Post motivational images
Post motivational images
Other urls found in this thread:
Anime titties
Alice Glass
Strong JoJo boys fighting Enemies
Corazon and Buggy
>alice glass
>holds plastic cup and not glass one
I am the only one who is triggered by this?
what series?
Holy fuck that's some big dick energy
Mob Psycho 100
God I want back to early 2000s
Mob 100
Good shit whish i had these guys
Oh well.
Here's a glass battle
I don't have an image, I have a motivational realization that helped me start out. "If my waifu was real, she would not love me."
Bonus points if this dude takes shitton of drugs so even if he will be tired will go beyond his human capabilities eventually ripping his lungs and muscles apart like true deranged animal.
This is some gay feminist shit. Girl power is going to save the world my ass.
I feel the diversity already
This was unironically a cool scene and pretty on brand for Marvel.
Has a sensible chuckle. That’s a good one.
Or it can be dark humor, depending on how you look at it.
I always thought it was a boy in a hospital robe or something. Either way it’s definitely not a feminist thing, you’re just an idiot
If it was Ness I’d believe
>Strong JoJo boys
You sure you posted the right pic?
>trying real hard to be mad
More and more of you types have been popping up. Its just as annoying as people trying to push agendas.
keked and
Makes me wanna go full body off a blunt
>we could have saved her
Which statue is that? Would be nice to have the pic without the text, but google ain’t giving shit
>tfw no homeless arsonist gf
Do you get your rocks off by posting memes from 2012
I don’t get this one, are I the retardant?
>is not for public prestige
>is not for women
>its for you and you alone
Based and Pillowpilled
I was thinking about FLCL too but had a different song in mind
It's just a fucking child, chill you incel
The statue is of a man throwing off the temptation of vice and sin (the snake) and eschewing the men and women that would bring him down (the man and woman on either side). The cartoon guy ignores everything around him, the opinions of other men, the opinions of women, so he can gaze upon a statue that has meaning to him, the virtues he tries to emulate.
there was a version with a fatty, who was looking at paintings by Rubens or some other lard fetishist
The guy is just miring but being ridiculed for unrealistic expectations/going against modern ideals. It's a statue of Laocoon and his sons being killed by sea serpents, sent by Athena after he urged the Trojans to burn the Trojan Horse.
Uh... yeah, why
Best anime protagonist litteraly born OP but trains to get stronger on his own.
Fountain of Neptune, Florence piazza della signoria
It literally took me ONE FUCKING GOOGLE SEARCH you caveman
It's a cute image you mongoloid.
Based non-degenerate
No you fucking retard, that Laocoon getting btfo by Pos for being an annoying little shit. The others are his sons, also getting btfo
How will he re rack the weight
This is demotivational if anything. The kid is going to fail, and miserably at that.
How did people rack weights before racks?
>at this point I only lift for mental health and so if mob was real he’d like me and ask me to join the club
Well what do you think?
We will all make it.
Best motivation for incels: Even if womyns will never want you, if you get fit enough men will absolutely want you.
dam that's what i usually post so have this one then my dudes
Neat. Reminder that if mootles can do it, so can we!
Fuck cuck piece
god what a fucking awful comic
That's not moot on the right.
Heh, and to think i almost got away with it. Very well detective, you win again.
How about HxH?
Are you a HunterChad?
Based billyposter. Ive already moved to Japan, just need to figure out his workout now
Is the tall english teacher gaijin stereotype real? Just say yes.
That's not hell. That's Los Angeles.
Get the fuck out of here you fucking twitter faggot
No I have sex with women also NGTMI
So you're a berserk chad I see.
the result isnt the point, trying to achieve something great>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>not trying
Japs are on average manlets. I'm 5'11 and I routinely was one of the tallest if not the tallest person around.
Too tall and they will see you as a freakshow though
My grasses are always on
Good guesses but no.
The comic is a Jow Forums parody of pic related. Some fat acceptance feminist comic called "Born in the wrong century"
The painting the fatso is so enamored with is actually a scene of rape titled "The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus" by Rubens. Its an oversight by the person who did the original comic.
The Jow Forums version plays on this with the male equivalent of the painting, a statue of Laocoön and His Sons being strangled to death by serpents (some say raped). The gymbro is longing at Laocoon's physique the same way the fatso was, without consideration for the context of the overall piece.
There's a manlet version as well with a painting of Napoleon.
Yes goyim just a child, no message here. Honkity honk.
One piece is good but ur a fag
Imagine going into complete autism overload every time you see a woman.
have sex
She has godlike powers
Listen, I hate women as much as the next guy, but that image is about a child standing up to an impossible task in an act of cute little bravery not about how females will bat the big bad male asteroid away.
Dumb newfag.
It's cool until you notice Captain Marvel is magnitude stronger than most of these people, so they would literally only get in the way.
This made me happy.
Actually the comic the page is from is about the life of the girl in the last panel (I forgot her name), who has literally godlike powers.