Men's sperm count declined 50% in the last decades

>Men's sperm count declined 50% in the last decades
>lower test
>We eat twice as much meat as our grandparents

how the fuck do meat eater rationalize this ?

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>switched half of my meals to vegetarian and slowly going to phase that out
fuck ((meat))

brilliant deduction right here, bucko. You didn't think maybe there's another cause for lower t, you know closer to nature, something with genetics, something with comfort, you know?

nothing else has changed in the last few decades other than consumption of meat. nothing.

>Twice as much meat
cherrypicked correlation
You forgot
>Laptop Radiation
>Onions in almost every product
>Onions Lecithin in all chewing gum
>Onions growing in popularity
>Processed food is more prevalant
>Nobody is getting enough amino acids
>Everyone is deficient in something
>BPA plastic bullshit everywhere
And much more
>Sucking and chewing on BPA toys as a child
>Grow up to be spermless baaasedfreak

dont forget sedentary lifestyle.

Wow ok let's try this again
>Twice as much meat
cherrypicked correlation
You forgot
>Laptop Radiation
>S(G)OY in almost every product
>S(G)OY Lecithin in all chewing gum
>S(G)OYLENT growing in popularity
>Processed food is more prevalant
>Nobody is getting enough amino acids
>Everyone is deficient in something
>BPA plastic bullshit everywhere
And much more
>Sucking and chewing on BPA toys as a child
>Grow up to be spermless S(G)OYFREAK

>thinks twice as much meat isn't the issue
>lists things such as onions, when hormones are way more damaging
>chewing gum??????????
>processed food is more prevalent (but I bet you love downing your bacon, don't you?)
>everyone is deficient in something

Look at this fag lol

people always ate meat. Veganoid.

>dude the meat today is the exact same meat back then lmao
I would love for you to work at an abbatoir and see the gigantic chickens and rats that eat the hormone pumped food and tell me you're okay with eating it
I'm not even a veganoid btw retard I just balance my meat/vegetarian diet

Mint decreases test u retart

we went from mostly countryside grown and made shit to mass produced garbage with fake colors and tastes

the taste isnt there, and so arent the nutritional values

This. It doesn't matter what meme diet you follow, (((they))) have already gotten to it. Pesticides and chemicals are on everything, and onions is appearing in more and more foods by what can only be described as (((pure coincidence))).

The demonization of dietry cholesterol and decline in test levels started around the same time

>Animals eating food
>In an abbatoir

>obesity is on the rise, which kills test
>people are consuming more and more soda and energy drinks, which are pumped full of chemicals we shouldn't even be consuming
>the average normie now lives a sedentary lifestyle with zero physical activity
>mental illness is now glorified and encouraged which undoubtedly is killing test
>nobody is eating quality food, it's all heavily processed crap
>soi is found in pretty much everything
>people are consuming insane amounts of sugar
But yeah it's totally meat that's causing the issue. I'm seriously mirin that double digit IQ bro

fuck. Im a zoomer, did they get to me or what?? I’ll admit I’m not strong

Not in these quantities and not with vast amounts of added hormones and antibiotics.

OP is the exact proof of vegans brain shrinkage

I worked on an abbatoir faggot, yes tons of rats get in there and eat the chicken food and get fucking huge

Eat meat s o y nigger

What meat is hormone and antibiotic free?
I've been eating a ton of tuna am I safe?

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Soi has been in the top 3 crops grown in the USA for nearly a century now, with the majority of it going to feed cattle.

The rapid sperm decline is only a couple of decades old. Not to mention that there’s no evidence that soi lowers sperm production.

There’s something else responsible

>>Men's sperm count declined 50% in the last decades

Based on data that wasn't measuring for that, with older tech, using different methods, from disparate countries?

Neck yourself you lying fuck

>>Nobody is getting enough amino acids
But protein deficiency is essentially unheard of in developed countries.

