Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #507
Listen user I just really think your showing a lot of the symptoms of autism I think you need to accept the fact you...
Creative Robots
If you are a girl you have it so fucking easy!
Is it true that non virgin men are damaged goods?
Why don't you play 1. d4, user?
Trans person: "Hey, can you call me by [this pronoun] or just say they?"
Gf wants you to meet her sister
The meaning of life is to reproduce
How do we win this war?
Porn should be illegal. I'm a fairly attractive guy who doesn't have a very hard time getting dates...
Even low-tier females with baggage who have emotional issues and appear vulnerable still only want chad
Waifu General - /waifu/ #54
Da fuq
"you see, user, you social anxiety is gonna fix itself if you just talk to more people and practice"
Where are my short anons? 5 foot 6 here. How are you holding up? Any luck in the dating scene? How was your weekend?
Tfw thinking about a fembot's cold hands needing warmth
My big sister is going out of the country for a month. I'm babysitting my 8 year old niece...
What does getting high feel like?
How do i get a black gf as a white guy. Do i need to dress street and talk with slang? Whats a good pick up line
What did robot-like people do when there was no internet?
Soul crushing things people have said to you THREAD
Hey, user! Come sit with us instead of eating alone all the time
What is it exactly that you want from life?
What is politics
Would you date a girl on probation?
Why don't you lads use a Mac?
Do women actually enjoy being used like sex slaves and having men spray cum all over their face...
What reason do you have to continue living? Why havent you ended it all yet?
After years of making fun of wagies reality finally caught up with me and i'm forced to become a wagecuck
Whats your excuse again?
Post yourself as an ideal bf Jow Forums
Just wanted to write a post to thank you all for the entertainment over the years, and for being here...
OwO user, youre under arrest!
People that join the military are retarded war pigs fighting a battle over which business man gets his dick sucked first
This is the future of the white roasty
Jow Forums Crossword: Medium Mode
Why are there so many lonely and horny young men nowadays?
What if the dimensional merge is real?
Tfw we're all gonna make it
R9k couple here
Don't you guys think that weed is a drug that unironically turns you into a retard...
I remember jacking off like crazy to her. DUDE
Why do Asian men get penis enlargement surgery?
MAJOR problems involving the female asshole
Tfw mom is a roastie
Be roastie
Have you ever permantely damaged a girls life?
/transbotcel/ general #1
If you could become immortal would you?
All I wanted was a comprehensive history of Rome, instead I got dragged out waffle featuring feminist undertones...
So where are you going to go when Hiro fully implements Jow Forums 4.0...
Tfw no flat chested gf who's jealous of my superior udders
Girls take shits and fart
How long do you think it will be until genetically engineered catboys are available for recreational use?
Men are now to blame for women being childless
I'll give you an additional week of pay if you suck and let me cum in your mouth user. It'll be our secret...
Can femanons please be our cuddle buddies
Post pictures that you took
/uni/ general
Be average looking
Can you greentext your ordinary day for me?
Took a 'creepshot' of my manager while we were out for dinner
Jow Forums has been dead since 2014
How come zoomers don't respect their elders?
*removes your faggot infestation*
Why the fuck do people use fucking Tinder?
The Death of Jow Forums
Honestly, what's your fucking excuse if you're a white dude?
Boyfriend got a mini-fridge
Why does my friend keep telling me he likes me
Okay Jow Forums, share the age and story of the time you lost your virginity
Born poor into a shitty family
Femanons, why haven't you played with other girls vaginas and buttholes yet?
/ANL general/
Qt thread
Why are black people so low IQ?
Do you have a stacey sister, /r0k/?
And yet again, we have another example of reddit being a bunch of retards over small insignificant things...
What is the superior superpower?
What's the point of cats, anyway?
Imagine it being this easy. Damn
If you're so desperate for a gf, just move to Latvia. There are 84 men per 100 women...
If I just keep working, someday I can finally begin my real life
Post your personality type and your dream career
Why wont more women become eThots?
Why should men who don't receive any attention from woman help society at all...
