This is not bear mode right? What do you call this body type?

This is not bear mode right? What do you call this body type?

Attached: MH.jpg (596x556, 68K)

grape mode

Did he do this natty?

>Power stone

Twink mode

Attached: DF092701-35BA-417F-BE49-DC9423774B2F.jpg (1575x1026, 171K)

Middle age crisis mode

It's called The Bodybuilder.
All superheroes have it.

You're not born with it.
You go and get it.

Can I get arms like this without steroids?

Attached: 1x74uxoz4cz11.png (596x510, 412K)


The "iron man" dies mode

Perfectly balanced

Power stone didn't make him big user he was already that big before the gauntlet.

This is what women mean by "dad bod."

Titan Mode

I'm not feeling that CGI in the first place,
and the fight scene between him and
The Hulk was garbage. I know all you
people who were pleased to see some
one like The Hulk go down are like
"Oh well, Thanos is my tactical, smarter".
BULLSHIT! It's The Incredible Hulk.
Thanos could have won. That's
interesting, surprising, entertaining,
like wrestling use to be. We should
have had a big battle royal between
those two. I mean if he could just
pull Hulks hands off of him that
easy, he could of just flicked him
away with his finger. That’s stupid.
I know the directors said that about him
being tactical, but some time movies or
parts and movies suck and thats why.

Attached: MV5BYzAwOTg1ODktYjAwNy00YTI1LWI1ZGEtNGUwZGRlZDQ2ZGFhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzE5MDQ4MTc@__V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x755, 120K)

Am i having brain problems or is this post incomprehensible?



This is what I found when
I googled if Thanos has
ever beaten Hulk in comics.

"The Hulk has been beaten by Thanos numerous times in the comic books. ... The Hulk's potential to beat Thanos lies in his unbelievable strength. Hulk's strength is beyond measure and can scale infinitely with his rage. According to the Marvel Wikia, Hulk has a higher level of durability than Thanos.Sep 18, 2015.

Does this sound like the fight
we got?

absolutely not haha

That is bear mode. Ignore fatasses who call themselves bears.

Are you fucking retarded? Everyone and everything was nerfed in the movies. The gauntlet turns you into a god in the comics, yet you need to be able to move your hand and snap to use it in the movie.

capeshit shill onions-boy

Really. I didnt see the movie
and I wont.

CGI mode.

You can't get them even with steroids, so no.

You're not the only one, user. Don't worry.

>that elbow/wrist thickness
not even frauding