Even the extreme raw vegans who get sick from their diet are suffering because of other nutritional issues, not protein.

>Humanity spends it's entire history eating almost nothing but meat to survive
>no problems
>Last 75+ years diet rapidly shifts to majority corn, grains, and sugar
>a thousand new medical problems all linked to diet
>"it's the meat"

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The saturated fat and cholesterol from meat leads to atherosclerosis that reduces healthy circulation to the testes

h-how is her discman still hanging on?

>I would love for you to work at an abbatoir and see the gigantic chickens and rats that eat the hormone pumped food and tell me you're okay with eating it
>I'm not even a veganoid btw retard I just balance my meat/vegetarian diet


Meat is necessary, but the meat grown today is garbage and is very harmful. So the next best option for most people is to go vegan. While theoretically less effective, makes you healthier than eating today's meat. Unless you hunt your own.

>Eating things we can't even digest or that is outright toxic to us is better than eating actual animal protein that's been altered to be bigger

please explain this logic

>Last 75+ years(...)
sure, buddy

>we eat twice as much meat as our grandparents

What? Vegans didn't exist before 2000's

Early hunter gatherers likely ate mostly plants and grains, and they were fine too

it's likely lifestyle, though I won't deny chemicals in foods having something to do with it

could also be the shrinking Y genome, maybe

big brain post
grain was invented in the 1940s lmbao

what a bullshit correlation
also the conventional meat we eat nowadays is trash

No you won't because you will miss a lot of nutrients that animal meats atleast used to have. You will likely feel worse on a vegan diet after a certain period of time

>We eat twice as much meat as our grandparents
No we don't?

pls respond
what meat won't poison my T levels

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>Early hunter gatherers likely ate mostly plants and grains, and they were fine too
Holy shit. This is your brain on veganism. Indo Europeans literally survived on raw milk, meat, and nuts.

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Tuna should be fine. The problem is when chickens and cows are soi fed, that's the meat you need to be avoiding. The diet of the animal you're eating is important - so avoid any soi fed meat

Stop watching loli anime is better for your T levels you fucking weeaboo

You're posting anime girls, your t levels are already irreparably damaged

The less processed the better.

Just make your own meals consisting of whole foods, user. And stop worrying so much.

It doesn't

When you say that you just show how stupid you are

Fasting increases T levels too, so do an 48 every week and omad the rest of the days and you'll be fine

I'm a vegetarifag and even I have to call bullshit on this. There could be so many different things that caused this. Just because X happened at the same time as Y, doesn't mean they're linked. I'd say it's the obesity crisis that's causing this. If they just factored out neets the percentage would go way up

tuna is full of mercury and shit and makes you autistic

And how long has veganism been popular?

i have heard that if you eat chicken or eggs from chicken that eat onions it will reduce testosterone because the hormone disruptive shit in onions accumulate in the chicken throughout its lifespan. Also heard its 5 times less in red meat compared to chicken. if the chicken doesnt it onions it should be fine

>>Humanity spends it's entire history eating almost nothing but meat to survive
I really hope you're joking.

lol i mean onions wtf not onions. How did this happen. i am almost 100% sure i wrote onions

>animal is eating at a ridiculous surplus
>animal is getting bigger
its almost like if you eat more you'll grow

onions not onions

S 0..y

> Spamming an hour long video
Every time haha

How about providing some systematic reviews, cochrane library entries, or national guidelines that support your meme position.

correlation =/= causation

Not always.

It can however heavily infer causation.

Meat consumption statistics are rigged hard.
For example germany: in 1910 the consumption was around 53 kg per year per person, today its around 60 kg, declining rapidly this decade. So even the official statistics dont show a significant difference between now and 100 years ago, and i believe consumption 1910 was higher since they diditn count meat soups, lard, and had no good measurement of house slaughtering.
So fuck you.
PS in the 80s meat consumption reached a peak in germany, and sperm count then was ok.

