Nootropics general

surprisingly I can confirm that raw garlic and viagra are nootropics

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Uuuh, how so?

Also, best vendor for buying phenibut in eastern europe?

Just ordered sulbutiamine
Anyone else have experience with it?

>best vendor for buying phenibut in eastern europe?
I don't know any

raw garlic is a weak nootropic but viagra can be a really strong one
the strength of viagra effect depends on T- level, dose, how long you didn't fap and if u are taking it on empty stomach, but all that is just my experience

Anyone microdosing LSD? How's that going for you?

I've been through this whole nootropic meme a few times and although I can only speak for myself, my ultimate conclusion has been that they are largely unnecessary and most of the community around them are less interested in genuinely improving their total output and more interested in short-term crutches for passing tests or decreasing anxiety and stuff like that. That being said, some "nootropics" do legitimately improve cognition/intelligence (often at the cost of something else, no such thing as a biological free lunch) but I feel like the vast majority do nothing that exercise, a good diet, and willpower can't already do for you, and those things make you happier, healthier, and are free. Here are the ones I've tried:
Widely revered in the nootropic community to be the absolute best "smart drug" while also being equally despised for not being a technical nootropic, being destructive to your brain and health, and being illegal. If you have to cram for an exam or something, this stuff is the best, but if you take it too often, it does far more bad than good
>All the racetams
I have tried almost all of them by themselves and in various combinations and did not notice much of a difference in my intelligence or work output, so I consider these a waste of money.
People like these because they're one of the few nootropics you can immediately "feel" and I felt like it made me alert and mildly more focused, but did again did not improve my output nor the quality of my thinking, so I think it just makes you mildly high. Also if you take it too much you build a tolerance and eventually it fucks with your brain and health. I felt nothing on adrafinil.
Similar effect to the amphetamines, but weaker, more "physical" rather than mental, and dirtier, made me feel angry and sick on the comedown, and my blood pressure was through the roof. I'll continue this post with what I think works best.

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>>All the racetams
>I have tried almost all of them by themselves and in various combinations and did not notice much of a difference in my intelligence or work output, so I consider these a waste of money.

I'm grateful reading this. I recently got a bottle of Piracetam and notice no difference whatsoever when I take it, even at highend doses.

those arn't considered nootropics dipshit, they are ADHD meds aka drugs

Can I microdose viagra

The only OTC thing (admittedly I have never tried a 'racetam) that has ever done anything for me is caffeine + l-theanine

u can but u won't feel shit, best dose is 50 mg or 100mg if u are huge and buffed

Alright here's the stuff that works and always makes teenagers and brainlets reee because it's
1. eat right, your brain loves carbs so eat plenty.
2. exercise, makes a huge difference that you probably won't notice for a while but still do it, it gets all the juices flowing.
3. nofap, yes seriously, this might have made the biggest difference in my cognitive function, creativity, and mental motivation. It also helps you practice willpower and directing your focus, and it improves your mood such that you no longer hate doing boring things that usually make you depressed. (like studying for a long time) again, you may not notice the mental benefits for awhile, but stick with it (as with all of these) and I can guarantee your cognition, focus, memory, reasoning, and creativity will all improve. Also my last point is to go out and experience things, as many different things as possible, good and bad, because it is these experiences that will teach you more about life and actually make you a smarter person. Talk to people, travel to places, learn and grow as a person and all that yogi shit, because it's legit and actually works.

fuck you

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For me coffee is definitely the best one. My focus is immensely better after a cup of coffee.

I've been taking phenibut and kratom recently and have had success with both. Phenibut I generally take ~1g on days that I need to have alot of social interaction or when I need to get things done. Kratom I take around ~2g daily and it's great for a very low-key anxiety and pain relief that seems to have few side effects, unlike phenibut, which generally puts me in a slump the day after I take it and is also way easier to start abusing socially. Would highly recommend this combo to anyone who suffers from severe anxiety but don't have access or don't want to risk the more serious side effects and abuse potentional that alot of prescription anxiety meds seem to have.

I will say the some of the side effects I have run into are pretty bad mood swings while coming down from taking phenibut consecutive days, and with Kratom perhaps a bit of a lowered sex drive and constipation, but it's nothing that a few adjustments and precautions don't fix.

>phenibut and kratom
I heard that both of those have really nasty withdrawal, good luck with that

I've gone through the phenibut withdrawal, it's not as bad as 4channer make it out to be.

Basically puts you back at the level of social anxiety you had previously, if not a little bit worse. Took phenibut daily for ~2 months then stopped cold turkey.

I already spoke on the withdrawal symptoms in my post, but I have taken breaks from both with only minor withdrawal symptoms, and I don't really dose high enough to see anything worse. They definitely can be nasty if you abuse them.

Not good. I always end up taking too much and tripping out. Sometimes intentionally.

I steal my friends addy when I need to get shit done.

I take tryptophan before bed
And Tyrosine with my BCAA's between meals.
Is that nootropic enough?

do you feel tyrosine really makes a difference?

Same but it boosts mdma greatly. Tested also on my druggie friends. Also seems to make the day after easier to handle, I dont feel so braindead after rolling.