You ever cry at night knowing you will never understand everything at a masters level...

You ever cry at night knowing you will never understand everything at a masters level? I have a intense desire to become a master cook, mathmatician, physicist, speak all languages, participate in every sport, dance, learn every art, basically everything and its not humanly possible.

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No because Im a math major and already understand everything because everything is math to the core.

im a philosopher that specializes in logic and im here to tell you that you are retarded. Everything is philosophy at it core, mathematics is a tool projected by the human mind to describe the world in terms of order and structure.

Just pick one thing and get really good at it

im a transcendent polymath and im here to tell you that you are retarded. Philosophical and scientific reductionism is a fallacious philosophy, and one must instead appreciate emergent phenomena and apply a version of the physical bootstrap principle to the relationship between emergent and fundamental entities

>Everything is philosophy at it core
but this is false. Everything is mathematics and computation at it's core.
Mathematics/Computation ⊋ Physics ⊋ Neurology ⊋ Linguistics ⊋ Philosophy ⊋ Art
Remember though that none of them are "more valuable" or "important" than any other.

Yes I'd like a spicy Mc Chicken with extra mc chicken sauce. No soda for me today, thanks.

get a load of this guy! haha

too over-qualified for McD’s, greeter at walmart

>intense desire