying every libido itch through masturbation has its own psychological repercussions that erode your sexual health, while using masturbation as a coping mechanism without even realising it fuck you up even worse. That being said, nothing wrong with having a normal relationship with masturbation. It's just that very few do in an era of fast Internet porn, instant gratification and poor communication/pair bonding skills.

But yes, if you abstain for long periods of time you should be doing kegels so your muscles don't atrophy.

Not to mention the fact that pornography has the power to shape aesthetic preferences and preferred social dynamics around sex. So both masturbation and porn can deteriorate your sexual health, but once you've healed, probably best to reintroduce masturbation without porn for a while.

Any behavior that is rewarded enforces that behavior.

Looking at porn rewarded by pleasure


But the pleasure diminishes in relation to exposure

Solution: more porn

The body becomes dull to stimulus.

Solution: more and more porn to stimulate and more masterbation to reward.

Alternate solution:

Break the behavior-reward cycle, or reduce the behavior.

Fapping won't harm you but too much is not physically or mentally healthy

Unironically based

Oy vey, I should let me wife's boyfriend know this!

NoFap might be a meme, but NoPorn isn't.

excellent bait thread goddamn

Jow Forums still argues whether or not NoFap is bullshit meanwhile user hits 60 days normal mode

Yes become a slave to your desires and corrupt your mind it's whats cool!

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Fapping is fine. Pornography is not. It will rot your brain especially if you aren't also having real sex. If you need to masturbate use your imagination.

I'm not gonna pretend I actually read all that, but if masturbation is so great, how come I always feel like a lazy piece of shit afterwards?
Whenever I'm done fapping I have no energy to do anything, it's probably what's ruining my life at the moment.
I'm going to guess that these doctor's aren't taking that into account, that they're only considering how nofap lowers your stress levels or something.

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There's only 1 good article against not masturbating that makes an argument, the rest is just cope for people who feel guilty for masturbating.

Do you even know the percentage of Harvard students that are jews?

>that file name
Are you guys even trying anymore ?

>'NoFap' is a stupid bullshit meme that is actually bad for your health
Your attempts to degrade your fellow human beings is abominable.


fuck off kike

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Isn't the point of nofap to reach a point where you're forced to act on your desire?
It's literally the other way around. Nofap is only for addicts, unless you have a problem it will most likely not have an effect. Though placebo is a thing too.


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Oh look, it's this again

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These articles all leave out one important factor, what good is (slightly) lowering the risk of prostate cancer if your quality of life decreases?

Proof that your quality of life increases?

>oh no the masses are finally overcoming their primal desires that keep them good sedated goys, shut it down

It's interesting to note the correlation between the ever-rising mediocrity of society and the increasing availability of porn and general tendency of the culture to revolve around sex, and I would agree that correlation doesn't mean causation but then I personally, along with hundreds of thousand of other men, have experienced the surge of willpower the moment you stop masturbating, so there must be something related to it. It's also logical for your body to stop investing so much energy into performing as your primary objective is to pass your genes, and the moment that happens you are basically useless in the eyes of evolution other than just menial upkeep of your offspring, kinda like a little sprint to reach the objective after which there's nothing to chase anymore, so it would be logical for your mind to force you to "sprint" your way into multiplying your genes if you're sex-deprived, and the opposite if you're finally in abundance of it, so as to optimize your energy expenditure and food intake in the calorie-scarce world that we evolved in.

>Start nofap
>Feel great
>Don't feel any urge at all after a week, only have some morning boners
>Afraid my dick stopped working
>Look at porn, get insta boner and fap
>I keep failing at day 1 or 2 now
Fuck, what have I done? I don't care if it was placebo, I felt so good during that whole week of nofap, how do I do it again?

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Imagine shilling this hard for empiricism.

Reminder that no fap is mainly for those addicted to porn and or masturbation so fuck off

Any sane person can tell you nofap is dumb. It's noporn that's the real deal.

>porn addicts feel better after managing to defeat their addiction
Amazing! But that's not what I'm arguing against.
>anecdotal evidence
I can find you first hand accounts of hundreds or thousands of people saying that homeopathy works, or that aliens abducted them. They're everywhere. Will you believe them?
Please don't say yes, I'd rather believe you aren't this dumb.

what's the range on the y-axis?
graphs are often distorted to exaggerate differences. i think it shows something like 0-0.5%

I'm not a diehard nofap advocate, my point is that porn addiction is real and nofap is a tried and true method to breaking free.