>So the next best option for most people is to go vegan.
Ha ha ga ga ha ha. That's like the last option you utter spastic. Try organic meat on the way to vegan malnutrition or just vegetarianism with organic eggs and dairy. Or FISH. Motherfucking fish. Ooooh veganism is the only option. You dumb fucker. I sincerely hope you never breed.

and to add another thing, what our great grandfathers really didint eat were tropical fruits, save coconut and maybe palm oil, so if you really want to ignore causation and correlation and scientific standards blame fruits

>Men's sperm count declined 50% in the last decades
>lower test
>Literacy more than doubled since the 1940s

How the fuck do literate people rationalise this?

>Tuna is full of mercury
>Chicken and Cow products are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics
>Sausage, Bacons etc. are too plus are full of nitrates

Well fuck me I guess I'll have to strangle a wild deer.

good point, meat consumption has remained the same since USDA condemned it.
problem is we stopped eating fatty beef and started eating lean chicken.
thanks for reminding us to eat more saturated animal fat.

this is the biggest "scientific" bullshit ever

salat has more nitrat then any sausage.
Furthermore nitrat is important for brain function

Unironically do it if you can

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the fuck is a salat


lettuce/salad sorry, salat is german

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You know what we don't eat? Marrow and gristle.

Drink your bone broth, bois

What's wrong with onions ?
Garlic is based but not onions ?

> hunter gatherers likely ate mostly plants and grains
>hunter gatherers

>N-no way it can be our diet! Factory-farmed tsoi-fed meat dindu nuffin!

in what world

Lurk more

plants yes, fungus yes, meat and bone marrow, yes.

Fucking grains?

They were grainlets, brainlet


fuck guys, right in the nostalgia

Eh cellphones, onions in everything, and plastics has helped the feminization of men

This nigga still believes the lipid hypothesis is valid

It’s a le “meme” but not really. They are trying to suppress the s*yspiracy

A world where the scientific method is deployed and we consider and build upon lower levels of evidence.

The experts considering systematic reviews to create nutritional guidelines in every developed nation in the world also accept this hypothesis.

Whereas the people dismissing it are uneducated youtube celebrities begging for patreon donations from the ketards/carnies who lap it up whenever they’re told good things about their vices (“bacon and eggs and lard are good for you oh my”).

>B-b-buh that would mean I need to eat my veggies! I just wanna eat bacon and pizza nooooo


>anime poster

>don't eat animal products they're fed soi and you don't want to become feminized do you?
>what do you mean eating soi feminizes you…that's just a conspiracy theory made up by the alt-right!
I'm convinced there's nothing wrong with our meat and they're just making shit up to scare people into veganism.

Fish is usually fine. Watch out for mercury though.

Onions, sorry hiroshimoot is till being paid by that industry S 0 Y, being put in everything from babby bottles to every piece of food we eat
Corn sugars in everything
Lack of real whole foods
Cellphones and wifi and bluetooth radiation in general litterally neutering men.
Lack of activity

What about vegans who don’t eat soi?

Trying to correlate two unrelated variables won't prove your point, user.

Never heard of such a thing.


This is what I'm going to start calling vegans.

(((experts))) are shit their guidelines are shit their studies are shit you are on your own to figure it out.


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you must be new here

>only a tinfoil schizo wouldn't trust experts
>pay no attention to the fact that they are getting their pockets lined by big biz
>pay no attention to the fact that sports science and diet science don't fucking replicate

A tinfoil schizo spins conspiracy theories when the evidence doesn’t go their way.

You talk about a divergence in the science (which I’ve not heard of but let’s entertain it) isn’t it convenient that the experts you do agree with have come to the conclusion you wanted (eggs bacon and lard good)?

The true red pill is that animal products are bad for us and people have tied their consumption into their identity (muh eating meat is right wing and manly).

get some reading comprehension fag
you are on your own to figure it out != that shit you are projecting in your second sentence
also fuck off back to r*ddit with that spacing