Stop taking rest days. motherfucker

Stop taking rest days. motherfucker.

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This guy really irritates me. He isn't as amazing as all that, and he definitely didn't lose 100lbs in a month or whatever

stop waking up after 5:30

Daily reminder that he said he hates training and only does it to strengthen his mind for what he calls "real life". Too bad you spend 99% of your time training and already wasted half your life, m8

But today is my B-birthday user, so its fine to eat a box of chocalate cake and take a rest for today

the guy has a disease, doesn't mean he can't be inspirational to people who are looking to improve


Yea, pretty sure he's actually crazy, as in up there with OCD or eating disorders, but with that said, he's good in a pinch.

It's hard not to get your ass out of bed and into the gym if you let his intensity infect you every now and then.

Also, I love this story, particularly how he left:

How this guy talks really winds me up but you guys here criticising him are fucking hilarious and so wrong and factually inaccurate.

or just split your workout

Stop calling me names. Bully.

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Fuck off its the only way to grow
I'll take rest WEEKS

rest days are good

lifting days = stimulation days
rest days = growth days

i take a week or 2 off periodically so my ligaments amongst other things can catch up to my muscles

Got his book as a gift. Guy is a total faggot. Read like 15 pages. dropped

>Not listening to the audiobook

Normally don't fall for the motivational self help book meme but this was the only book that made me go run 4 miles in the rain.

Must be why athletes, even lower tier ones not on roids, train so often. Fuck off with your lazy ass oh gee I can only train 3 or 4 days a week bc muh recovery

stop eating meat

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not really a good comparison. athletes usually have access to the best trainers, nutritionists, and methods available and they're getting paid. usually don't have to worry about the rigors of non-athlete life like work, rent, etc. They're only job is to be fit. Also there's a good chance if they're professional athletes they are on performance enhancing drugs that hasten their recoveries

Wake up at 4:30

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I am a semi-pro natty (maybe why I am not pro lmao) athlete and so are many of my friends. We all have part time jobs or study. There’s no reason you guys can’t lift 5 or 6 days a week as long as you aren’t old, have decent hormone levels and diet isn’t complete shit

cool. define semi-pro. what sport do you play and in which country. just curious, this could say a lot about the level of competition or ability.

6 days a week is definitely possible if you lift smart

>jog until your legs turn into mush
>stop complaining, that pain is good
T-thanks Dave

>constantly talking about hell week as a boast
>Says hell week isn't that important, just a pleb filter

who is correct?

Chess regional championship

100lbs in a month has got to be an exaggeration, but he did say he barely ate and spent all day working out to lose weight. I don't doubt you could accomplish some spectacular results if you fasted and did cardio all day for a month.

I think it was 3 months, I thought

Sprinting. I made finals at junior world champs (U20). I get free clothing and shoes from my sponsor and free travel and accommodation for competitions from government. Also get money from sports (and academic) scholarships.

Stop licking your balls.

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Jocks is obv right. Hell week is a cheap and efficient way to get rid of the Sealets so they don't waste gubment's money.

I already wake up at 3:45

He was never against rest days.

Did you hear the story about how he ran his first ultramarathon? He said by mile 70 he was pissing blood and shitting on himself. Kept going for the extra 30 miles after it happens too.

Everyone who read the book knows that story.

Goggins is fucking crazy but he definitely makes you want to give it your all.

Guys like goggins make me cringe, the whole I'm angry and loud so this will motivate you thing does nothing for me he seems like a really disciplined and smart guy but his method of motivation is just cringey to me

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Motherfucker check your ball licking privilege at the door.

Based non-degenerate

100% agreed. I have huge respect for the guy but he makes me cringe so fucking hard. Also, he's the embodiment of the stereotypical american who's really full of himself.

Lol reading books

how do you deal with being tired after the gym?


Jocko tells it like it is, because SEALs don't actually talk about that early phase among themselves. It's "such a small part" of what they do, as his colleague Leif put it once on the podcast. They're much more preoccupied with the substantive training/problem-solving/war-fighting that comes after that. It's not that it's "not that important" because it's easy, it's just less challenging than figuring out how to close with and kill the enemy and stay alive while doing so.

Goggins leverages the fact that normies are mystified by it as persuasion, because it is in fact substantially more brutal than anything most people in his audience will go through. And it is in fact hard enough to keep other things he does in perspective.

If i wasn't doing HIIT, i would definitely agree that rest days are largely a meme.

Goggins never deployed.

I don't follow the guy at all, but >Navy seal >never deployed
nigger u fucking wot

5 days a week is the sweet spot. But if you injure yourself you get involuntary rest weeks.

meh 2 different personalities
jocko is a warfighter so he cares more about the success and outcome of a battle
goggins is just high vit high stam build built to suffer

>and he definitely didn't lose 100lbs in a month or whatever
He didn't. He lost close to 100lbs in 3 months, which is likely possible, but how would I know, I don't weigh as much as a car.

Athletes have rest days you dumb nigger

He's inspirational as fuck. Read the book, he doesn't recommend that you do the crazy shit he did, but that you work your way up gradually.

aint buying shit you shill

Torrent it faggot.

I think Goggins is cool, but his book is HORRIBLE.

It's by far one of the worst things I've read in a long, LONG time.

Nigger no

>they let him go through Q-Course even though he has a fucking congenital heart defect
>they won't give me a waiver for having broken my fingers

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Lost nearly 100lb in 3 months. In that time he allegedly went from only being able to run 1/4 mile to running multiple miles. If you knew his story you would understand him better. He was a SEAL, went to ranger school, etc... All with an Atrial Septal Defect, essentially a hole between his atria(heart Chambers).

shoo goblin

can you tell me what kind of person you are? I would imagine only someone spiritually deprived with a crab in the bucket mentality that blames his problems on other people would really dislike that book.

Sure it is.

things were waaay different back during 9/11 times

Those are called excuses. Unless you are over 30yo then you have the ability to train everyday. You grow in your sleep, you don't need a whole day to get fatter

Happy birthday user