>Be me
>Get fucking huge
>206 lb at 10% bf
>Opened a tinder account
>80% of my matches are black women
I love this life I’m destined to chocolate women.
>Be me
>Get fucking huge
>206 lb at 10% bf
>Opened a tinder account
>80% of my matches are black women
I love this life I’m destined to chocolate women.
>American "black"
Post some more pics of Ro Da Hoe
You can increase it to 90% if you put height as 6’2” or have photos with bros much shorter than you
are you sure you're not a black man?
This is my tinder profile
RO DA HOE !!!!!!!!!
>marijuana stocks
I think I found the real reason most of your matches are black
you gettin' all the Dominicans
>only gets liked by negresses
>superior white women hate him
>goes to Jow Forums to act like he succeeded in life
what a loser
Fucking based dude. Only white girls like me but I have no interest in them and all black women that I match with basically ignore me. Life is not fair man.
Black>white and we all knew it since forever. Stop being a white bitch
I hate Sweden I have 1700 matches and only like 2 black girls
not even niggers like niggers
People that try and convince themselves that black girls are in any way better than whites are simply coping to the extreme. It's so sad.
> better
> on tinder
Pics of ro
what did he mean by this?
Did you read my post? Spastic.
Black people:
Better sense of humor
Always happy
Best choices of food
White people
They ignore you
They don’t talk to people
Bad mood
Look depressed all the time
What did I miss?
you missed the part where you make your bait less obvious. 1/10 made me respond.
Oh yeah I forgot.
White people dont know how to dance lmao. Even a retarded kid from an Hispanic country has better moves than a pale white skin bitching about cutting the grass on sundays
>he's still going
Post hand with timestamp or fuck off
Didn't even have to read it, it smelled like shit from miles away.
Black women ARE better in many regards, something your incel mentality will never acknowledge.
Thanks for playing.
give up, kid.
Who cares about dancing when you have brains, money and power
Drop the cocaine white boy, it makes you dreaming about something that won’t happen
because negresses are the bottom of the barrel so they fuck anything
He's not even trying at this point
When then don’t swipe on black women you dumb fucking nigger
You also black why wonder.