You ever cry at night knowing you will never understand everything at a masters level? I have a intense desire to become a master cook, mathmatician, physicist, speak all languages, participate in every sport, dance, learn every art, basically everything and its not humanly possible.
You ever cry at night knowing you will never understand everything at a masters level...
No because Im a math major and already understand everything because everything is math to the core.
im a philosopher that specializes in logic and im here to tell you that you are retarded. Everything is philosophy at it core, mathematics is a tool projected by the human mind to describe the world in terms of order and structure.
Just pick one thing and get really good at it
im a transcendent polymath and im here to tell you that you are retarded. Philosophical and scientific reductionism is a fallacious philosophy, and one must instead appreciate emergent phenomena and apply a version of the physical bootstrap principle to the relationship between emergent and fundamental entities
>Everything is philosophy at it core
but this is false. Everything is mathematics and computation at it's core.
Mathematics/Computation ⊋ Physics ⊋ Neurology ⊋ Linguistics ⊋ Philosophy ⊋ Art
Remember though that none of them are "more valuable" or "important" than any other.
Yes I'd like a spicy Mc Chicken with extra mc chicken sauce. No soda for me today, thanks.
get a load of this guy! haha
too over-qualified for McD’s, greeter at walmart
>intense desire