CICO is junk science

CICO is junk science that doesn't apply to animals. You store fat due to insulin. If you carbs, then it uses the sugar to store the energy in your body as fat.

The body cannot store fat as fat without carbs. To lose weight you should be eating carnivore or keto.

Carbs make you fat. If you look in the past no one was fat as people did not eat carbs. The cavemen in the past did not eat oats, fruits, vegetables, they ate meat.

This is the most obvious thing in the world, yet people follow a myth started by coca cola foundation and mac donalds to sell carbs to you.

Even the sticky has this misinformation in. They need to replace the sticky with a keto page instead.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The body cannot store fat as fat without carbs

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You need carbs to build muscle

Post weight tubs

>If you carbs

me no speak english well

I lost 150lbs eating whatever the fuck I wanted because I restricted calories. Fuck off retard.

Nice bait

wat? more often than not protein and fat is stored as excess more so than glu/su/fructose. its way to simple to digest and burn up


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yes this please fuck off op with that science bullshit im losing weight and eating what i want fuck off

Not this thread again

Sure, insulin levels affect your calories out, but not by a large margin. You still need to be at a cal deficit

>I watched a Thomas DeLauer I'm pretty much an expert on human cellular metablism bro

Thats a lie i did the same and ended up fatter it doesnt work

Ask me how I know you don't actually excersize

Op doesn't understand thermodynamics, also he is a massive faggot.
>Additionally, McDevitt et al report that, in all settings, the total de novo lipogenesis flux represented a small fraction of both the surplus carbohydrate energy ingested and the total fat stored in the body. The authors calculated that between 3 and 8 g fat/d was produced through de novo lipogenesis compared with 360–390 g carbohydrate ingested/d and 60–75 g body fat stored/d.
>fat overfeeding had minimal effects on fat oxidation and total energy expenditure, leading to storage of 90-95% of excess energy. Excess dietary fat leads to greater fat accumulation than does excess dietary carbohydrate, and the difference was greatest early in the overfeeding period.

So how fat are you?

OP is fakenews. CICO is empirical science, the only time it's not true is when the body is in a disease state like diabetes, cancer, or thyroid hormone disorders. /thread

Pretty good OP, got some replies 6/10

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OP is probably a fat fuck with 0 discipline who's getting into the bullshit low carb/fasting fad because he thinks it will give him instant results

>"muh roided-up diet guru Thomas De Lauer said carbs bad"
>"energy balance doesn't apply to me"
>"muh magic fat loss"

You will literally never EVER make it.

Name one species outside of humans who
>counts calories
>eats white powders to make sure they can get enough macros and micros
>thinks eating white powder is healthy
>thinks eating white powder is necessary
>thinks eating sugar is healthy and necessary
>thinks something that causes tooth rotting and diabetes is healthy and necessary
>think they can choose their diet and ignore nature (lions stop eating animals and start eating grass)
>becomes obese on their natural diet and develops multiple diseases

Not necessarily. If you eat an extreme amount of protein throughout the day, it'll eventually cause an insulin spike and trigger protein synthesis. It's easier to do with carbs though. It's why milk and honey are great foods for building muscle.

>he "thinks" food has something to do with discipline
animals eat how much and what they naturally want. How many animals have you seen dieting and saying no to food?

>All carbs are literally white sugar

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You intake other white powders too. Your protein shakes for example. And your preworkouts. And after workouts. And there are white powders in your protein snackbars too

Bullshit argument.
You are a lifter with physique goals. That entails either eating at a deficit to put yourself in a catabolic state or eating slightly over maintenance to gain weight, both of which entail a certain degree of discomfort.
No one with a physique worth a shit eats ad libitum (intuitively) all year.

>thinks bodybuilding is natural and compares roids and carbs to natural nutrition
If bodybuilding was natural it would be easy and happen on its own. You most likely think your roids are nature's gift too.

so your argument is 'white bad' no matter what its made of?

>They need to replace the sticky with a keto page instead.
Ketards are a plague and your meme diet kills gains.

No, if you weren't mentally ill you would know that such powders dont exist outside of plastic containers and they are nonexistent in nature and no other animal would ever eat white powders

> muh Keto

> Meta-analysis of 272,216 subjects studied for diet and mortality reported that the risk of “all-cause” mortality in those responding that they followed a low-carbohydrate diet was approximately 30% higher than other subjects.

