Fat People Hate Thread


Fat Russian killed dozens of people because he blocked others from escaping from plane in fire.


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>changing the acronym
>redundant thread
kys yourself

Apparently it's no diet day

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this shit is so dumb, how do we eradicate fat people? Should we encourage this behavior so they die sooner?

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Imagine being in the back of the plane and watching cunts slow the line down grabbing their luggage. Christ imagine being related to someone who died on the plane and seeing this shit. I almost feel bad for the fat guy people know his face now he's gonna have to leave the country.

It's russians, so some of them blocked people by trying to grab their luggage. 40 people burned to death because of it.

I believe this Slime Rancher game is very Jow Forums. I keep these fatties trapped and they produce valuable gems for me to sell and then I kill them

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"Feed myself from a place of care"

Uh huh I'm sure you're taking great care of yourself by shoveling down candy and chips

Wow they used the word "stewardess" that is fucking based. I assume she's Russian because she actually helped people.

I don’t understand. Where are the people? All I see are fats.

>Dmitry Khlebushkin demanded a refund and complained about his treatment by Aeroflot staff as he left Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport last night, while relatives of 41 victims mourned their loss.

Absolute lad. Honestly it’s not clear how his fatness was a factor. Sounds like he was just an asshole.

is Jow Forumstest game pic related btw ?

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Good thing is, these fat fuckers eradicate themselves.


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?¿!¡~~!¡~ ~!¡!¿?

41 dead Russians - not even a start.

Bet it was an American.

Russian actually, try reading the articles sometime. The fat hamplanet then got pissed he didn't get a refund on the spot.



And into the trash it goes

Nah just a Russian.

i was bout to post that, cunt

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Did the qt stewardess survive?

Same paki different tracky

i fucking hate these daily motivational phrase bullshit. Not because I have some negative, cynical attitude but because it makes me cringe at how empty and superficial all these retarded quotes are. They say nothing yet everyone thinks they're somehow deep because every single time it's the same crap about "hurr just b urself and be kind". It's repetitive derivative shit and it shows the blatantly weak and empty minds of those who post this shit.

He didn't diet so good.

It's always the most self conscious people who feel the need to say these things too. It's ironic

Who cares what faggots and fatties post on jewbook?

*notices your fupa

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more fat people are born than are dying if you follow this method

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>have to fly again soon

Fuck man, planes crashing left and right why did I even agree to this. Flying is unsafe as fuck, people who maintain these planes don’t even understand them anymore because they are way too complex.
It’s basically a coin toss whether or not your crash because your machine is somehow broken

imagine being a vegetarian(?) and still being fat and having terrible acne.

What the fuck am I looking at here? Is that some kind of Tumor on his ballsack?

This. I see so many chubby newborns and babies. Why they not lean dawg?

What the fuck is that

we've gone further then this.. please pay attention

>demanded a refund
aaaaand they wonder why these threads exist. fucking fat people are the worst!

probably a hernia that has been growing for 10 years

How a vegan can be fat? Eating oreos all theday?

if theyve been vegan for 4 days it might explain it

Sugar is vegan

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Ugly inside, ugly outside.

the fatty won't reach 2020

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>eating less lines the pockets of corporations

as if fat people weren't lining the pockets of corporations by stuffing shit down their throats in one day that would last half a week for normal people.
diet products are not expensive because you need none, it's more like being paid for doing the right thing, not stuffing your face with crap all the time because you feel like it.

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Is Joey that fat fuck that reviews food still alive?

You can get fat on anything if you eat enough of it, even the healthy stuff. 4000 calories of vegan food is still 4000 calories.
Besides, there are all sorts of vegan ice creams and fake meats and junk.

No no no
Vegan tofu bbq chips are definitely NOT made by big corporations.
They make so much more money selling you (((oats))) for 10 cents a serving than a $5 bag of specialty products. Just like pharma makes more from a $2 vaccine than from lifesaving treatment plus wheelchairs plus lifelong meds when retards get meningitis.

pretty coincidental that i start my diet again today.
had a bowl of oatmeal and a banana for lunch today.
wish me luck, bros.

You know she didn't get fat from eating berries. Stop trying to apologize the fatty

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Same here. I've been slowly getting back into lifting after an injury and now I'm finally getting back to not eating like a retard.

good luck anons!

let's kickstart a crusade, first against fat vegans, then fat vegetarians, piscetarians and finally omnivores. god wills it! they defile his creation and need to be wiped from the face of the earth.

We don't even need to do anything. They'll be first in line to be microchipped once they hear how much faster they'll be able to buy their fast food and bullshit. The second beast with destroy them and the faggot ass Christians who forsake God at that time while we're living in the wilderness and mountains until Jesus takes us home after the holy war against Satan

those who repent shall be spared of course.


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I remember being an angsts teen who hated Christianity.
Now I look forward to the next Crusade. How things change.

based nig

>“If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.”

