I haven't seen a boxing thread in a while, why is that anons?
Boxing is such a great exercise for not only your body, but also your mind. You can burn up to 900 calories in a half an hour if you are doing an intense workout. It workouts out your whole body, it takes all your major muscles to land a good punch. Have you ever seen a professional boxer, most of them are lean as fuck, its also is great at popping out those pretty boy muscles. It is a great way to destress, you get to punch shit along with increased coordination, and its been shown to raise confidence levels. You gain valuable fighting skills that will make girls wet and guys respect you. It raises those T levels for you fellas struggling with that. So I ask again user, why aren't you boxing?
Fuck yeah, Muay Thai especially. 6 more striking tools to work with, plus fun traditions and clothes. Also boxing friends are amazing friends and will make you less of a retard. Good thread
Nathaniel Taylor
>great exercise for your mind >literally causes brain damage
Jacob Edwards
>getting brain damage at 22
Thanks but no thanks buddy. I'd rather be crippled from getting my knees torn apart than be braindead by 45
Samuel Lee
Who said anything about actually having to box someone else, there are tons of classes where you don't actually box and you can do boxing training which doesn't require actual fighting.
Sebastian Morgan
>Valuable fighting skills
That assumes you'd need to fight with some probability, which might mean you're poor.
In the slim event of SHTF, you're going to use your gun or knife. If you don't have those, sure, boxing skills are better than nothing against a normie, but if you're out of a ring, you could still be overwhelmed by multiple attackers or dirty attacks you'd never encounter.
> It raises those T levels
Source- your butt
>Have you ever seen a professional boxer, most of them are lean as fuck, its also is great at popping out those pretty boy muscles.
Yeah? And basically all of them lift weights, use steroids and then manipulate water weight to clear their weigh in and look juicy. That's all doable without ever boxing.
There's nothing wrong with casual boxing but it's nothing special
drilling literally does nothing for your actual fighting ability. If you're not sparring, you're a novice. By that point you might as well be doing pilates
Henry Reed
> You can burn up to 900 calories in a half an hour if you are doing an intense workout
You can also burn 2000 kcal doing nothing, also know as fasting
Jose Martinez
you know you can wear head gear right no one is going to scrutinize you by sparring with that
Jackson Martin
It's unclear whether headgear helps prevent brain damage in sparring. I'd rather just minimize the damage to my head in the first place. I can still learn how to fight by doing any other legit grappling art. Just minus the brain trauma
Julian Lewis
Why is boxing getting lambasted? It really is great for making a man from an omega or beta
Juan Price
Because i want a functioning brain. Instead i do Judo.
Nothing better then executing a clean throw, and watching someone twice your size go flying into the mats.
lmao and immedietly get your back taken and choked out. BJJ is better in almost every way
Oliver Nelson
>lmao and immedietly get your back taken
Is that before or after you get thrown onto concrete, and knocked out with a broken clavicle?
>BJJ is better in almost every way BJJ has no stand up game, literally took Judo's ground game, and worked on it. You are clearly mentally retarded and very challenged, if you think a judoka has no ground game and won't break your neck or arms, even without a gi if he ends up on the floor.
Japanese Jujitsu and Judo invented grappling, you stupid cunt.
Easton Carter
I think there are ways to fight without getting your head bashed so much. I hear it's rare to get knocked out in gook stick fighting but you get your body fucking thrashed so it's probably not for pussies either.
Bentley Harris
cool story kid have fun taking down someone that specifically trains in "stand up grappling", has much better balance then you, and has a variety of trips, throws, and 67 other techniques
>thrown onto concrete, and knocked out with a broken clavicle? As if I don't know how to fall. As if I wouldn't pull guard
>Japanese Jujitsu and Judo invented grappling, you stupid cunt.
Where's your JJJ and Judo at any high level competition? BJJ improved on every facet of both these sports. Wrestling picked up everywhere there were holes. Don't even mention Ronda Rousey. The only good example you have is fake fighting now.
Mason Taylor
>Pretends to know how to fall >Thinks he will fall as intended in an actual fight or even competition >When not even trained judokas can break-fall in competitions due to the force / momentum applied
This is how i know, you're a fat slob who has watched too many UFC, and never trained himself.