I know you're having a rough time
We are a Bane-themed cult dedicated to causing as much chaos as possible
I am a 23 year old virgin
Man falls in love with camgirl
Was supposed to finally go to uni today
Be me
My conversation with my dad minutes ago
Its just science. White females are way happier with black men
What religion is Jow Forums?
Post an image that represents your life
Why are most men damaged goods?
Most cliche lines that normies tell you for why you can't get laid? Stuff like
Anyone here ACTUALLY a NEET?
Is there anything you would not do for $100,000,000.00?
Would you work as a sissy secretary for 10k a month?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #53
You caused this btw. Do you know that?
Are you guys good at mysteries
/lonley general/
That feel when no justice
All women are whores who deserve rape
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a namefag
Anyone here have any actually serious medical issues?
Just had myself measured properly
Can I grow to 5'9 / What age did you stop growing
I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to go see Cirque du Soleil for her birthday and she expressed strong aversion to me...
What the fuck do you even do while you're high on weed and at home?
Saint Elliot of Isla Vista
How do you make friends online who share your hobbies and like the same things as you?
Is it true if you shill your youtube channel on Jow Forums, you become famous overnight?
Uh... yea... I... uh... have bpd
I only wanna talk about philosophy, history, music, physics etc. but all normans just wanna talk about meaningless shit...
Why are white Brazilians the most attractive race?
Here's your fucking burger, you fat fuck. Hope you choke on it and die, asshole
Why isn't all murder illegal?
Do you desire to have children of your own one day?
/r9gay/ - #607
Another comfy night
Depressed general
Drink alcohol
Be me
G-gay roleplaying on Jow Forums doesn't makes real gay, r-right?
Red flags for females
When did you realize you were the creepy guy, Jow Forums?
Being a tranny is hard. Nobody loves you, everybody hates you even though you didn't do anything, life sucks
She sends you this
My chest hurts so badly from hrt, I'm gonna scream or cry or both
Femanon q&a
/hikki diet/
Being ugly : My Experience
Vocaroo thread
Women are literally hitler tier racist and are employing the most successful form of eugenics ever...
I'm 26 with no job history and never been in a relationship
So what is stopping you guys from being decent humans?
I hear you're a racist now Jow Forums
Yep, it's one of these threads
Why are liberals so intolerant of anyone not exactly like them?
Trips of truth
Just a reminder grooming the underage to become your tranny sex slave is illegal...
Post your most epic great text stories in this thread and i will rate them
Father-Daughter Love
Was supposed to go to uni on Friday
Why not hug your sister or brother, tell them you love them, and post results?
Infinite growth in an almost infinite universe
Have you ever dated anyone from Jow ForumsForeverAlone or Jow ForumsForeverAloneDating or Jow ForumsFA30plus or Jow...
Our girl is streaming. Get in her lads
Is it illegal to have a non-sexual relationship with a 14 year old?
What's the best way to make women pay for being such insufferable whores?
ITT: Post the worst thing you've ever deliberately done to another human being
Can we get an /unfortunate females/ thread?
Sad/Cringy Pictures of Robots
I'm so alone, bros. I'm lost in a sea of nothingness. I've been drinking a lot lately. I''m drunk right now...
Finally lose virginity
How much will I regret losing my virginity to an escort?
Biologically speaking, it's in your genetics best interest to rape a girl...
Looking for a music friend?
Fuck edgy zoomers
What's the dumbest thing you've ever been fired over?
Dad is 5'4
Faceless personality
Waifu General - /waifu/ #52
Why do robots hate whores ?
Listen into your stream of consciousness
Are we going to be stuck on this planet forever?
Why do people do psychedellics? It seems like they just induce brain damage and lower iq...
Has anyone here found out that they are good looking but they were too autistic to get with women?
My little sister keeps leaving obvious pubic hairs in the bathroom. Do I punch her?
How do you chads feel about this?
Hahaha femanons have discharge in their panties hahahaha
Fuck a fat girl?
What's the correct treatment for transexualism?
I'm conventionally handsome
What's your excuse again?
