How do I get this fucking natty ?

How do I get this fucking natty ?
Specifically the wide back but interested in anything related

Attached: download.jpg (208x243, 8K)

Have good genetics and lift weights. Chris Evans probably isn't natty though

achievable natty, but good luck maintaining being this lean as a natty

inject growth serum


What exercises and workouts tho

Okay pal. If you can’t even GOOGLE something how do expect to go to the gym everyday and stay disciplined? But just do the big three with pull ups and some extra accessories. Eat clean. Eat lots of clean food. Easy mode. Just make sure u use good form.

take some natty steroids

Oi mate ye gotta calm down, I googled it and all I got was some shit workout that only focuses on chest and shoulders, I thought the people on this board would be more helpful than the normie bodybuilding forum retards

Kinobody warrior program

Now I know you're retarded.

Thanks, very helpful overall


reeeed da sticky you creepy lil wimp

>Captain America
pick one

>expecting a response
one pick

inject creatine

You are probably very far away from that body, so just do a 3 day full body training like anyone else and get bigger. You csn still worry about specific focus on some bodyparts when you are more advanced

Nigger just hit the gym and eat fairly well for a year and then ask shit like this.


>pose and camera angle to make your shoulders look as wide as possible
>definitely on roids provided by hollywood jews
>how do I look like this natty
Start by drinking strychnine.

>spoonfeed me info to look like a movie start
you really are daft, eh cunt?

Attached: 1512275715055.gif (190x190, 1.98M)

I heard that he did heavy weight, low reps. He had a Hollywood trainer and 24/7 meal prep chefs so it'll be difficult for you to look exactly like this

Wield Mjolnir and time travel, reappearing as an old man at the end of the movie

>evans not natty
Hes fucking dyel tier
>wide back
Chins and lat pulldowns with various grips

Captain America's "super power" is just "I was given steroids."

OP, google Jeff Nippard's videos about chest training or whatever bodypart you want. He's a manlet and has a complex, so he's obesessed with gains and does research on the most efficient ways to build the muscles.

give your shield to a worthless, incompetent, super-powerless black man simply because he is black and liberals will appreciate that

That's Falcon's whole character arc, you dense little weasel.

>That's Falcon's whole character
>worthless, incompetent, super-powerless black man

Sounds about right

That's so WOKE of you to know that!! You're going to get so many upvote for this, thanks!

Edit: Someone give him a gold please!!

>Does research
>Just peddles PubMed abstracts for millions of views

Read the fucking sticky.

Nothing exceptional about his body other than he's fairly lean.

He probably took a low dose of steroids to help, and he probably got a pump for shooting that scene.

>captain america
We're talking about the actor not the character fren...I def agree with you about nipplehead tho

Guess what, Hollywood actors aren't the most dedicated, and usually get in shape in 8-12 weeks for most rolls.