/PRG/ - Porn Recovery General

How does porn addiction effect a person's health and fitness?

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Every time I fap and cum to porn i feel like there’s another man inside of me

Does sexting girls I meet from the internet count?

lmao thats gay

/prg/ is already precision rifle general. can we use a different name?

I don't watch porn but I masturbates sometimes (like, once/twice a week) and it doesn't really affect me. But gee I wonder how much protein I just wasted into that load.

If porn is somehow affecting your health and fitness or ANYTHING than your dick you probably got bigger issues to worry about than porn
Try check your mental health or actually grow a stronger mentality and stop being a weak cuck

That being said, stop cucking yourself with porn


Porn is quite honestly the most powerful electric drug and weapon of social destruction and corruption that we have right now.

What if it’s just girls dancing and stripping with no other penis involved

Lmao this thread will just make you think about porn and you'll end up watching porn. It's like SuperHans and crack.

Every major porn website is owned by mindgeek, which is owned by billionaire Jews, and some retards will honestly sit there and try to convince themselves that all of the (((studies))) that are listed on certain (((health))) websites aren't peddled by the people at the top, who are trying to make every last shekel possible out of enslaving the male population by exploiting their primal urges. Masturbation to porn is the most unnatural, most mentally destructive thing you, as a male human, can do to yourself and fucks with your brain in more ways than you can possible imagine. So before anyone replies linking your bullshit "men's health" or (((planned Parenthood) articles on how excessive masturbation is somehow remarkably healthy and beneficial, please fuck off and rethink your entire life and moral attitudes.

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>tfw came to the shadman cheerleader pic yesterday
What do

Takes the spring n vigor outta ya.
Mentally it becomes ur easy instant gratification then working for booty or tryin something new.
Plus u wire to stimuli from cuck perspective then actual feeling.

But keep goin goyim its good for u

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If you let porn control you, that basically means you are being controlled regardless of what you do

But I’ve never paid a cent for porn?

how about masturbation without porn? is it bad?

My time? I’m a lonely ass hole anyway

I've always found that my muscles were fuller and denser while on a nofap streak.

user, watching porn, even thinking of it as something that is harmless and a fun activity is letting it control me.

I have sexual freedom and choice.
I see porn as a destructive horrible vice that destroys everyone and I have studies and thousands of years of recorded history backing me.
You do not. And have your feefees to back your position.
That is the essence of sexual freedom and openness.

>muh sexual freedom and choice
>still a virgin

and i never said its a fun activity you fucking mong, i swear some of you got reading comprehension as a fucking door

I've been trying to quit for 4 years. Never gotten more than 2 weeks. I have the self control of a monkey. I am actually worried with how low my ambition has gotten. I'm not depressed but I just don't do anything all day and lounge around. I'm like a stoner that doesn't smoke weed. I've tried the reddit No Fap way out with cold showers and my drive is too strong force just brute force discipline. I've tried the Christian way out with prayer and I got to around 2 weeks, but it just made me insane with guilt and sent me in a downward spiral whenever I failed. I've tried the Buddhist/new age-y way by just going with the flow and not resisting thoughts or whatever, but it didn't inspire me enough to want to continue past a week.
I legitimately don't know what to do. I don't play video games, I don't watch anime, but somehow I manage to use the computer 12 hours a day on weekends do nothing but Jow Forums, porn, and browser games (unironically). Like I've said, I'm not autistic, depressed, or anything like that, I just don't feel like doing anything. I hate having to work hard and whenever I do, I just give up after a week or to of good habits. It's weird. I'm not sure what to think. I feel like I'm just drifting in a void of hedonism and waiting to die a death one day that will be extremely unremarkable, after a life that was extremely unremarkable.

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Not a virgin.
But, so what if I am a virgin.
What's wrong with that.

Before jamie posts his shit

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Sounds like porn is a symptom rather than the problem. Either you have external stresses or your genes have messed your hormone/neurotransmitters. Both not being mutually exclusive.

Make a list of your biggest stressors, try and eliminate them.

Go get blood work at a private lab for test and other hormones.

You'll find out what's the problem, and hopefully fix it.

Watched porn today after 7 days of nothing. Feels bad. Hopefully il ln last longer next time. I've been a porn addict since my late teens

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Fellow Jow Forumsommando

>>I'm not depressed but I just don't do anything all day and lounge around.

This is what is making no fap so difficult for you.

If you don't want to actually leave and do stuff, that's fine but at least get some compelling hobbies.

For me a good sound system / headphones and video games does help as a fall-back / go to resource when I am just not interested in being productive.

Maybe some people can do it, but for me brute force isn't enough for no fap. I must surround myself with entertainment enough distractions.