Get bf
Be me
I fucked up guys. I fucked up. I became too preoccupied with the cares of this life. Pressures from society, peers...
What is the first reaction image that comes to mind when you see this image?
Quit Jow Forums, vidya and anime (not manga)
Fembot Feels Thread
Is this the ultimate weapon against the roastie menace? Will tgirls crash the sexual market value of vagina?
Let's go lift some weights user! I'll spot you! you don't have to worry about the bullies with me around!
When did you 1st realize that you were an outcast and people didn't like you or that there was something off about you...
Let's say you have to marry an Asian woman
Does anyone else here creampie their gf on a daily basis?
People on Jow Forums often say to incels:
Cut soda
Do your party robots, subscribe to pewdiepie
Penis Enlargement
Living in a small town is the worst thing that can possibly happen
Reminder incels = Involuntary celibate
Why doesnt reddit have a greentext feature why do the normals with social lives have to do it here?
/great idea/
When did you realize that you are ugly?
I have a mystery for you. I'll give you some hints in the thread...
Jow Forums can you guys just give me some comfort. Im going crazy with stress
Operation king killer
Younger brother is wider, more aggressive, more outgoing, more headstrong, focused, quick-to-judge...
/drugfeel/ psychedelic pepe edition
What do you guys think of japanese culture? I've seen it praised here because of the women...
Tfw born too early to live in dystopian cyberpunk age
Am I the weird one for thinking normies are weird sheltered pussies for not being able to say "nigger" or "faggot"...
/r9gay/ - #605
This word has lost all meaning because of redditors using it as an insult
Unironically posting on Crystal Cafe now
Daily reminder that (((pewdiepie))) is the reason why r9k is so mainstream
I need someone to talk to
Heres a guide on getting rid of normalfag untermensch
Surrounds u
At what age did you start hating negros?
Have big thinking
Do girls like Kurisu even exist in real life?
Math/Physics PhD programs in USA requiring knowledge of French, German or Russian
Boyfriend told me he'd cry if I cheated on him
"foreveralone fembot" posts a thread on Jow Forumsforeveralonedating
Who /skeleton/ here?
First person to get dubs gets a girlfriend
Be robot
Listen to someone who knows
Good friends with a girl for years
Daily reminder weed is medicine and people get thrown in jail for it
Guys...what is the male equivalent of a roastie?
Fembots what’s your minimum and ideal boyfriend requirements
ITT: fictional characters that are basically you
Is it true that living in baltic states it's the best?
Depression is perfectly natural
You can only choose one. All of the people mentioned will be banned from ever posting on Jow Forums
If you're so smart.... why are you single?
Have any of you considered a pay for interaction/affection/pics e-gf...
Incels are from r/teenager confirmed. Now that reddit cracked the code, what will happen next?
Should Jow Forums be deleted
Three questions for you guys
ITT: Posts that haven't been filtered by the Robot yet
Why haven't you gone MGTOW
That quiet kid in HS who never had a gf who you could constantly see catching glances at other boy's butts as they...
Blind people have stated that they do not "see black", but rather see nothing. In the same way...
How has Jow Forums changed your life
Hating on our homes
Is having daughters(male) the ultimate cuckoldry?
Where my /escort users/ at?
Femcel forum join if applicable, not worth trolling or larping so dont
1. "There is no purpose to life, all religion and spirituality is a lie to control the masses...
Have anxiety
Robots: What is it like to have a girl sit on your face?
Friendly reminder
What unanswered questions frustrate you the most?
How should I tell my parents that I'm pregnant?
Absolute worst posters on this board:
IQ comes up a lot in threads where you wouldn't expect it. Where do you think this board's affinity with IQ comes from?
If you're not a communist, please leave this board immediately...
US Midwest
Tfw you've had an NDE and know that there is an afterlife...
Anyone here curious about life in the military? Have been in for over 2 years, airborne infantry
MBTI Thread
The Time I dated a pig for 3 days
Waifu General - /waifu/ #51
Free (you)'s
Be me
Post in this ITT if you want to die
What's the correct treatment for transexuality?
