Ah, so this... is the power of natty lifting.
Ah, so this... is the power of natty lifting
Other urls found in this thread:
Why go all in on abs and neglect your arms and chest?
Also he didnt even try to fix his soi complexion
it's the power of lanklets
no, not really. You don't have to be a hormone abuse to get a well developed chest or back. Start squating and deadliting heavy if you're not already doing that.
total gymcel
>tfw you autistically eat nothing but rice, broccoli and meat 4 times a day and lift 5 days a week then 1 year later you still look the same with a shirt on.
Natties when will they learn
Lol @ natty lifting, try 3 months progress on test
I mean it's better than the first pic but this is like two months worth of work for proper lifting + eating. He probably didn't do it correctly for the majority of the year. Still improvement though.
he probably did some meme BUZZFEED "we trained like super heroes for 30 days" routine.
those people always get these types of results.
>still a nigger
you fail it
here bro use this
Congrats, you now look like a freak.
not fair. You have BBC genetics
>Having to roid as a basketballamerican
I bet you cant even dance
I bet this dude did low weight high reps and very very few compound lifts
If he continued lifting like that for 3 or 4 years, he'd have a pretty decent physique.
looks like a month of progress not a year
onions genes too strong
post body faggot
Does niggers really post here or is this bait?
Fucking porch monkeys, everything went downhill after we were forced to let them free
Dont listen to the others, you look better now with bigger muscles. Probably get a lot of poon too. Plus the beard and the fade gives the illusion of a jawline
Copelets never learn
>falling for blind race hate
Good goy
Ha - you'd be amazed just how united people are surrounding their hatred of the Jews. Even liberals are waking up these days. People just can't help it.
If this is the same nigger posting this everytime i think you are legitimately schizophrenic brah get some help. Still mirin tho
>blind hate
more like you grew up in your faggot sheltered white neighborhood with 10 black kids going to your faggot school max. you don't know shit about anything you fucking roach
guy in the pic looked like he had decent mass even before the roids.
what a waste of good genetics.
yeah, some of the shittiest genetics known to man. mens physique and classic physique stage is full of white dudes bro
He did work chest though
nice hips desu
And this while you're at it
I feel like this dude did mostly cardio and calisthenics? Or am I wrong?
This.. is really discouraging.
He still looks like a onions fag manlet.
After a few raises I'm fucking going down to my local male clinic and getting put on TRT ASAP. I've done 3 tests which fluctuate in between 290 and 490. I've tried NoFap, HIIT, calculated my macros to a T, cut as best as possible to low BF%, and still fucking nothing. Learn from my mistakes, anons. If you can afford it, get your T levels checked before even considering going to the gym. Can save you a fuckton of heart ache
probably ss based on the lack of upper body development despite the 10 lb weight gain
this is what benching the bar and doing cardio looks like
he clearly ate fuck all
>looks good natty
>still roids
Enjoy your premature death for no reason at all
>shit lats
>shit traps
>shit arms
Its like he didn't even try. He's got decent abs, chest seems iffy but some people have trouble building their chest even if they do try.
fuck all this natty vs roid lifting bullshit...how did he take the photo on the right without his hands?
obviously his new gymthot gf took it for him
He looks better than he did before, he's stronger than he was and he probably feels better too. Maybe next year he'll push himself harder and eat better.
dam its like the man in black put some decade passing magic juice in that syringe
you woke up 10 years older after first pin
where did the person in OP's picture go wrong? not eating enough? not training hard enough?
some combination of not enough calories and not enough upper body volume
What exactly is he so smug about if that took him a year? What could his routine possibly have been? That's a month of work TOPS.
not very much
This is the power of my natty bros. I was up to 215 and I hit 179 today. I’ve lost quite a bit of power but gained a lot of strength and conditioning. Do I keep cutting or go back on a clean bulk? I’m 5’9
Pull that underwear down...we wanna see more.
people with those glasses on the right are faggots and retards
get some normal glasses you hipster faggots
He looks much better in the second photo than the first one, good for him. He could do with some more chest/shoulder work but what he's done so far is a clear upgrade from what he once was.
he gained the strength to take off his glasses
Wow you look grea...
Well you still look good.
the whole
-WEIGHT DAY (all tiny weights doing insanely high reps)
is 10lbs in a year really what should be expected?
this was his routine supposedly:
Monday: Upper Body (Bench Press, Shoulder Press, Lat Pull Down, Rowing, Tricep Pull Downs, Bicep Curls, Crunches)
Wednesday: Lower Body (Half-Squats, Leg Press, Romanian Deadlift, Glutes Press, Leg Raises)
Friday: Full Body (Bench Press, Leg Press, Lat Pull Down, Romanian Deadlift, Bicep Curls, Leg Raises, Crunches)
3x12 reps for every exercise.
horrid programming. low volume on just about every lift that matters. 3 sets of shoulder press per week? a beginner doing twice as many sets of bicep curls as ohp is some next level retard shit.
how to escape the gut that he has on the right? wtf is that shit, I dont want to have that ;W;
start transitioning so you can get a more feminine fat distribution
SS + gosad
how does the face change so much it cant be just the beard
11 lbs in 12 months is a lot of muscle.
What type of delusional expectations are you guys carrying around?
20 a year?
give me one good reason a former fatty shouldn't take the frauder shortcut to a year of gains in 1 beginner cycle. In b4 gyno since I already have it as payment for being fat during teens
cos you have no idea how to lift or diet and no discipline so they will be wasted, they're called PEDs, performance ENHANCING, not performing MIRACLES
...get on them after a year
I lived in a shit ghetto neighborhood with majority niggers, the only "fucking roaches" I see here are the niggers.
people who don't hate niggers never lived near them. Fucking middle-upper class priviliged faggots living in a fucking bubble.
You are a nigger, you practically make your own test. Why did you even need more? Are you a genetic failure to your race?
Looking tour de force bruh. Well done.
all the roids will do is multiply your gains. 0 times 0 is still zero. If you don't have the discipline to get your diet and training in check you don't have the discipline to get your bloodwork done, dial in your AI, stay on top of your weekly injections or even plan out your fucking cycle. you can't even count macros why the fuck are you trying to count hormones
Actual natty here. The sad thing is, these people are injecting test, they just have shit genetics.
whats wrong with rice,broccoli and meat?
~200 down to 157
2 months keto OMAD followed by 9 months lifting with diet varying from SS+GOMAD unironically to ~700+ Cal deficity OMAD
Stay natty my friends
Still looks like shit lmao
Please shut the fuck up, it is a magical pill, even sedentary faggots gain muscle on it
This is when you only focus on abs
Tell me you meant kg for those lifts...
>lost quite a bit of power but gained a lot of strength
Are you an magic elf?
post body
Have you stopped benching out of shame?
I have soi complexion. How do I fix it? All in on delts?
Troll, you're dyel in a shirt
keep cutting
A ton of retards here have reverse muscle dysmorphia. That guy got decent progress if you ignore that he obviously neglected upper body pressing movements.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Anyone wants to answer this seriously?
no he didn't. Stop trying to meme noob into complacency.
Hopefully bait.
If he worked on his delts more he'd actually look pretty decent
3x shoulder dislocations
hate bench, love OHP
dips feel ok but not great
he'd look better if he shaved and got a decent pair of glasses. dunno why he looks like he has less of a jawline after losing body fat.
I barely see a difference
11 lbs in one year is embarrassing
my favorite meme on Jow Forums currently.
He changed his glasses and his haircut. He definitely tried.
Looks about right
Here's me at 8 months, no pump
Lifts are 1/2/2/3.5
Certainly don't look like an underwear model but my balls work