I just hit 1pl8 bench guys

I just hit 1pl8 bench guys.

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Good job. Keep working.

Good. Now keep going faggot. Don't stop until the day you die.

congrats men soon 2pl8

good job user now 2pl8 :~~~)))

Gratz brah keep up the good work, remember we're all gonna make it

Good job bro. Keep it up!

if you didn't bench 3 plates in your first go it means your a subhuman with chit genetics, unironically kys


Whats the 8 in 1pl8?
I did 1 plate last workout too user. Almost chickened out on the last set and lowered the weight but tils myself i could do it and i did. I felt awesome.

Youre supposed to pronounce it like gr8 b8 m8

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3 plates? lol. If you aren't benching at LEAST 500 when you start you may as well give up.

O gotcha th8x

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Excellent Work Bro.
Keep at it!

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Lol I benched that much the day I walked in the gym. If you had to work to get to 1pl8 chances are you have shit genetics and should probably stop lifting before you look like an overcompensating retard.

Stfu, stop shitting on others to make yourself feel good.


I too did this recently. I'm taking some of these congrats for myself, thank you very much.

Thanks brehs, gonna keep going at it.
2pl8 does seem extremely far away but maybe 1 day.

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Fuckin keep er going.
Started at 95lbs now I bench 260lbs.
Feels good as fuck

so I'm gonna go out on limb and assume your a woman or child???

I heard that if you use dumbbells you should just add 45 to the weight you're doing to get the barbell equivalent. So if I can dumbbell bench 90 pounds total then that means I'm at 1pl8 right?

Proud of you OP, you can almost bench a Stacey!

The journey from 1 pl8 to 2 took me years

I started at 94lbs and now I bench 261 but that's pretty good too user

>he cant bench 500 plates

At least your mom loves you lol

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1pl8 would be 135. 45 on each side and the 45 lb bar. Not sure if there are differences for DBs to BB considering the ROM

>Stacey weighs more than 135

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Congrats user. I hit 1pl8 a week or two ago. Now I'm at 165. Keep going, we're all going to make it

good work user keep it up!

tweaked my shoulder AGAIN last night benching

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Gay larp

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Congrats brah, keep on trucking and aim for the top

Nice user. I hit 1 plate 3 months ago and I’m already at 185. Thinking I should have 2 plate by next year.

post body

185 is already over 2 plate...

maybe in your weird third world country

for how many reps/sets? most niggas here gloat about their lmao2pl8 while only being able to 1rm it

No cause you have to spend energy to balance each dumbell unlike barbell. Dumbepl is a little lower thna barbell

plates are 45 lbs... 1 plate is 90 lbs, one on each side

2 plates are 180 lbs, 2 on each side

are you fucking retarded?

PLEASE don't tell me you are counting the bar, user....

2pl8 is 225. either you are super new or are retarded.

congrats on getting me to respond either way. here's your complimentary (you)

you dumb nigger you forgot the bar

Hijacking a bit, used to do 1plaet, stopped lifting, started benching again with dumbbells.
1. Is there any reason to even use barbells over dumbbells? Seems the latter has a better range of motion, activates more muscles and doesn't cause pec imbalances like barbells
2. Is conversion to barbell actually just both dumbbell weights + the bar? In other words, someone who can bench 1plaet can bench two 45 dumbbells [with the same relatively restricted range of motion] about the same and vice versa?

>he counts the bar


How fucking new are you to lifting, holy shit
I know you're baiting but 1plaet is universally agreed as 135, 2plaet 225 etc.

holy shit your retard, the bar is 45lbs
thats also WEIGHT, so you add it to the tally

fucking freshcunts larping on Jow Forums baka

>had to start with the bar
>can't even bench 1pl8 after almost 2 months
>read stories about people starting with 95lbs and hitting 1pl8 within a week

Is it even worth to keep trying

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oh god I hope you guys don't go around telling people you lift 225 lbs with a 2 pl8 bench


do you tell people you're """"benching"""" 45 lbs when you lift an empty bar?

t. 5'7 fatass

Eat more faggot

Eat more food fren u can do it

you probably dont even subtract the holes lmao

if you are benching an empty bar there is nothing on the bar, you are benching nothing

if you are benching two plates you are benching two plates

Bad b8 is bad

>Make retarded post
>Get called out for being a retard
>Realise you're a retard
>Pretend like you were just pretending to be a massive retard
*************YOU ARE NOW HERE************
>Announce that you were merely pretending to be retarded
>Leave thread out of shame
>Be a retard in a different thread
Rinse and repeat.

Now go larp somewhere else.