"Hey principal user Lupe is making us steaks. How do you like yours cooked?
Convince me to become a christian
Girl send you this message
Come on just let me go
"My ancestors are smiling at me, virgin incel. Can you say the same?"
What went wrong?
Who do you think would win in a debate Destiny or Ben Shapiro?
Any zoomers here born between '01-'02?
/cozyboys/ #6
Comfy and a little side of feelings /Comfeels/
How do I get a based qt gf like pic related?
How do I quit smoking? I dont really want to but muh girl insist I quit or she leaves because its gross, dirty...
I love you, anonbros
Do you live in your head?
Reminder that all your problems are your fault
How do i stop getting too attached to people...
30+ Thread
Tfw feel myself slowly going insane
Was your dad nice to you?
Make something
Is it possible to be female and a robot?
Alcohol is legal, I hate it
Get into an argument with a friend
Period sex
Tfw a 12 year is taller than you
Here guys heres some tips
I think i may aswell become gay
Tfw no bf to bully into cross dressing
Have been talking alot to a girl from my class
Thoughts on this animaI?
Hey, big bro! I borrowed one of you cigarettes. Please don't tell mom and dad
Can a virgin be a rapist??
Took DNA test
Tfw 27
Why do all women do this, and I've never seen a man do it?
Does this hurt?
Let's see how many people frequent r9k
How do wagies justify their existence?
Text your mother or father or brother or sister "I love you" and post results
>women hypersexual or asexual
Mom found the vomit vessel
Fucking Trannies
What's the most fucked up thing you've ever seen on the internet?
Jannies deleting vocaroo threads?
Fembots, what are your minimum and ideal Boyfriend requirements?
What kind of embarrassing retarded things have femanons done to show a guy you liked him
How physically strong is Jow Forums? Have you ever been in any fights?
The year is 1998
Girl from class caught me staring at crush
How to survive hell
Be me in 4th grade
Any robots from this country?
Why do women these days want a career so badly...
I'm a gay virgin. Anyone else?
Tfw you see a woman walking down a sidewalk with a slightly above average face and a nice, plump...
Tfw no chaotic bf
Crossword Puzzle
/r9gay/ - #604
Women like men who treat them like shit
User's favorite general
Latinas are the superior form of women
Why doesn't every single robot have a jammer?
I am starting an organisation called asperger gang we post threads about intellectual topics and are openly hostile to...
Roll thread: Jow Forums edition
He didn't choose a god tier degree
So how embarrassing is your bank account?
Why the fuck do people drink shit beer that they can buy at a convenience store...
Should I stay with a BPD girl?
This site has nothing to offer anybody...
How you holding up /mu/?
Should I embrace my middle-eastern half of the family and become full-on muslim so I can get a muslim wife?
Have symptoms of brain tumor
Would you ever show your gf Jow Forums?
Chad here
/nightwalk/ - abandoned edition
Do you have any scars user?
*snaps all "men" under 6ft*
Where do you find a right wing gf?
This board is dead, chaotic doesn't even post anymore
Be me
Normies aren't normal, either
What's it like to have a gf with massive milkers?
What does pussy taste like?
Would you date a cute girl with micropenises for nipples? They're like webm related and very sensitive
Any one of you robots tried mewing , if so has it worked for you ?
Just turned 18, no one wished me a happy birthday
Do any of you lads or organic lasses play Chess?
How do women feel about penises?
Whenever you feel pathetic about yourself, remember there are "men" who donate to camwhores on Patreon
Feels Thread
Anime isn't mentally harmfu-
So I'm a "slut", a "roastie", a "whore"
Ideal partner thread
Is it common for your female friends to ship you with other girls to see you reject them? Also why do they do that?
Endless pain
How's your eyesight, robots?
Hey user, can you talk about times youve done permanent damage to your relationships? What was it like afterwards?
Normieshit genocide fucking when? Just when?
How do you deal with the fact that women can do absolutely nothing to better their selves...
Walking down the street
What is your daily reason NOT to kys?
Any particular reason you turned out the way you did?
