Is sex a gains goblin

Is sex a gains goblin

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>young men driving the decline in sex
Don’t know if that’s on the young tbqhfam


for the most part
sex is cardio and cardio kills gains

imagine not having sex in the year of 2019 haha

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I’m tired of seeing this image fucking stop

Sexlet cope

>unhealthy obsession with various things
what the fuck is that even supposed to mean

could this be more vague

>even less incels getting it
>less competition for you
Is this somehow bad

I-I'm not the incel not getting it, promise

Fuck off retard. I run a mile at the end of every workout and I'm doing great.

28% for men is vastly under-inflated, 18% for women over-inflated.

>people having less sex
>people getting fatter

Or maybe fewer men are having more sex while more men are having less sex? This chart is clearly showing the influence of dating apps in the dating world.

10 seconds is barely any cardio

This is all because people are becoming less attractive.

By percentiles:
0-1: They're about the same. There have always been monstrosities.
2-50: Waaay uglier. This group has become increasingly fat and/or frail. Nerds in the past at least had to move around to pursue their hobbies but now do everything from the computer. Also contributes negatively to social skills.
51-60: Slightly uglier, due to general fatness.
61-80: About the same. Moderately social, moderately active. Some fat people but not THAT fat.
81-98: The only group that's become more attractive. More access to nutrition data and sports science for those interested. With instant information, you can go to more social groups as well.
99-100: About the same again. There have always been stunningly good looking energetic people.

Yup, men lie up and women lie down

> ZOMG this is so me :(( !!!111!1
> so the reason i'm a failure in life is that I actually have a mental illness, silly me thinking it was just because of my laziness and poor life choices OwOeverything makes much more sense now!!1!

not fitness related just because you mentioned gains goblin, low quality, faux, dishonest

No but fapping is. A very large majority of people lift in hopes of having more sex. If anything sex is a gains motivator.

>No but fapping is
I dunno man I like to masturbate to myself in the mirror so being fitter helps me enjoy that more.

This. I’ve had sex with 4 different girls this week. How can incels even compete?

Circumcsions plus lowered testosterone from various environmental and social toxins.

Like the cellphones and wi-fi signals that are frying their balls, state issued speed and opiods that are killing their sex drive, plastics and BC in everything that's lowering their test, and pornography that is constantly slammed into their heads from every angle by porn shills.
Oh and feminist doctrine and media just shaming the fuck out of them for their normal heterosexuality and wanting to gaslight them into something terrible.

That's what's going on.
Not even getting into all of the S 0 Y in everythign, terrible diet, and lack of basic activity.

Most incels don't.
That's the problem.
They gave up trying and are happy with making money and beating off or going full nofap/monkmode.

>and are happy
No I'm not. Ted Kaczynski was right.

That makes one of you.

I wouldn't say they're happy. They have just distracted themselves from their feelings of loneliness by using their money to buy consumer products. I doubt many of them go full nofap for very long.

Don’t forget the vidya. Gotta have my vidya before I cry myself to sleep at night just wouldn’t be the same without it

>the only thing I think of all day is having sex
its an addiction you know

How am I supposed to compete against Tinder etc?

If you can’t beat it join it

I'd rather beat a cunt and join her pussy while she cries than get embarrassed using their gay social media platform.

>abnormally large eyes
fucking what

I feel you I don’t have any, no Facebook, no tinder, no Twitter not a damn ass thing. And I’ll tell you it’s a god send if you’re into hooking up with married women because you can’t potentially ruin their lives.

The entire point is that its completely vague

Why anyone would have sex before marriage (realistically, 25) is beyond me. This is why this study is 100% bogus.

You're describing women.
Which is why "need no man" and "children am bad" and "get a career not a hubby and make your own money girlfriend and finaly "go whore/lesbian that is what is deep and intelligent and makes life fulfilling" is pushed onto women.
To make them emotionally destitute cheap debtslaves and brood mares.
Look at media and what's being pushed in disney's shit now.

Anyway, it's known that men by almost nothing in the way of consumer goods and prefer to keep their money, beat off/go celibate/use escorts and go full "beautiful ones" rather then fill that loneliness with things.

Vidya has been ruined by feminists and social media manipulators for almost 7 years now.
Men have been selling their gaming rigs and dumping modern systems for years.
Young boys are doing the same and prefer to play outside now.

user, we are talking about sex in this thread. Not relationships or what have you.
Incels are now happier with beating off/going monkmode and saving their money and doing their own thing.
The attempt to paint htem all as future bombers and what have you has failed miserably and is blowing up in everyone's faces.