You're point seems to me that any and all masturbation (including with porn) is permissible, I've yet to see you denounce porn in any way in any of the nonsense you spam.

You do know that there's more than one person right? I'm not the one posting links.
>You're point seems to me that any and all masturbation (including with porn) is permissible
With moderation, yes.

>my point is that porn addiction is real and nofap is a tried and true method to breaking free.
Cool, I'm alright with that. But you were arguing against studies that were proving the health benefits of masturbation, while having nothing except a bunch of anecdotes.

Why do you care so much if others touch their pp or not? Sounds like a porn addict trying to justify being a little bitch who's addicted to porn and masturbation
>b-but it's good for my health cause it says so on these j-jewish studies!
It's not good for your mental health brother, trust me

His gut has gotten even stranger lately. Cant help but think Lou is buying him (t)whores on the reg to fuck on camera and he is going to upload a freaky amount of Big Len pornos when he dies or does something Lou doesn't want.. Hence why Lenny has been so isolated from the rest of the misfits lately.

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(((medical establishment))) can suck and choke on my uncircumcised cock. Those are the same people that say chopping off a babies foreskin is normal and healthy, they have literally zero authority over any matter pertaining to morality, or sex.

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your efforts are noble but futile buddy
just let them practice their meme and be happy with it

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Stop touching weiner

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What's normal mode?

You're the fool.

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I've found that regularly masturbating helps me. I tried nofap for two weeks and I keep thinking about maturbating. Masturbating on the other hand keeps my sex drive very low and allows me to see thots for what they are. Because I can satisfy myself, I have no need for women to ruin my life.

Thinking of fapping right now but the options are overwhelming. Wat do?

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good goy, don't have offspring, we'll send shitskins your way who pop out a new one every year paid for by your taxes. i promise they will take good care of you in the nursing home

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>implying we'll make it to old age

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>Hehehe le ebin goy meme
>Just cooperate goy, just have children in a system that fucks over men
>And don't forget to have your wife work 60 hours a week goy, she also needs to provide before she divorce rapes you
Fuck OFF Schlomo. My conditions are clear: I'm not returning to the plantation until it benefits me. If the current status quo does not provide me any benefit and indeed uses me as cattle to be exploited, I owe NOTHING to it. I'm not obliged to sacrifice my life and happiness for a nation that curses me.

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I just think of it this way. Why would millions of years of evolution and fight for reproduction give us the ability to "opt out" through masturbation. You don't see a fucking lion rubbing one out on the Savannah because it cant be arsed to get females. That guy is too busy chasing deer and fucking everything in sight. The only difference between us and animals is legal structure and feminism.

Who would do this meme shit anyway? You want to improve your willpower? Then fucking fast and lift heavy, no better thing to test your willpower.

>You don't see a fucking lion rubbing one out on the Savannah because it cant be arsed to get females.
1. You see chimps do it
2. Naturalistic fallacy. Just because something is natural does not mean it is right. Do you know what lions also do? Fight other men, take their wives and eat their children.
3. Have you ever considered that even behaviors that could inherently be wrong may be justified under certain circumstances? Think about a surgeon stabbing someone in the chest, for example. The general rule is that stabbing someone in the chest is immoral, yet nobody derides surgeons for doing just that.

>The only difference between us and animals is legal structure and feminism.
There you go. Have you ever considered that masturbating may be "opting out" of a bad system? What you're effectively arguing for is that men should go for a raw deal without a second thought.

Male pet cats actually get castrated because of sexual frustration which causes them to act aggressive and piss all over the place. Would you prefer that instead?

What about no porn? I usually only fap to Instagram slags

oh, i totally forgot about may 25. better get back to digging my bunker.

What's gonna happen user?

The same thing that always happens.

>Dangerous enemy unit detected, evacuate the zone

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>Yesssss goy keep jacking off to BBC porn, you don't want to be a terrorist do you?
>Y-you don't want to jack off? Police arrest this man! This is attempted murder!! (of my profits)

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This shit is paranoid, pretty sure it's just them being "jewy" because this is their source of income and this nofap crap is hurting their business.

yes, it's totally normal to sit in your room and squeeze your dick all day. Keep on doing that.

>You can jerk off 36 times a day
>or go for a year without jerking off

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>It's bad for your health to not give in to your primal urges 5 times a day.
>It's bad for your health to have self control.

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