I love my bf but he keeps saying horrible things to me; I've heard about mate retention...
Day 1 of posting everyday until I get a chubby Asian gf
If you can't attract and seduce a girl then you have bad genes and shouldn't pass them on
Why aren't you on Anavar, femanon...
Why do sexbots trigger them so much?
I havent had my hair cut for 2 years because im scared of barber small talk
I hear people snickering at me wherever I go
Meet a girl
Hey user why aren't you doing any situps?
Femanons why limit yourself to the narrow range of sensations your vagina offers...
Feel lonely
How do you do it wagies?
30 yeards old virgin here
CouId you ever love a fat girl?
Being a manlet
When will poor rightie whities realize that they'll never be rich and corporations are fucking them over...
Homosexuality is a neurological disorder
Try talking with a robot
I think its reasonable to ask fembots for tits...
Femanons... what does it feel like to have tits?
Im drunk alone and sad. Talk to me anons
Tells cute girl that she has a nice scarf
/Mental Health/
Whats your height? I'll write it down
Free (you)'s
Tfw your little sister is sleeping on your bed
Why do people have monogamous relationships in highschool/college
Someone Explain This To Me
Older sister used to force me into sex when we were younger
The age of consent should not be higher than the age of 14, that is completely retarded...
Have a committed, loyal, sincere, and supportive woman who will do whatever he wants
How is the argument against lolicon any different than the violent video games argument
Why are there so many "bisexual" women?
Wtf I thought nightwalk were supposed to be comfy and relaxing...
What does it mean to be obviously touched starved
Do you remember to tip appropriately, Jow Forums?
Oh god I love you user! I'm such a lucky girl to have a NEET with no job, no money, no savings...
65 days until I'm on the Jow Forums podcast
Write a poem about this video
Why does everyone who denies the common sense knowledge that women love *attractive* assholes ( Male disciples of the...
Favorites Thread
No gal gadot gf
My brilliant new creation!
Be honest, how overweight are you?
As a blackbot, how do I avoid ending up like this?
Tfw you finally get a gf but chad steals her
The bar is now open~!
Anybody else /nightwalk/ here?
Why are white people such a garbage race?
What exactly do women want to do with their lives if they don't want kids?
Sitting in math class
"Femcel here tehe"
Tfw you will never live in California
Your Age
That one youtube video with less than 5000 views that you keep coming back to year after year
The Comfy and the Feelings /Comfeels/
Looks like I'm alone on a Friday night yet again. Anybody else here having real lonely hours?
Everyone on Jow Forums with malice against me I just erased you from the afterlife and sent all of your families to...
Weed Oil Pen
My New Years resolution was to get gf but still no gf and a month has been by already, how has it been for you?
I just found this dog a few days ago on the street...
Femanon here
I hate women whose with me?
Why do you like fat women user?
Hello dudes
How would femanons feel about a 6'3" 215lbs guy with a 5/10 face and a 6.25" dick?
How can I raise my home schooled autistic sister to act like an anime girl?
The problem isn't your face or height
Waifu General - /waifu/ #50
This is your last chance
What causes a male to do this to himself?
Be me
My encounter with the police 30 minutes ago
Post something in this thread that everyone here will hate you for
/r9gay/ - #603
Crackhead texts business owner
Can we have a thread to post our steam profiles and add each other to play with? It could be fun!
Just be yourself bro
Will you be watching Crispu's stream tonight, friends?
What are your minimum requirements for a gf:
What's with all the gay stuff posted on this board? Are you all so desperate you'll settle for dicks?
It's a bit of a shame that x/millennials didn't get the conscription experience, seems like zoomers won't either...
I made a Tinder account for the first time with only two shitty low quality selfies and a bio that only says "I'm...
Why arent you catfishing girls on tinder yet?
Just a daily reminder that if you wear any of these items in you day to day public outfit...
How do you deal with bullies Jow Forums?
ITT: 1990-2003
Really? No censor thread? Don't tell me you betas go out on a friday night
It's my birthday today!