>starts diet eating carbs and high sugar fruit
ehh, maybe you should scratch that and start tomorrow

he looks jewish

Most of them are unhealthy and fat as fuck. They eat noodles all day.
Noodles are basically literal sugar - a huge amount of people eats way too much of that crap. Just like rice and shit

>Should we encourage this behavior
Yes. This is a problem that solves itself.

my mother once told me that people tend to forget about god when all is well, when shtf, they come crawling back.

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Bullshit, they were trying to recover their overhead luggage

> Fat Russian killed dozens of people because he blocked others from escaping from plane in fire, because he was recovering his luggage
You must be new round these parts, classic fat entitlement

>to feed myself from a place of care, not control
How can you say you care about yourself if you let yourself get out of control?

Exactly. It's absolutely disgusting, abhorrent behavior to tell teenagers online that self care means eating whatever you want. I truly believe obese people should kill themselves, especially when they say this shit. This should be considered terrorism. They're literally just telling impressionable kids, especially girls who are already predisposed to more eating disorders, that it's okay to have an eating disorder as long as it's over eating.

big dick back in town

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Why are stewardesses so based?

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And this isn't even US-tier levels of fatness. Imagine a 400lbs creature trying to waddle to safety, it wouldn't even make it down the aisle.

Also, why none of the luggage-retrievers are being charged with manslaughter is beyond me. How can you be so greedy that you make your stuff a higher priority than survival?

>"kys yourself"

Wow this guy is a goddamn retard

>on your way home from a vacation
>flight lands, but as it does so, the landing gear snaps it's shit up so the plane skids out and catches fire
>plane has stopped moving but is engulfed in flames
>you are sitting one row behind the emergency exit
>in front of you, right next to the exit, is a 500 lb bloat unit
>you quickly realize that he will not fit through the door
>he is freaking out and will not remain calm enough to let humans escape first
>he will panic and plug the exit if you don't act quick
>your only option is to take his neck to snap city or everyone on the plane burns
What do Jow Forums?

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He's also a moron

is this a decent game? I might grab it from steam

I like it but fuck paying for games. I pirated it but yeah it's pretty relaxing. It's a basic management and exploration game. Plus eventually you get to experiment with eugenics and selective breeding to create the breeds that'll give you the most valuable things to sell. It's kinda like Minecraft in terms of easy to learn and relaxation and kinda like Civ or Factorio in terms of managing the pens and stuff

3 legs

Nice, I could do with a comfy management game. Thanks user.

Throw my leftover hotdog down the aisle

my family usually eats healthy but today we went out and got plenty of shit food, guess i celebrated no diet day lads

Wow guys, I thought these people weren't dangerous?

Can't happen, someone like that cannot operate the emergency exit door and thus cannot seat in an exit row.

they're not. That's why we must have a fun time erasing them from the surface of the earth.

It's Cope Culture

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Bang his head against the seat in front of him to knock him out and gtfoutta there.

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fatasses get mad that thor is fat but nobody blinks when he plays fortnite or when the hulk dabs

Most vegans are really fruitarians.
Meaning a shipload of SUGGAR all day long.

Beside that, you can get fat on anything. It's just that much easier with carbs.

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This is why no one likes minority activist groups.
No sense of humor. They don't want you to be allowed to take the piss at their expense. Normal white people have always been fine with having the piss taken out of them, it's only a problem now because we see that everyone else is trying to make it so that ONLY fit, white men can be used for laughs, and that triggers our sense of fairness.
I don't want to live in a speech-controlled state where no one is allowed to make fun of anyone. I'd rather everyone be allowed to make fun of everyone. But if you make me choose between, "you can only take the piss out of whites" and "you can't take the piss out of anyone," guess which one I'm gonna pick?

In theory you’re correct. In practice have you ever seen someone denied an exit seat? The stewards just ask if you can operate it, and these selfish lard sacks who want “muh belly room” say yes.

Crew would lose their jobs for fat shaming if the asked him to move. Kill him or burn along with the 3 year old sitting next to you.

Calorie-for-calorie it's harder to gain weight on carbohydrates because converting cabohydrates to fat only has ~75% efficiency.

Also, the higher the proportion of carbohydrates in a person's diet, the lower that person's BMI. Conversely, fat and animal products are correlated with obesity.


I don't know what part of the world you are from, but flying in the western world is extremely safe. That particular type of aircraft has been plagued with problems and it was discovered that a large portion of the engineers didn't have the qualifications to design an aircraft.

That being said the AI in aircraft may kill us, but aircraft made and maintained in the west (airbus, boeing, bombardier), flown by western pilots tend not to get into accidents caused by the aircraft themselves.

Also, have you ever considered why you have to pay extra for a bag over 50 pounds when over weight customers don't have to pay extra unless the fat droops over the armrest?


Nobody could squeeze past his fat ass as he tried to get his shit from the overhead locker. He blocked the whole Aisle to the only escape door.