You queers are the equivalent of people who go to rehab for world of warcraft.

I hate you.

Yeah porn is definitely not the main problem. It's one of many. I'm really not stressed much but maybe that's just my mind telling me that. It's just so easy to sit down, eat, and do nothing all day. It feels good short term. I'm not even fat, on the skinnier end honestly.

What do think addiction means, stupid faggot. They can't break the addiction on their own. Most people are weak, they need to be saved from themselves for the good of society. That's why we should ban porn, it's causing a public health crisis.

Like any addiction really. It takes your time and attention away from things you value the most.

In return you get momentary feel good reward like you might get from eating junk food.

Unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere without a car. So when uni is not in session, I literally can't do anything but wander through the woods. Sounds good on paper, but it's all just marsh and tall grass.
I really should cut some of my internet use down though. Might just go tech free this summer or something.

desensitization to hot women leading to real life women not exciting you enough to make the effort to interact with them.

>I don't watch porn but I masturbates sometimes (like, once/twice a week)

That's fine, it's the porn that is bad

>But gee I wonder how much protein I just wasted into that load.

Negligible amount

Why is Montreal running half the porn?

based. needed this thread today, thanks bros

>Porn is quite honestly the most powerful electric drug and weapon of social destruction and corruption that we have right now.

go back, retard.

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>this entire unhinged bitch fit

cringe. see:

Porn is a drug sold to men to keep them docile and weak, as well as cucked.

I don't generally watch porn, but I can waste over 8 hours a day playing porn games where I transform myself and / or others into women

Paid porn shill user.
You couldn't be anymore obvious if you tried.
You would be less obvious if your fucking called yourself MR.PORNSHILL and openly talked about what company is paying you.
Holy shit.

not an argument

Mindgeek isnt doing it for money.

>y-youre a virgin because you dont watch porn!!!
Ad hominem isnt an argument. It justs proves youve already lost it

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nothing.its mostly just placebo effect, you fucking manlet

cope harder

>Porn is a drug sold to men to keep them docile and weak, as well as cucked.

strong fedora detected.

>everything i don't like is a shill

sad. waddle on back to whatever subreddit you came from, retard.

correct, the fedora tipper did not make an argument, he just spouted conspiracy theory meme shit. gj on recognizing that, squirt.

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Teensy tiny little bitch step but I fapped without porn today for the first time in a long while. Currently 6 days noporn

t. slave to sex trafficked women on a screen

Damn it guys this addiction is worse than when I quit smoking and alchohol. Its corrupted my mind. Whenever I bored I want to sit down and watch porn

strong projection detected. you aren't fooling us, limp dick.

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if you actually need to be in a collective about anti masturbating then you are already lost and have no self control over yourself.Fapping is a natural thing to do, if you are not overdoing it, like you're probably used to and same with porn, it has a reason it is only for adults.I only agree that the 'professional' sex industry is horrendous

This. Every time you watch porn the jews are one step closer to your genocide. Why do armies take control of the tv networks in concqured lands and blast porn on the tv? Why is porn free? They are trying to kill you

G...g..guys it's good for you... right?? If I post the laughing frog that'll show him... right....???

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>think of the women
Is probably the least convincing argument against porn. Porn actresses are not even human

There is a reason they put it out for free. Its psychological warfare.

>shilling for kikes
You think people would have learned by now

If fedora tipping is your antithesis, than fedora tipping is cool.

Shilling post right here. There is not a single legit argument for the benefits of porn. Ask yourself why they spend millions of dollars and give it out for free? Hmm?

Is fapping to /s/ a couple times a week an acceptable masturbation habit

On one side the porn industry shills its okay and great for health.
On the other, there is several data from third parties shilling its bad.
On a neutral stand, you loose time and energy, so fuck porn and go improve yourself.

>s-stop pointing out that we're limp dick losers with awful self control!!! it's not our fucking fault that we have tiny, malfunctioning penises!! it's the jews' fault!!! it's not fucking fair!!!!

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Stop porn + get a job + read more + treat your family right is the ultimate pill

>fapping is a natural thing to do
incel cope

This, take the wholesomepill.

Just start fucking frequently. Ever since ive been having sex frequently I havent maaturbated or watched porn. Dont even feel the need

I looked at /s/ without fapping in my 1st and 2nd try of nofap (lasting 70 and 120 days each) needless to say I ended up pmoing to usual vanilla porn.

Imagine getting so mad over people just wanting to better themselves. Either you are a shill or an addict yourself coping. No middle ground otherwise you wouldn't care.

>dont blame the drug dealers, it's the addicts fault that they keep buying it
This is the common moral reversal that the talmud is so famous for.