> Harvard School of Public Health studied over 4,000 men and women who had survived a heart attack. Those eating a lower carbohydrate diet higher in animal protein and fat was associated with a higher risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.

> Analysis of over 900 elderly Swedish men, a Mediterranean diet pattern reduced mortality while a carbohydrate restricted diet was associated with a 20–40% increase in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality respectively.

> Analysis of nearly 130,000 subjects followed by the Harvard School of Public Health, subjects following an low carbohydrate diet had increase in all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality.

> In a series of type 1 diabetics, a higher protein and fat diet was associated with more heart artery calcification, a marker of atherosclerosis, while a higher carbohydrate based diet was associated with a lower burden of artery calcification.

> Research group of over 42,000 Swedish women, respondents with a dietary pattern of higher protein and low-carbohydrate was associated with higher all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.

> Greek population of nearly 23,000 subjects, those following a low-carbohydrate and higher protein diet had higher all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality.

Your meme weight loss diet is harming your health. You have an eating disorder.

>in the past people did not eat carbs
What a dumb fucking post user. Literally you are one of the most stupid people I've interacted with in months.

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>high protein and "low" carb

>Only one of those actually talk about the actual diet of the participants
>None of them go into other lifestyle factors

All of those are 100% fucking useless.

>You can't store fat without carbs

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Ahh yes, the low carb movement famously goes hand in hand with shooting heroin whilst base jumping.

I know you are mentally ill and wont understand this but you can't compare all low carb diets to each other. That's same as comparing all high carbfags like you to each other despite eating different foods. I know you are sub 80iq and mentally ill but I still wanted to post this

what happened Jow Forums you went to shit in the last few months.
>durr Jow Forums was always shit
nah it wasn't, ofc everyone was memeing but at least you found useful information if you searched for them
now every single thread seems to be created by insane people and other mentally ill chime in.
It started with nofap, then came fasting now people actually try to argue that CICO is not working, at the same time vegans and keto followers battle carnivore disciples. There currently is a thread with the only purpose of spreading the superstition that smoking is actually healthy. The stuff that get's posted here by lunatics makes flat earthers and anti-vaccers look tame.
What happened?

never said bodybuilding

The Ketards on this board thing fiber is useless and carbs from vegetables are as bad as carbs from refined sugar.

They not only blame carbs for every illness on earth but they exonerate anything that isn’t a carb (cholesterol, saturated fat).

I agree that what people are eating within their diet is what really matters, the studies are however useful to debunk your generic Jow Forums ketard who thinks that if their waistline is shrinking then their diet automatically is healthy.

Unironic retards have overrun Jow Forums. Not much you can do.

So your argument is that eating for one's goals is literally pointless since building muscle/losing fat is unnatural and would otherwise just happen spontaneously.
Alright then, my question is why the fuck are you on this board? This is a place for people who want to become a better version of themselves through meaningful work and dedication.
Your giga-cope mentality and eating disorder have no place here.

Reddit fags and crossposters from cancer boards
The old fags dont come here anymore, I'm considering using the other chans exclusively

>Jow Forums
>sound science
Pick one.

Speak for yourself brainlet

how the hell do you know if cavemen were never fat you absolute mongoloid?

Don't worry, I do. Assuming you're the OP, you are legitimately retarded.

>the laws of thermodynamics dont apply to me

Interesting theory, post body

Obvious bait is obvious but the biggest problem surrounding CICO is the average fatty's inability to properly count calories.
>I know because I was that fatty

Not OP

Human bodies aren't closed systems.
We aren't pullys or levers.

Fucks sake, 3500 calories is just a really really rough guideline and a woman who's calorie intake is fuckign 1100 cutting out 500 fucking calories a week to drop a pound will just outright BUTCHER her fucking body.
Even fasting and intermittent fasting will ruin a woman's body. Hell women are meant to take in a constant supply of nutrituous food and graze to keep their estrogen up and never starve. It mascualnizes them and ruins their reproductive capability.

Post body

>If you look in the past no one was fat as people did not eat carbs. The cavemen in the past did not eat oats, fruits, vegetables, they ate meat.
Haha, what? People regularly ate 2 POUNDS of bread PER DAY until the 20th century.

This. The majority is shitpost threads or fap material threads.
I rarely see sources, just more arguements.

Jow Forums has gone to shit too, although with Jow Forums you can wait until night and then the old guys are around.
Here, we all try to get to bed at a decent time.

Have you ever seen a steak in nature?