There is nothing more embarrassingly awful than having your english tainted by one of the many UK (((((((dialects)))))))
It's time to select your ASMR waifus. Only one each
Why so much hate?
Why do white woman look so bad? They look like either Transvestites, dykes or wear so much makeup they look like clowns...
Tfw thinking about a fembot being hurt by incels
Be me
This girl is unironically a total cutie
My little brother stole 30k from my cripple grandmother
Get me out of this boring shithole
The fembot who loved St. Elliot
Why are guys so emotionally cold and distant?
Whats hotter to you, fucking a daughter in front of her mother or fucking a mother in front of her daughter?
Girls & vidya
/self-improvement/ general - #5
Fembots, what are your thoughts on a bod like this. Would you smash...
ITT: Posters you recognize
Do you think the right person for you exists?
Where do guys meet girls?
/creative robots/
Is this girl cool?
Helium suicide no longer an option in UK?
Zoomers are now nostalgic for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012). Kill me now, humanity is doomed
Images you feel personally attacked by
How does one make more friends in college?
My gf is gonna cuck me
I'm just here to remind you something
Eastern Europe feels
The more I read about this disorder, the more it accurately describes me. I always knew something was wrong with me...
Should all roasties be killed?
Dumb fears
What's it like to have a worthless degree?
Why is a woman behaving like a slut literally worse than them being a murderer to a lot of people...
Your fantasy parents are tired of you being a neet and kick you out
So robots, what is the deal with gingers?
Who here loves watching interracial porn? I do, especially with bbc pleasuring cute white pussy
Tfw want to be a trap
What's it like having a depressed gf?
I'm bored
Daily reminder that literally every woman would literally and unironically gut a puppy for a single lick of my dick
Are there ways to tell a guy is a virgin? What about a girl?
Anyone else just hate their brain? Why the fuck does my piece of shit brain have to sabotage me all the time...
Why does discord have so many furries?
Some roastie girl's YouTube
Autistic behavior
Accept that life isn't fair and don't stop producing for society just because you had to give up on all your hopes and...
Today I was supposed to go to uni for the first time after skipping a year
What is it with White guys and raping their own daughters? What is it with White guys and incest in general?
Tranny Pill
What kind of guys do femcels like?
How do you flirt?
Hand rate thread? Here's my hand
Could """"she"""" pass as a local in your country of origin?
High-tier female names
You somehow get a date with a girl
Free (you)
Fuck. Fucking fuck. Just fuck
Be a man suffering from mental illness
Why don't you go to the gym and have cute girls help you?
For me, personally, it's coffee
Help me get somewhere with this robots
How do I stop being a racist right winger when I genuinely believe it's rationally correct? Am I brainwashed...
Fembot Feels Thread
I got herpes
Which would you pick?
Why do single Moms give such great blowjobs?
I hereby declare total war on all women
How do i stop being a manlet?
How did elliot rodger fuck it up so badly, he looks a bit above average and he had the dosh...
Resetting sleep schedule
How can I access the data inside this thing?
Good Morning user
Ideal woman thread
Incel fapfest
He isn't an authoritarian theocratic statist
What would be the most covert way to dispose of human remains?
/cozyboys/ #5
Mfw I fucked a milf today
Outside of the internet nobody cares about being called a cuck
I have erectile dysfunction because of excessive porn usage. Some of you might to...
The escapism KH3 provided me is starting to fade
Gay shit
Hikki thread
These exist in your country
Are depression and anxiety even real things with most people? Or are they just attention seeking memes...
Can't Find Wife
One of these threads go
Anybody else both attractive and intelligent? Not exactly easy mode when most things bore the fuck out of you
Why I believe that women are honestly not fully human...
Friends with a group of girls
Would you date a curvy white girl? (Second time uploaded; hopefully won't be sideways this time.)
Why do women have such high standards???
Any other 18-19 year old zoomers here...
Okay you retards. I am a virgin male. There. I said it...
HOLY SHIT i fucking love these MRE tasting videos what the fuck theyre addicting
Femanons of r9k, what do you look for in a partner? What are the requirements...
What's your real and unbiased opinion on our smiling Christian knight here?
