This is unironically why there was such a big push against tobacco use. Remind me again why you aren’t using it?
This is unironically why there was such a big push against tobacco use. Remind me again why you aren’t using it?
how about a link you flaming faggot
but what if the tabacco jew wants you to think that?
If they wanted me to think that they’d make it more well known.
you retard. men with high testosterone levels are more likely to smoke and abuse alcohol. testosterone fuels impulsive, self-destructive behavior.
This is fucking stupid. If it said that they made nonsmokers smoke and checked their test then sure, I'd lend it credence. All this study says is that people who are drawn to smoking are more likely to have massive dicks, but you're gonna make the antichads here start chaining a pack a day
but what if its a jew specialized on nische jewing?
Another fraudulent Chinese research paper.
>This is unironically why there was such a big push against tobacco use. Remind me again why you aren’t using it?
fuck off retard
I've read studies elsewhere that showed that nicotine estrogen significantly reduces the activity of estrogen in most people, (men and women) so that's probably where OP's clickbait shit came from. Still, OP is a fag it and I don't think it's worth the trade offs. If you're willing to resort to drugs and memeshit to increase your testosterone, TRT is far safer and more effective.
Click any other related article on the effect of smoking on Testosteron and you'll see that all other studies find no correlation.
If you don't smoke by now, your not paying attention. You realize the government funds anti-smoking campaigns, right? Nuff said
how is smoking tobacco pol? like wtf is everything people dont like just pol now?
I mean I smoke but I'm not going to believe it's healthy, just a stress reliever.
>Doesn´t smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?
>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?
>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.
>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?
Fuck off back to Jow Forums
I'd rather have proper functioning lungs.
what about packing fatties
OP, are seriously not capable of reading and comprehending a basic paper?
>You realize the government funds anti-smoking campaigns, right?
You also realize the government funds suicide help hotline, right? So why don't you kill yourself, already?
Eh, it took doctors decades to realize inhaling any smoke is bad for you.
Technically RJ Reynolds and others were forced to pay a settlement, which covers the cost of anti-smoking ads.
If smoking is good, why don't more people smoke other things than tobacco?
Humans breathed in smoke around fires for thousands of years.
Honestly OP, I'd praise you for your adversity in the face of stupidity but it's the other way around in this case.
How much can I get paid to shill cigarettes on a Jow Forumsness forum
yet all doctors i know are smokers. not even shilling but always found weird
>testosterone fuels impulsive, self-destructive behavior.
Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
Kill yourself you fucking retard.
It's a simple scientific fact and it's also one of the reasons behind negroes acting the way they do since they have much higher testosterone levels.
is it just the test or is it something else.
You all need to read studies done with the tobacco plant itself and it's potential benefits towards bodily testosterone... --- not clickbait from mediocre news websites and not with the act of smoking a cigarette product.
Or maybe it's their low IQ levels.
post some, user. Not doubting you, but smoking something you buy in a store vs. something you grow yourself is hugely different. Think there was a nicotine thread a few days ago.
It's a scientific fact retard. High test makes you a risk taker. This can be harmful, but it's also extremely beneficial to society. If we never took risks, we'd still be in mud huts. We need impulsive self destructive men because they are the geniuses and pioneers of this world. Going to the moon for shits and giggles is pretty impulsive, betting your future on your startup tech company can be self destructive, but without those men we would have nothing.
It's actually nicotine which has a positive impact on test (same for many drugs actually, caffeine included). That's why I vape. Yeah, yeah, come at me you degenerates. At least I have above 900 ng/dL testosterone levels.
>Unironically smoking cigarettes in the year 2019
But I am user.
And life expectancy in Western countries didn't hit 70 until a few decades ago.
Yeah, their levels are negligible compared to others
kys tumblrcuck.
You have to go back.
first thing I thought of when I read this dumb post. high test causes cigarette smoking, not the other way around. dumb fucks
Imagine living fifty years past seventy. Christ, just kill me at that point.
My great grandma was like this. She was 96 couldnt talk properly and couldnt remember a damn thing. She was happiest person. Her consicuisness just faded away one day with no reason or health problems. She just died because she was old.
Fuck off back to Jow Forums
They don't just have high test, they also have high estrogen, low IQ, and are around 9 times more likely to carry the MAOA gene (aka violent impulse or "warrior" gene) than other ethnic groups.
I quit smoking a month ago.
I’ve also been feeling really shitty the past month.
