/mewers/ General

Mewing is something I’ve done my whole life. It’s just come naturally to me. And now I have a decent jawline.

So I wanted to ask if there are any conscious mewers out there that would like to verify, once and for all, their face gains. Mewers who mewed pre-puberty preferred.

Also general mewing thread. Mew stories etc. welcome.

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Mewed since I could consciously move my face. Just felt that was most comfortable. Too bad I'm too chubby to have a defined jawline. I can feel it there though.


Care to post pics? I am curious as to what a mewed jaw looks like on a fatty.

I’ve subconsciously done it all my life too. I have a slight underbite but an extremely well-defined jawline.

i've never mewed and i still have a good jawline

All these fat troglodytes coping, mewing isn't gonna save your face go diet and exercise

Don't laugh. I'm working on my weight and acne. Also a haircut is coming eventually.

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Here's a front

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have had an underbite my entire life. When i was a kid i went to the dentist to see if i could get braces, and the dentist told me to essentially mew and see if it would make my jaw develop over the years, and i have been mewing ever since then, i think it worked

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>thin, chapped lips
>narrow face
>that jawline
>no other sizes of this image found
oh nonono

mewers eternally BTFOd

Um... sweaties... Vice said that mewing is for racist incels... so don't do that!

Not sure what either of you mean.

To clarify, I don't take too good care of my body other than shower regularly and brush my teeth. Don't moisturize or exfoliate. Don't care to. When I start getting fit, sure, but no one likes a fat pretty boy.

cool story bro

Should also mention that I've jacked off a lot since age 13 so unstable, if any, test. Sowwy.


Has your eye area improved?


bro shave your disgusting facial hair.

Maybe so. I'm sure I have more confidence than you though so I'm just fine.

No way. My 'no test' beard is all I have hiding my fat baby face.

Go munch on your tendies dirty basement dweller

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So angry. You clearly don't belong on blue boards. Are you lost?

You're on Jow Forums and you'r fat lol.

Everyone starts somewhere.

Your way of speaking shows that you use the internet too much. I pity you

What's your workout routine?

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Sorry but can we keep the thread mew related? Mewing routines only please

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First I fuck your mom then i-

Kidding. I go as long as I can on an elliptical
And once I'm about to pass out I sit down and target my entire arm with a 20 pound dumbbell and switch arms until I can't any longer then go back to the elliptical.

Repeat usually three times or until I physically can't.

Nothing too special.

That sounds kind of unhealthy

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I'm not very good at caring about what's best for my body as you can probably tell. It makes me very sore though so it's doing something

Ahh if you want mewing routines.
>> Tongue on the palate all day.
>> Every hour push the whole tongue on the roof of the mouth hold for about 5-30 seconds as hard as you can repeat this five times. Make sure you don't clench your teeth.
>>On every 7 days tongue chew all day.
>> And Tape your mouth shut.

Can't breathe when I push back of tongue. It lifts my neck up considerable though.

What's a tongue chew?

Try and keep correct head posture.

Tongue chewing is when you flatten a piece of gum across your palate repeatedly

you'd look a lot better if you were clean shaven bro, please shave that facial hair

Yeah sure, I will shave but you'll laugh. You wanna see it?

not as much as my jaw desu

How long have you been doing it?

why are you on this board then, get a real workout routine

yes it can't be worse than that facial hair

This is all that mewing is? I do that all the time. That's one of the natural resting positions of my tongue. I do have a good jawline, too.

Correct tongue posture is the main aspect of mewing it involves:
>> Keeping lips sealed whenever you're not eating, drinking or talking.
>> Correct body and head posture.
>> Learning correct swallow reflex.

26 on the left and 23 on the right

There is a 15 lb weight difference between the two photos

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Holy Shit

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Great progress

That's a lot of fucking progress but your ramus is recessed

>bad lightning
>head is not in same position
>massive difference in fat and muscle defintion
>"look guys I magically changed my skeletal structure preset by DNA by biting something real hard don't you believe me lol?"

Every mew thread. Cannot believe the children who believe this garbage.

DNA Structure

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10 years ish maybe

Sounds like a realistic time frame.

His jaw was moved forward either way

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Please stop gatekeeping. There are plenty of other things to take your anger out on. Try having sex

>tongue on palette all day
Where else would it fucking be? I really don’t believe people could have trouble with that simplest shit

It was a distinction to clarify that explosive mewing should be added onto top of mewing normally as when explosive mewing pressure builds up over time which need to be held onto when mewing normally

i got surgery instead now i mog everybody
mewing is just a jewish way of fucking up your bite

Are you retarded mewing fixes it?

>Posture can't effect the way bone structures look and function

Stop trying to read it as some magic trick. It's a posture exercise. There's nothing magical about it.

Here you go faggot. doubt I will see any of you IRL so im blocking out my gorgeous eyes only.

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You probably won’t, but read a bit more in to the temperomandibular joint and how posture, tooth health, and mouth breathing affect you. Pretty neat stuff.

Itches very much. Still think I look better without the hair?

how much of the tongue should be touching the upper palate? My tongue naturally touches the palate but when I try to move the back part of the tongue up to touch the palate I literally can't breathe, like it feels like my windpipe or something closed. Can't breathe through my nose when I do it either

The dangly bit at the back of your throat should be diagonally resting on the back of your tongue.
Get as much of your tongue touching your upper palate without touching your teeth.

everybody loves a fat pretty boy, u are just lazy

more of incel bullshit

Mewing is a goy brainchild of a father-son team who made “studies” that any peer reviewer would instantly shred. Literally no professionals believe this shit, you may as well be doing nofap and jelking too. Just another goy scam to capture the emerging incel market

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the dude got kicked out the British orthodontic society. which the orthodontic equivalent to getting kicked out of the kiddy pool

Looks way better.

take care of yourself faggot, if you change your habits you'll change your life.

>be me
>teeth fucked up
>uneven jaw
>because of these I cant clench my jaw evenly without pain in the right jaw
>cant mew to make things better
I'm getting orthodontics this month but I'm worried it won't fix my bite