>pretends to know how to throw >thinks he will throw as intended in a actual fight or even competition
ok buddy still getting penalized for leg grabs?
MMA competition you fucking mutant. Of course people are going to use judo in a judo competition.
Robert Garcia
Come back when BJJ is an Olympic sport, you stupid nigger.
Nicholas Ross
>>thinks he will throw as intended in a actual fight or even competition
Confirmed never being to a judo competition, trained in judo, seen Judo, or even went into a MMA gym that trains in Judo let alone BJJ.
Why do you pretend and lie on an anonymous image board?
Jordan Harris
And have the rules raped like Judo? I'd rather stop grappling than get cucked by the Olympic commission. Hope you don't grab any legs any time soon.
Aaron Bell
>I'd rather be on my back with my legs spread, like a local alley whore, slowly sliding towards my opponent and then hug each other on the group for 10 minutes >Then compete in a high functioning combat sport, that requires highly intelligent people, that perform highly skilled throws and grappling techniques that take hundreds of hours to perfect
Makes sense, Judo isn't for everyone. And it especially isn't for someone like yourself.
Why stop the fight on a throw when that's where the real fight begins? Before you come back at me, I know that's just the rules. Your rules are retarded.
You're right. I haven't studied Judo. Just BJJ and wrestling for over 5 years. When you have a ruleset that's as retarded as Judo's it's almost counterproductive to study it.
Bentley Walker
>Why stop the fight on a throw when that's where the real fight begins? Before you come back at me, I know that's just the rules. Your rules are retarded.
You have to be one stupid nigger, if you think you'll be bouncing up from from a few of those throws, especially since Judo competition mats are very hard and absolutely wind you just as if you got slammed on concrete / grass.
>when that's where the real fight begins?
You mean, that's where BJJ homosexuals, hug each other for 10 minutes. Most boring " sport" I've ever seen, no wonder it's not an Olympic sport. A few of the techniques forbidden in IJF / Olympics, are because a few of them ended up in people completely tearing knees / shoulders etc..
Them stopping leg grabs was a wonderful thing, now it relies of pure technique, endurance, strength, and intelligence.
>Them stopping leg grabs was a wonderful thing And into the trash it goes.
Henry Brooks
I want to take up boxing and Muay Thai but the only place near me wants $1500 for a lock in 12 month contract.
Brayden Roberts
You act like some BJJ queer, would still taken down a Judoka even if leg grabs were allowed.
Thomas Thompson
only people who complain about leg grabs dont train in judo opinion irrelevant
Zachary Barnes
>Compromising the sport for viewers
You people are literally the definition of 30 pieces of silver
Carson Moore
>Being so much of a nigger you cant see how using your hands to grab legs, was basically very cheap, and an easy take down >Once it was removed, it now relies purely on technique, endurance, and strength.
Just because BJJ is so shit, grabbing legs is your ONLY way of taking someone down that make it shit, when we have countless throws, trips, and many many other take downs in our arsenals. As said, Judo is a stand up grappling art.
Taking leg grabs out of the equation does nothing to harm it.
Nicholas Rogers
cool story kid have fun taking down someone that specifically trains in "stand up grappling", has much better balance then you, and has a variety of trips, throws, and 67 other techniques
Luis Perry
Honestly, if you're so much of a brainlet to think that banning leg attacks improved the sport of Judo you should just off yourself right now because things aren't going to get better. IOF literally put pressure on IJF to ban leg attacks because of viewership. Looked too much like wrestling and what not.
>It was because of the stalling What kind of a shit ruleset do you have where you can stall after not even a takedown and still win the match?
Either way you slice it, the ruleset of judo is simply retarded to allow that kind of shit.
Jaxson Murphy
Leg take downs were banned, because it basically erased multiple hip throw techniques. Don't pretend like you know a single thing about Judo, or even trained in my beautiful art you oblivious dirty nigger.
Leg grabs also completely ruined Uchi mata, which was rarely ever seen because of the cheap leg grabs. If you want a cheap "sport" go back to your BJJ.
Anthony Lee
>getting arm bared by a martial art that literally made it
Jonathan Lee
>oh no a technique doesn't work when someone grabs my legs
Have you thought about adapting and changing your game to account for the possibility of a leg grab instead of changing the game for the worse? This is literally Aikido levels of retardation.
