>ctrl + F
>no fph

Fat People Hate /fph/. Come on bois

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Screencapped from a recent /fph/. This breaks my heart

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this makes me rage

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i hate you. user. i hate you and your soul. i declare jihand on you and your family

*wipes tear away* b-based

Ikr? people should kill those child abusers but it's so public and no one gives a fuck

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sorry, wrong chat

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hope its true. godspeed user


must we do this every time?

I'm just amazed we've gotten to this point

Makes me rage every time

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>feels like I made 1 big mistake, and now life is over

That's honestly the most depressing statement I've ever read.

wots this then

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Truly this is the last board where we are able to push a meme to its raw and true nature

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I suppose we don't have to, but a thread without it doesn't seem right.

What was the point of that post other than gassing herself? It’d be different if she said why it’s awesome to date fat women in general, in which case she’d still be wrong.


My own mom turned me into a fucking ham planet during my high schools years. The manipulation and abuse from that fucking shit is something I will never forgive. My Mom's okay, but she is like all other women(AWALT) with her female narcissistic tenancies for male control. These manipulations destroyed a better part of my life.

>its not uncommon for married men to be fattened on purpose by their wives
>women are psychopaths, especially more so if you as a man are not in control

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260 is a nice weight for a woman

I'd still fuck Mariah my man



It may feel like he's only made one big mistake, but he actually made mistakes every single day for years by being in denial about his situation and doing nothing to make things better for himself. And he's still making mistakes by thinking that his life is over and that recovering is pointless. Don't be like him anons!

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>ah ah ah ah ah
gritty sesame street reboot when

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Got that melted strawberry soft serve body type

It's beautiful in its minimalism. It's a meme distilled to its very essence.

Honestly I feel quite the same.
>Parents big as hell
>sister big as hell
>I was big as hell
Been lossing a lot of weight recently (22 kg since January) and parents are starting to treat me bad. Cooking my favourite meals, buying shit Tier food etc. Mom almost hates me thinking "I dont like her food". Everytime there is anything to move they call me, cause I am strong now. Thinking about moving out. I only have

I hate them so much

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>You dont have to worry about breaking me
Who the fuck worries about breaking their girlfriend

Can't tell what's worse, her gut or her face makeup being several shades different than the skin on the rest of her body

No joke I've done it user.
I've had to pay for stitches in a pussy, and an ass.


I hate how obviously and awkwardly he shows his new teeth off every time, this shit creeps me the fuck out.

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oh dang is this shit real

He may not show it... but my nigga going through a lot right now...

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dicklets when will they learn

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reviewing food in your car is starting to look like it brings misfortune

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>"Just a taste, james," you say as he continues slurping down his gravy. "We both need our breakfast, correct?" Faintly nodding his approval, you get eye level with the yellowed crust flake on his toe. "An appetizer," you say. James eyes light up and he inquires, "where?" Ignoring him, you slide the tip of your tongue up the edge of the flake - a small piece breaks off and becomes soggy. Swallowing it, you tilt your head to the left and align your bottom teeth under the crust, moving slightly forward and shaving off the whole piece. "Mm," James grunts as the flake slides into your mouth, the oniony piece turning spongy. You swallow, but with an audible gulp - as large as it is, it didn't go down easy. "Now for the main course," you say wryly. James' beady eyes dart all over the room past his plate of gravy, looking for a fuller meal. Holding your nose up to the fold of his legs you take a deep smell all the way into your core. Cheese, mayonnaise and the smell of full rot enter your lungs. You gag, but you will not be denied your feast. Taking one of the leg pustules into your mouth, you bite down hard - thick, yellow pus shoots into your throat and strikes your uvula. With the taste of pure rot, your gag helps the half mouthful of disease get down your throat and into your stomach. This feels wonderful, as you haven't eaten in a full day. Finally you pull apart the crux of his legs to reveal half an inch of incredibly thick paste lining the folds. "Laygs" was yelped from the corpulent James, but you barely notice. Sliding a finger across the goop, you happily place your now heavier finger into your mouth and suckle the sour paste down. No longer can you help it and you go hog wild, drinking mouthfuls of what used to be skin and fat down your hungry throat. Stomach full and picking your teeth of bits of stringy flesh, you kiss James deeply through the remnants of sausage and gravy lining his lips. Falling asleep on his huge fatpad, stomach full.

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I smiled

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When it takes half a second to realize a human's orientation, you know it's beyond bad.

That dude has a huge dick

What the actual fuck!?

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i want that pannus in my annus


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What the actual....


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dude same. I was a fat fuck for my whole teenage years, im 18 now and im down to 220 at 6'0-6'1, still not there but way closer.

I haven't had a friend in 6 years. turning shit around and trying to fix myself but im still gonna be alone for a long while

>I hate them so much
reviefuher is still going strong

fugg dhat's a big benis XD

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Saw this on a public television set last night and the contrast made me bust out laughing

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>hate crime

>it matters whats in your inside
is a fucking meme. Ugly people are ugly both inside and outside.

He's so fat his fatness pressed the water of his body into his dick i guess.

Didn't read it all but the only thing that makes me rage about these long, embellished, 50% bullshit stories is the fact that these utterly terrible acquaintances don't get called out on their crap until after they've ruined everyone's experiences. Don't invite them in the first place! If you must invite them, let down some ground rules and make arrangements to not be joined at the hip for the duration! If they act like jackasses tell them so! Jesus fucking Christ, have some backbone.

>Ugly people are ugly both inside and outside.
Don't say that, I never asked or contributed to be born with quasimodo-tier asymmetries in my face and scoliosis, I just got absolutely fucked by genetics.

Can confirm.

wasn't there rumors of him being homeless and had to sleep in his car for a while

This is how this reads:

>I won't order a salad and eat two bites, I'll pig out with you. We can eat oreos and doritos together
I am fat

>I'm soft, squishy, cuddly and a great pillow
I am fat

>You don't have to worry about breaking me
I am fat

>You never have to spend hours shopping with me because most stores don't have cute clothes in my size
I am fat

>I have big attributes
I am fat

>My heard is plus sized too
I am fat

It's basically just 'date me because I'm fat'. But what she doesn't realise is that that disgusts 95% of people and you can't tell them otherwise.

Good job man. Don't worry about friends etc. Just concentrate on becoming the best you can be. The rest will follow.

What's the workout and nutrition to get a big peen like this?

Why the fuck do people want to watch other people eat food and be mentally unstable.

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hahaha please source?

registered titan hahahah

Beople :DDD

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>that skin

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Is it true that you get pimples and overall bad skin from sugar?

Imagine hating fun

Me after a 36hr fast

true for me

I love these types of posts. So wholesome.


Yes, and being fat also just generates more oil.

It's not healthy to lose weight

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I still don't understand this one but someone said it online so it must be true

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The absolute mental gymnastics.


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>representation of thin people and small fats is a symptom of white supremacy
Basically, I’m talking a lot of senseless shit so I’m going to use the big guns that nobody can argue against and say that you’re racist for not worshipping fat people.