>This is the common moral reversal that the talmud is so famous for
Is there an actual quote in the talmud or is it just (((them))) Jow Forums shitposting?

No, it's fine. You gotta get your nut off, and it's not like you can just order sex on demand

you are me and i am you

>Either you are a shill or an addict yourself coping

>This is the common moral reversal that the talmud is so famous for.

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Once again, the shill fails to provide an argument.

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>fedora tipping retard proving the point

i accept your very impotent mental surrender. no more (you)s for the limp dick loser. cope or kys.

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>needs a excuse for a thing most people on the world do
>thinking this is not incel cope to feel superior
your body does that anyways while your sleeping to get old sperm out

after 67 days without porn i just relapse four times in the past two days,i feel like i am high or something, my head hurts, im not going to make it anons

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But you're not even appreciating just how wrong the anti-nofappers are.

They cite studies that basically conclude "regular ejaculation helps prostate health" and then jump into "so therefore porn has no bad effect on the brain" as a completely unsubstantiated non-sequitur. It's not that the studies are conspiracies, they're just completely not relevant at all to the argument.

I'm in the camp that thinks porn is worse than masturbation itself. It's possible that not masturbating has positive affects on socializing/mood, but I think what's worse about porn is that connects a self-reinforcement mechanism in masturbation to a particular image, which has deep effects on your subconscious.

You are basically conditioning your desires, which can have an effect on how you behave in the real world.

lol the shill surrenders STILL not giving an argument why porn is good. Sad!

Don't give up, this is just a minor setback, but don't use it as an excuse to relapse. Most men don't even make it past a month, let alone 67 days.

bro if youre gonna replase just have a wank to your imagination or enjoying your own body, it's 100x less damaging than watching porn

I've gone like 2 or 3 times a day for 4 years and my mind is so foggy I almost feel as if I am a robot sometimes.

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>regular ejaculation helps prostate health
That study was proven to be bulslhit.

In fact, regular masturbation and excessive masturbation in youth leads to increased chance of prostate problems and prostate cancer later in life.

>That study was proven to be bulslhit.
Source? I'm legit interested.

This but i am worried about the calories of my bulk and the decrease of T after fapping

Is there any way to block all porn sites?

There's a program for windows called like K9 or something and you can do it with some Firefox Extensions. However, you are still gonna fail if you only block it physically. You have to change your mindset. I had blocks on my computer for months and it didn't help me since I still wanted to fap anyways and just used my phone.

I am constantly failing between 10 and 15 days, I don't really know what to do because I have the mindset but in any time of weakness I fuck up

>That study was proven to be bulslhit.
>In fact, regular masturbation and excessive masturbation in youth leads to increased chance of prostate problems and prostate cancer later in life.

[citation needed]

>[citation needed]


Now bear in mind the following:

1) Demographic which has had internet porn during youth correlates bad
2) Demographic which didn't had internet porn in youth correlates good

But it's kinda a silly point to engage on. It's arguing over a de minimis difference in an obscure cancer risk that isn't even relevant to the real issue that nofap tackles (porn).

The real Jewish trick isn't prostate studies, it's getting people like you stuck in a side-argument about something that's not relevant to anything. Tricky people do this with everything, wise up.

>So it's not masturbation itself that's increasing prostate cancer risk in young men. More masturbation may just mean more sex drive -- and more androgens bathing prostate tissues.

read the article idiot

Fun fact, Jow Forums is a porn website.

Actually it's an anime site that just so happens to have porn on it.

>read the article idiot
Please read again and read what you just quoted. In the study both demographics stated different numbers for "little" or "a lot". If more masturbation is bad for prostate, porn addiction is a cause for prostate problems. You just need a little push to stop having cognitive dissonance on the matter but you are in the right track.

The pro porn and masturbation crowd started the healthy for prostate thing.
The fact that it was proven to not only be wrong but has been proven to CAUSE with 100% certainty prostate issues later in life is somethign that has to be made public.

Really? I thought it was just proven to be purely correlation.

Quit porn 2 weeks ago after regular use (every day) for at least 10 years. I’ve been quitting on and off since.

This is the longest I’ve gone. I’m still jerking off though and have sex a few times a week. My chicks mentioned I seem stronger in bed already.

I noticed that my morning wood came back after 3 or 4 days of no porn. I was worried when it went away.

Porn is evil garbage. Jack off and have sex but quit porn

Good luck boys

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Good to hear, but 2 weeks does not constitute quitting porn. That is just the start. Look in this thread. There are people that went 60 days plus and then relapsed only to be worse than before. You aren't safe until its been around a year; even then you have to be watchful.