>Don't grab my wrist, you have to grab my arm for the technique to work
Get real
Bentley Watson
>oh no a technique doesn't work when someone grabs my legs
Except quite a few didn't work, because of the cheap leg grabs. It also offered nothing interesting, and erased the technique / throw part of Judo which is it's core. Where someone finally got a good chance for a throw, only to execute it briefly and stopped because you grabbed one of his legs and threw him which required no technique, or any effort to execute or use as a counter.
If anything, BJJ needs a revamp. You all fight like a couple of bitches, who pull guard on your back like a little bitch yet still lose when up against someone trained in Judo. Must be because your "martial arts' LITERALLY stole our techniques.
>blow job jabroni claims the superiority of sport that's unrecognized by the olympics and unused in actual fights
every single time. You'd become more fit and hold your own better in a fight if you went to a fucking pro wrestling school over a bjj mcgloryhole. Never forget those faggotass gracies got rekt by a pro wrestler
Zachary Murphy
Both Sambo and wrestling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BJJ
Cooper Powell
Doesn't do shit since concussion occurs from your brain smashing itself Into the inside of your skull. Let me know when you can headgear your brain.
And here’s a lower belt woman beating a judo black belt with guard pulls. What’s your point? When he does actually throw her, he gets his back taken immediately. When you have a part of your game that gets erased by a simple technique, it doesn’t matter how much skill you need to pull it off. It simply doesn’t work. Again, it’s the same problem with Aikido.
>don’t undertook me you’re supposed to grab my wrist like this
How is that any better?
James Carter
Wow this is fucking embarrassing, your best example is of a TV show that focuses on comedy, with a supposed "Judo" guy, that did 0% of Judo.
Not reading the rest of your bullshit, try again.
Ethan Howard
As confirmed, :Judo" guy is a comedian that only did Judo briefly in school;
Honestly if that’s what it takes to be a judo black belt, your sport is fucked in more ways than I thought
Michael Wood
bjj fags are known to ruin every martial arts thread
Cooper Baker
It's a TV show you stupid cunt, no one is going to cry or complain if he put on a black belt he didn't earn as it is a COMEDY TV SHOW after all. Getting your black belt in Judo will take 5-7 years... or constant training, and completing in tournaments (you won't get belts without competing).
Parker Anderson
My sensei is an ex champion, and won multiple times in Europe and in the IJF Trained for 30 years and used to train Army and police, and only a 3rd dan black belt.
Jonathan Miller
I would love to box but I wear prescription glasses and can't see without them. Pisses me off. So much shit I can't experience due to eyes being useless.
Elijah Miller
How was rocky able to train? grow some balls you punk.
Dominic Moore
Read links you post next time. He actually is a black belt.
Julian Morgan
roadwork and learning to work bags from a coach is good for fitness in general even if you can't spar. A lot of elements of sports are really good for fitness, for example smashing balls in a batting cage is going to give you a better core workout than doing ab rollouts and weighted sit ups like an autist.
Brandon Robinson
Brain damage as a hobby isn't a great idea. Would rather do something that isn't nothing but 100 shots to the head with pads to protect your knuckles so you can hit the head more.
Lucas Baker
I do box
I asked my trainer the other day why he never teaches overhand rights. he said they're a meme and leave you wide open to counters
but we drill rolling/avoiding overhand rights all the time and I see them constantly on UFC highlight clips. is my instructor retarded? am i retarded?
Kevin Nelson
Joe Frazier fought with one eye
Landon Adams
they're much less prevalent in boxing methinks you always can play around a lot and not get tagged by slipping, bobbing, weaving and footwork in boxing but in MMA, kickbox and muaythai there's so many angles that you can't rely on them so an overhand right is much more prevalent
Blake Johnson
How cant you tell he wasn't even trying? The only thing he did to her was an uchi mata, and he did it flawlessly, he lifted her like she was made out of paper. And then got her in a Kesa Gatame, which he let go of multiple times. Everything else he was just playing grip fighting with her. I've been training in Judo for 12 months now, only an orange belt but competed twice and won gold once, got 3rd place on second one.
