>BTFO Amberlynn Reid
>BTFO Boogie
>BTFO Tess Holliday
>BTFO V-Shreds
>BTFO Fat activists
Who is angry bald man gonna take on next?
>BTFO Amberlynn Reid
>BTFO Boogie
>BTFO Tess Holliday
>BTFO V-Shreds
>BTFO Fat activists
Who is angry bald man gonna take on next?
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who the fuck is this faggot? And why i should care?
Fuck off boogie
>le btfo with logic and facts clickbait
kys faggot, this leech sucks dick, amber is /ourgal/.
Some guy trying to shill his channel. Probably doesn't even do his daily facepulls.
ok, so moderately based fitness youtuber. got it.
he's good but the talked total bs about Chris Heria. start doing crunches fatass.
Jesus f christ this guy is boring.
>15 second intro
>Still frame with him taking 10 minutes to make a point that could be made in 30 seconds
It's like taking a time machine to 2010 shit fitness youtube land.
He's one of the leading critics of the fat acceptance movement.
At least post the one where he calls out Booger
Boogie unironically looks better now.
Why does he have Chad's tattoo?
Chad's don't ever go bald or get old.
Well he couldn’t have looked much worse. Though I do hope he’s able to keep the weight off his time.
Boogie is such a manipuliative piec eof shit. I've noticed that all the celebs, both e and real, are manipuliative narcisists.
Part of me just wants him to die since he's a piece of shit.
who gives a fuck, all the calling out fatties feminists content is cringe zoomer bullshit.
>cringe zoomer bullshit.
lol buzzwords.
it is though, keep coping.
Hank Schrader get off
Mods deleted and banned me for booger thread. Why are they such sensitive onions faggots?
Damn u glo
a couple of months ago i liked this guy.
now its just annoying, calling out people to get clicks
Holy shit, Hank Schrader looks like THAT?
And that's a bad thing?
>this my safety sir