Is it tobacco itself or is it the nicotine? I've heard that nicotine is an aromatase inhibitor so vaping might work if you'd rather not smoke
Are you implying that this is a positive development?
keep smoking fellow anons, you want to get big and strong don't you!? After all, it was those big bads that convinced you it was bad. You are very intelligent and much more aware than those non smokers
yes, keep smoking, it can only do you good
Basedlo ren has arrived
I am nonironically going to quit my tobacco habit shortly.
Shortly because I am a weak-willed faggot.
Quitting, because I truly feel that it is the reason I broke up with the love of my life and has pushed my already meager self into a depression that I am too proud to go get help for.
>do people want to stop other people from severely damaging their respiratory endurance?
>no no, they must want me to be a soiboy
>everything is Jow Forums
Sounds more like you have brain problems faggot
Testosterone directly, concretely, objectively, factually, demonstrably increases risk-taking behaviors.
Yes goyim eat soi cuz u toxic
Implying that's a medical achievement.
Check out the ages of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Most of those guys lived long lifes.
Life expectancy is genetics and ability to procure healthy nutrition.
Imagine being such a spoon fed faggot.
Niggers are actually the lowest when it comes to test, Asians the highest, although not all Asians races are high t. The aggression you see in niggers is because of their high estrogen levels. High T people are usually very controlled most of the time, not in a cowardly way but more in a "cool" way.
Yes, goy, it's a FACT, that's why we HAVE to pump estrogen into the water supply and fill all your foods with sóy! It's foe your own good!
Does the juul save the same benefits??
You mean AVERAGE life expectancy which is heavily affected by infant mortality. Which was the number one cause of death prior to modern medicine
tobacco is androgenic
Roll your own
and dont smoke more than a couple a day
I cannot and refuse to believe someone can be this retarded. Guarantee this fucktard is carnivore
yea, no dude. cigarettes are one of the biggest cringe and bluepilled things on the planet. say no to the nicotine jew
t. former 2 pack a day smoker of 13 years
> Remind me again why you aren’t using it?
Smoking is a waste of money
Smoking is strongly linked to lung cancer
Smoking results in vascular constriction and erectile dysfunction
Smoking results in decreased lung capacity
But yeah, I'll get right on that pony on the chance it might marginally increase testosterone levels.
If you want to increase your testosterone levels, get under the bar.
Top cringe
It's like saying that driving a motorcycle increases your t, never mind the people who gravitate towards them probably have higher t.
>Correlation equals causation
Theres your problem, you are retarded my friend.
nice argument
Actually testosterone is the hormone that makes men more daring and competitive and also embeds addictive impulses and dopamine circuits. That comes with both good and bad ends of the scope.
Fucking idiot
It is a fact, that doesn't mean its objectively bad. Being a man means having to deal with what is good and what is bad of that behaviour.
>inb4 Im a shill
I'm against estrogenization of people but stop being retarded and get a grip.
>when you tell people on a european tap dancing forum you smoke cigarettes
>This is unironically why there was such a big push against tobacco use.
Rooted deep in the smokers culture, there is also the cool dude effect due to when smoking was associated with being manly, wild & free.
Can't find the survey tho
>china study
What about a real study?
the government doesn't want to lose tax payers. it isn't the welfare nogs who kill themselves
i seriously hope you guys are rolling your own tobacco products and not buying marlboros like a casual
Lol nobody knows shit about testo in here it seems like.
There is no mechanism in which nicotine increases testosterone.
In fact its pretty bad for your testicles.
What it does for certain, is decreasing estrogen.
c o p e
no u
Yeah. The exact same kinda smoke from cigs
I thought it was pretty well known that smoking during pregnancy increases testosterone of the woman and therefore the womb/fetus
Wrong image my man
>Jow Forums advice
>Don't do cardio
t. pension jew
also because jews don't dominate the industry
>OP implying that the increase in testosterone is why society has turned on smoking
yeah OP is a Jow Forums-tard alright, they just didn't mention that they think the jews are behind it as well
I've been here longer than you, stop shitting up my malaysian pottery forum
If you really want to smoke, smoke a pipe. Only niggers inhale smoke. Cigarettes ruined tobacco for everybody.
Btw even though it’s counterintuitive, high test exposure from the mom during pregnancy is correlated to homosexuality.
>voluntarily inhaling tar
>Was life a competition about who lives the longest?
The YOLO meme is thankfully dying
fucking based