Kesa Gatame = end game, i can even hold brown belts in that position. You CANT get out of it, and you also have your chest squishes and compressed which makes breathing very difficult.
Boxing is fine cardio but you’re overselling it, brainlet. It won’t make you buff and burning 900 cals in half an hour isn’t a thing. The cope is sad.
Jackson Wood
Used to do boxing 5 times a week.... yes i have no life and no friends or a girlfriend so i spent it training After being handcuffed and having to go to the police station for knocking someone out at work (I work as a bouncer and was punched in the mouth first) and him smacking his head on the concrete and ending up in a coma after i hit him with a one-two combo
That makes no sense. Fighting with one eye is better than fighting blind. Unless I was doing some blindfolded boxing for laughs.
Xavier Barnes
This is why I hope I never end up in a combat situation. Knowing my luck it'll either be >hit back >retard ends up getting serious injuries or dying or >don't hit back >end up getting serious injuries or dying or >run away with my amazing cardio gains and thunderous legs >look like a pussy for not risking ruining my life
Eli Peterson
Problem is, when the cops find out you train, it's like they act as if you used a weapon. I had to go to court to get my security license back because the cops had it suspended.
I spent $3500 to get it back.
Alexander Evans
I don't get this meme I do judo but one of my dojo mates broke his neck doing it and now he's a cripple, judo can fuck you up even worse than boxing
Henry Cooper
Don't know if i believe How, what happened? Proof?
Wyatt Brooks
a lot of famous boxers have brain damage that said though, I wish I had someone to spar with
Jose Bennett
Why did you punch him anyway? And even then why the head and not chest or arms? Like I understand that fucker probably deserved it but weren't you shitscared of that exact thing happening?
Dominic Evans
He got tossed and landed awkwardly. He's in the middle of some kind of experimental surgery
Nicholas Perez
I got punched in the mouth, he got upset i didn't let him in to which he decided to strike me.
>And even then why the head and not chest or arms?
And risk getting punched again? or something worse happening to me? In a situation like that, there's no nice guy. You have to neutralize the enemy, and in a situation like that where you have your flight or run response going haywire, you put you your hands. You have to understand, i spent a whole years, being at my boxing gym more then at home. It's all i knew, and it's all i trained in so putting hands up or fighting was very familiar to me.
At least after the whole ordeal, people who recognize me at nightclubs, stand back and tell others top not fuck around or I'll bash them.
cops also generally have a thing against security guards
Lincoln Murphy
Yep, noticed that first day when i was arrested no questions asked and treated like a full blown criminal / murderer.
Blake Hughes
it's just them stroking their cocks, they think you're an inferior version of them or some kind of poser
Cameron Long
Funny enough, I've worked many bars. When we had big brawls did cops did either one of two things.
>Arrive at the scene, after like 45 minutes, usually with two females holding pepper spray (for a 20 man brawl) >Or, they will stand outside watching the fight, and watching bouncers trying to break it up while offering no assistance or help
They really are a bunch of useless fuckers sometimes, at least in australia.
Logan Stewart
Judo only works if your opponent also does judo. You aren't gonna be doing any fancy throws against a random man who's trying to punch your lights out because he isn't going to shift his weight the way you expect him to to instinctively "go with the throw" to break his fall. Hes gonna sit there like a sack of potatoes while you jerk on his shirt like a faggot and make him stumble a little and walk a lot and basically repeatedly hand him free coupons to knock you out meanwhile.
Source: rescued a literal judo practitioner friend from a drunk street fight outside a bar during which he tried super black belt judo-ka sensei chi channel cosmic gravity wizard ninja throwing some gangster faggot for like 15 seconds unsuccessfully then literally screamed in fear so I threw a piece of cardboard between them and jerked him away and hurriedly took him home lol
Josiah Richardson
The fuck are you blabbering on about.. you can do many throws / sweeps just by putting your hand on his back or grabbing his shirt.. harai goshi comes to mind which you can successfully execute with a bear grip
problem is the guy will probably end up with broken ankles and an arm
the sucky thing about judo is that few dojo's still teach atemi waza- striking. You would learn how to go into throws from striking, it works great. It just fell out of practice because of