Aight fit, I'm up to squatting bodyweight.
I'm not feeling alpha yet, still no gf, and my only positive human contact is my mom.
When the hell do I get a gf?
Pic related.
Aight fit, I'm up to squatting bodyweight.
I'm not feeling alpha yet, still no gf, and my only positive human contact is my mom.
When the hell do I get a gf?
Pic related.
Theres this super cute extremely small girl at my gym that has gymnast body
Why does it arouse me so much she has body of a boy basically
>squatting bodyweight.
Call me when you OHP bodyweight
I ohp bodyweight where the heck is my gf
My ex gf thought it was so weird one piece swimsuits make me hard as diamonds.
Wtf is 0hp and 2hats with all this new slang?
Wtf is 2/3/4/5 while at it?
Thx Fren.
Ohp= overhead press
2pl8= 2 plates on each side of the barbell
1/2/3/4 = one plate ohp, 2 plate bench, 3 plates squat, 4 plates deadlift; it's common beginner goal
Thanks fren.
I don't deadlift cause back issues, will I ever gf?
I can ohp body weight since i was 17, why am i still single.
>squatting bodyweight
Is that actually a milestone?
I can do 75kg for 5x10 reps and I weight 70kg but I never even considered it that important when /symmetric/ says its between novice and advanced.
you forgot to update your address.
Nope, sorry bud
>he doesn't know when you reach 2/3/4/5 you will get a package from planet fitness that includes a gf at least 6/10
>Lifting for women
Not gonna make it and that isn't how it works.
>get my 2/3/4/5 Golden lootbox
>only blue quality gf and a crappy dab emote I already had
>Chad opens his, gets Legendary Three Titted Ultra Thicc Gf with Lactation enhancement and a new pair of sneakers
It's not fucking fair bros
I herniated a disc and I still DL.
Start low, use a belt, learn to brace.
Why would you get a gf from lifting if you're not hitting on any girls?
(I have the same problem, the real solution is just actually doing it in spite of our fear)
This didn't start "feeling alpha" until I was able to at least push fat girl weight over my head.
By being social as fuck. Go out and get the social gainz. Most guys meet an SO while doing something they like to do.
Blueprint to success:
>"Hi, my name is user"
>"you seem like a lot of fun, do you want to hang out tomorrow at 8pm?"
She says yes, daddy
>"awesome, what's your number"
She says no
>"oh drat. Okay, well it was nice to meet you"
The no is even better because you'll radiate absolute big dick energy for not taking the rejection seriously. Some girls that have said no sometimes approach me later changing their minds.
Keep lifting, keep growing, we're all going to make it, brother.
nope, most people can squat bodyweight the first time they go to the gym.
you should aim for a 2x bodyweight squat for 5 reps minimum, until then you're a novice (srs)
Sauce please.
Why even dl if risk of injury is so high?
I get squats but literally why DL?
cant you just curl?
This is fucking BS.
My parents games came w unlockable house, wife, kids, mistress, cars, fuck even boats just by playing.
Now you only get green quality gf as a drop tops and everything is microtransaction based.
And who the fuck thought random starting race and class was a good idea?
Because I like the lift.
I herniated my disc doing dumbbell shoulder press. Seated.
You can hurt yourself doing anything if you do it in a retarded way.
Hitting women is always wrong.
>tips OHP
because you're a homosexual with pedophilic tendencies
I'm 5'10" w shoes. Will I still make it?
My hobby is jerking off.
>cant you just curl
I legit don't even know what dl does other than fuck you up.
Squats do legs, pull ups do shoulders, bench does chest, curls do arms. Why DL?
Just to meme?
Are you retarded?
Yes. Please more daddy
Pull ups does the back the most, not shoulders. Though I agree with you, I don't see a point in doing a risky exercise like a dead lift. Maybe within a certain weight threshold but very few things are worth wrecking your back over, and a dead lift isn't one of them.
She looks like she smells bad and her hollow gaze pisses me off
I got DL's to bodyweight, had good form, and one time I legit felt like I had fucked up my back.
So I stopped.
Haven't noticed a downside.
Yes, its a compound exercise that may save you time (if you don't fuck yourself up), but you can hit the same muscles much more safely at what, 10 or 20 mins more per work out tops?
If you are doing Grayskull or similar, it doesn't even take more time, just substitute it on DL day.
Who knows, DL just scared the shit out of me and my family got.... that fucked up bad thing where your spine is slightly curved.