Honey is a toxic substance because it kills your gut bacteria

Implying vaccines are safe

Only shitskins still fall for CICO because corn and grains are staples of their slave diets.

Northern Europeans know they shouldn't be eating carbs.

Damn dude your right. All those medieval peasants living off of gruel were fat as fuck. Damn shame about the obesity epidemic in China and Asia too

>The body cannot store fat as fat without carbs. To lose weight you should be eating carnivore or keto.
You don't need carbs to spike your insulin

>all ethnicities and races all over the globe have been eating the exactly same thing for millenia
sure, some african tribes will be plentiful in fruit or berries but northern european tribes will probably have consumed meat 11 months out of 12.

Everyone who discusses this subject should post skin colour and nose.

Only Jews and Africans still promote the CICO lie.

Hey fuck you bitch I've been going cico for 5 months and lost a total of 44 lbs
Eat my shit fatty

Not all carbs spike insulin user.

I sure do hope you eat vegetables

>The body cannot store fat as fat without carbs. To lose weight you should be eating carnivore or keto.
And how to gain muscles?

Real redpill is restricting calories and carbs.

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Who says she has to cut 500 calories? Do you think that's a rule lmao
You sound low IQ

Based hehe poster

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Your body is more complex than a calorie burner you faggot

>> Meta-analysis of 272,216 subjects studied for diet and mortality reported that the risk of “all-cause” mortality in those responding that they followed a low-carbohydrate diet was approximately 30% higher than other subjects.

Fuck you're stupid, debunking you here:

You just shown you're an ignorant fucktard


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>If you look in the past no one was fat as people did not eat carbs.

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Half hour YouTube clip of a Keto cult leader shilling his patreon

to lose weight you should be expending more energy than you consume. "diets" are stupid. eat good all the time, its easy. theres no reason to eat many carbs unless you are about to work out, or u just got done working out. if you are working out without carbs you are wasting your time.

>Keto cult leader

You didn't even agress a single argument of his you little shit

Also, it's half an hour of him explaining how to read an article like an actual scientist and professional unlike you retards do

> Another half hour video.

Fucking zoomers

>Even fasting and intermittent fasting will ruin a woman's body


>fell for the vegan meme
>farts and shits constantly

>cavemen only ate meat
Citation needed. They also lived to be like 30.

> forgets about this (pic related)

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When your body adapts to a high fiber diet farts essentially cease and you have one regular bowel movement a day.

>When your body adapts to a high fiber diet farts essentially cease
And then you start to develop autoimmune disease

>t. piss connoisseur

It’s true, the Sv3rige misfits are an interesting crew.

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Child mortality, warfare also they didn't have modern medicine to artifically increase lifespan.

Fiber feeds your good bacteria that are important beneficial mediators of the immune system.

>Even fasting and intermittent fasting will ruin a woman's body. Hell women are meant to take in a constant supply of nutrituous food and graze to keep their estrogen up and never starve. It mascualnizes them and ruins their reproductive capability.
you type like a literal incel.
"u-uhhh muh precious wimmin!! i shall make sure you don't ever starve m'lady here take my food".

where does it say that women will shrivel up and die OR become varbies if they do IF? they naturally have more fat stored but that doesn't mean that their fat storages go down to 0 if they dare enter ketosis. i don't actually understand wtf you post is saying it reeks of feeder fetishism.

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Fiber is indigestible. It's pretty much the biggest meme ever that should've never been normalized.

Your good bacteria digest it for you user.

>Sh-shut up
>So what if women will start to become masculanized and have lowered ability to reproduce
>That's good

it helps you shit because it can't be digested

give me a fucking source on anything you claim. my period disappeared on a vegan diet and came back on keto omad with prolonged fasting introduced now. fasting is LESS dangerous for men overall but by not much. your female fucking ancestors fasted and they somehow got fertile and pregnant? otherwise you wouldn't spout your rubbish here today.

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70% of feces is bacteria. You shit well and regularly because your gut bacteria are thriving due to fiber.

Look at the content of breast milk to see what humans should be ingesting

Based and Fungpilled

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>get a load of THIS faggot
You're FAT, OP, admit it, and you're looking for EXCUSES for your FAT, DISGUSTING, WEAK ASS.

Get correct, hamplanet.

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My shit during meat only diet is solid, no wipe needed.
When consuming fiber/carbs, usually leaky, need to wipe. I just follow my instincts user.