Is it possible to get decent biceps by doing only push-ups? How many months would it take to see any changes?

Is it possible to get decent biceps by doing only push-ups? How many months would it take to see any changes?

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uhh user, how do you do push-ups

like everyone else

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Do some actual workouts you retard


push ups dont build bicep
sorry for a boring reply

then no, seeing as they don't really hit the muscle at all

I do primarily cardio.. I can't afford a gym membership or equipment of my own
I started using dumbbells and doing push ups just wondering if it's helping at all

That's what you think

Nice bait.

Seriously. You won’t build bi’s. Focus on the big 5.

Dead lift, squat, overhead press, push-up/bench press, pull-up/lat pull down. Throw in some high volume isolations where you’re weak.

I just told you I'm a poor fag and don't have access to any equipment

>trying to build any muscle
>by doing primarily cardio and high reps bw exercises

Yeah no

Youre building triceps if you just do push ups try chinups

Is it possible to get decent biceps by only masturbating? How many months would it take to see any changes?

Do chin-ups, and if you've got dumbbells, do curls, hammer curls and preacher curls (using a chair or couch).

Push-ups only really work the pecs and triceps.

Look into calisthenics then

Get creative you intellectually vacant retard. You can do squats without weights. You can do pull-ups and pushups almost everywhere. Push-up hand stands against a wall for overhead press. The only thing you really need a bar for is the dead lift, but you could fill gallon milk jugs with cement and “dumb bell” it.

Why do millennials need to be told how to do everything.l? Is disgraceful.

I could care less if I gain any muscle just curious what kind of progress I should expect
Thanks this is useful. I'm not trying to get ripped I just dont want skeleton arms anymore

have sex

You could care less? Or couldn’t care less? One option means you care, the other means you don’t. I bet you take that phrase for granit.

The other anons in this thread are trolling you hard dude. Push-ups will work just fine for your biceps, you don't need a thousand dollar globo gym membership or a fancy routine to get muscular arms. If it works for every military in the world it will work for you too.

Quit or reduce the cardio and you may see some definition in pecs, shoulders and arms over time, but it's not efficient whatsoever.

Americans say could care less for some reason

> decent biceps by doing only push-ups?

"Can I develop the muscle that flex the elbow joint by using the muscles that extend it?"

> I could care less

So you do care, at least a little bit?

OP can't actually be this retarded, right?

We're the hell did you get the balls to talk shit on Jow Forums? Your such a little pussy

Very based

Man for a board full of meat heads there sure are a lot of nerds here

Quads of truth

based quad poster

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FUCK OFF SATAN, they are not mutually exclusive.

1.33333 Lucifer is right.



its mostly people from /x/ and /b/. All of the actual lifters don't really post about anything other than how to improve or competition.
Honestly, Jow Forums should just merge with /b/ or /x/ and just keep the sticky up for anyone who feels like lifting

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100 pushups every day bro

>I bet you take that phrase for granit.
Please don't tell me that some people actually think this is the expression?

might aswell jack this thread since this faggot doesnt know what he wants:
whats the best way to develop biceps with only body-weight exercises and no equipment at all (not even a pull up bar or a kitchen counter)

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that would work tremendously

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give lots of hand jobs

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Hang yourself from the "doors" of an open window or wardrove and do pull ups. Other than that just curl whatever you have liying around that can be curled, including your own legs. I find leg curls extremely uncomfortable though.

You could make some weights out of a backpack, fill it with something heavy, pick it up by the hanging loop and do curls with that. It's a bit unwieldy, but it's better than nothing.
Don't tell me you don't have a backpack and some books.

Won't work

Won't work

Do hammer curls to hit that tricep bro

t. person with 0 knowledge about curls

t. person with 0 knowledge about anything
Explain how either of those will help op

>Explain how either of those will help op
Neither me nor that user are replying to OP. Perhaps you should try reading the post you're replying to?

newfag detected
they werent replying to OP, they were replying to

>Is it possible to get decent biceps by doing only push-ups? How many months would it take to see any changes?
literally me at 18 when i started working out. fun times.

Wow you're a fucking stupid retard if you think you get biceps by doing push-ups
Everyone look at this dumb ass loser

Supinated grip push ups as well as leaning now forward will require the bicep to do extra work to stabilize you