They're lying, user. Empty bar is a little low but 20 on each side should be good for starting, if you absolutely can't do 8 reps with good form at this weight then lower it. Keep in mind you want your weight to be 5 reps for strength, 8 for a mix, 12 for hypertrophy/endurance

do you add the weight of your faggoty wrist wraps to the total of your bench too, user?

do you add the weight of your lifting belt to your squat?


1 gram of protein per pound of body weight every day.
Every single day.

You can do it.

you fell for the "counting the bar" meme, tell me who really is the retard here?

Yes.. thats how it works literally everywhere, including lifting competitions..

>keeps posting acting like he's not the original retard trying to dodge having to reply to people
Bar = 45lb unless in your head somehow benching a 45lb is literally the same amount of energy and progress as just lying down and pushing your hands up in the air. Plate always means "plate*2 + bar"

Fucking hell am I being trolled

Lol and I was feeling shitty for starting with 45lbs
Did pushups for a long time before gym tho

Nah, that retard meant it at the beginning but then realised he was wrong so now he's pretending that he was baiting from the beginning.

I hit 1 pl8t too

Good job my dude

I think it's someone else pretending to be him based on the discrepancies between posting style and "arguments"

Am I the only one here who has hit the glorious 3pl8 bench?

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Thanks, am I going to make it?

Keep aiming higher and yeah

benching 1pl8 first go is easy when you're a 5'6 manlet who only has to move the bar 6 inches in order to lockout with his tiny t-rex arms

are we in a lifting competition faggot?

I started by only squatting the bar 4 years ago and barely benching the bar too, but still today I look pretty good naked so theres that dont give up

dude, most untrained men can 1pl8 if they do any form of even slightly physical activity whatsoever on a regular basis

good job user! I just deadlifted 3pl8 today

You've made your first steps into a larger world.

>somehow benching a 45lb is literally the same amount of energy and progress as just lying down and pushing your hands up in the air.

yeah it's called not being a little bitch lol

Stop shitposting for a second and answer me please, I even got quads


come on fren, you can do it. i started off with 115 lbs first time but to hit 135 for 1 it took me like 5 months. absolutely EVERY single one of us is going to make it, including you fren. lets fucking go baby lets go get these gains

Hit 1pl8 3x5 a little while ago but finding it pretty fucking hard to progress past that. Got 65kg last workout but it's not feeling great. I'm a lanklet though

Google deloading if you hit a plateau
nigga what are you doing

>nigga what are you doing

3 x 5 is basically at the core of the most popular beginner programs, what else are you supposed to do?

Those are the 100% strength programs, and even then 5x5 seems more common

Doing Phraks Greyskull. So really it's 2x5 1x5+. Recently I've started adding some extra exercises seeing as I'm struggling to progress.

I would really not recommend under 5x5 for a beginner personally, if you must, try deloading to 8x3 for a week and see what happens

3x8***** I'm half asleep. 2/1 sets are way too low volume to reasonably progress unless I'm misunderstanding you

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if someone can't even bench the bar, would you say that they can't even bench zero pounds? No you wouldn't you fucking dumb dummy retard

Supposedly barbell activates parts of the chest better than DB (mainly the upper part). Dumbbell is better for overall balance and works more of the stabilizer muscles. I would recommend doing both as they carry over for eachother. I'm not sure about the dumbbell to barbell conversion but your theory doesn't transfer over to my situation (benching 60lb dbs but can only bench 145 for 6).

Uhh just do both actually

You can do a better job on progressive overload with barbell than dumbell, so that is why barbell is a king. I still use both tho, one for strength and other for hypertrophy

Literally how?
I've been lifting like 2 months and I'm already at 185 for reps

Gimme photo

Barbell > Dumbbell All Day. When I started off I focused on DB Bench. You can bullshit yourself too easily because you don't touch your chest. You also expend a lot of energy just getting the DBs into position. Focus on BB Bench and even your DB Bench will improve faster. All the biggest freaks, natty or not, focus on BB Bench.

my bench started on basically just the bar 4 months ago, and today i benched 1.5pl8. we're gonna make it!

some people take longer to gain strength. genetics, eating, rest, external life stress, programming, it all adds up.

how many reps of 1pl8 do you need to be able to do to be officially considered 1pl8?

yeah fuck those people.
i'm only like 4 months in so my advice is probably worth jack shit, but here's my 2 cents:
long arms make it real hard to really understand how to activate pecs when doing bench. i think i trained lats more than pecs when i started out doing bp.
but then i started doing dips on days i did heavy bench and now things just sort of got rolling, now i understand how it feels when the correct muscles are working.
tl;dr: do dips

yes i literally would