Tfw thinking about a sad and lonely fembot in need of a hug
I just drew this karate pepe
ITT: facts that blackpilled you on life
A celibate woman who doesn't want children is a whore
Fired from another wagie job
Why don't you use a Mac?
Your standard, relaxed vocaroo thread
That Kid who used to be funny
"It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all"
Waifu General - /waifu/ #49
/mommy general/
I literally cannot stop jerking off to black girls Jow Forums
No girl will ever suck my dick in a million years. I just want to know what it's like
Stop using the fucking n word
Tell me her name
Put job application for local trade union (plumbers)
Be me
Nice to meet you Mr. user, i'm your daughter's boyfriend
Have you come to terms with the fact that you are living the life of a loser?
Anal is retarded
Why would a girl date a sad, depressed person like you?
Incel logic
NEETs and depressed population of r9k
Tfw epic fail
"Girls, you remember my brother, the chronic masturbator. "
I never bought any of that "size matters" crap until my junior year in college
Why don't you just settle for a 4/10 girl anons? They are interested in sex just as much as hot girls
Hey r9k
Post your stats user, i'll start with mine
What is more important: A gorgeous face or a gorgeous body?
Dollfag here, because I care and I have an obligation to share my experiences with the rest of the people...
Is it socially acceptable to tell a close friend about your sexual fetishes particularly...
What do you think it feels like to have a penis this small?
Opinions on this app?
I just woke up
Post your NEET caves. Maximum weeb editon
can you not look kid? I'm changing
How do femanons even compete?
Recommend me some sad albums
Do asian women swallow?
The tale of Catfishman
Name Rate Thread
Enough memes, what kind of women do you guys actually like? Let's be as simple as possible
Do girls find skinny guys attractive?
Post yfw you realise it's not your looks that are stopping you, it's your irredeemably shit boring beta male personality
/feels thread/
Some of my panties have gone missing and the only male in my house is my dad. Am I going to be raped?
Letter thread
What's your Big 5 Personality trait spread, Jow Forums?
Rap thread
Why the fuck is this so common nowadays?
Keep a diary because I read on some blog that it helps with a bunch of cognitive and emotional problems and because it...
Eeeew user, Why do you have this on your phone?
Vocaroo thread. no bullying the femanons
Why do robots hate lesbians so much? You'd think we'd be really chill together...
Red flags for females
Do you think your upbringing has to do with why you're a piece of shit?
What should actually be done with low IQ people? Why isn't there more research being done to increase people's IQ?
Does anyone actually think it's harder to be a woman than a man?
/cozyboys/ #4
Not a misogynist
Teach me how to approach a girl
How can you guys not last even a minute on bed?
Want to get German citizenship so I can get out of this Balkan shithole
/r9gay/ - #602
If a nigger were dying before my eyes, I would not lift a finger to help him. I urge you all to do the same
My conversation with my dad minutes ago
How is life going for you guys? Is it going upward or downward? for me i am finally
How much do femanons play with their boobs
Going to make a tinder just because im curious if i get any matches
How do people survive on wage slave] salaries? I just got my first job a few weeks ago for a manufacturing company...
Remember Liz Vicious?
He doesnt play the best game ever made
Tattoos look like a-
Daily manlet thread
Are you a boy or a man?
"user, which one of us will you be picturing when you jerk off later tonight?"
How do you deal with cutting your hair, r9k?
Reminder for femanons: if you have a low libido you're a shit partner and your bf deserves better than you
Was Jason the original incel?
Hit the very bottom
Waifu General - /waifu/ #48
Lose virginity to an escort. Very awkward and cound't cum
What is "fun"?
Group of racially diverse people are talking
Who's up for a walk?
Can we get a depressing image thread?
You can cum on her face, you can fuck her in the ass, you can make her pregnant but in the end she comes back to me
On tinder
I am so glad people finally stopped saying "kek"
Embarrassing college experiences? i'll start
Guys, I made a girl fall in love with me
Be honest, which of these would make you feel the most insecure?
Tell me something nice about yourself
Where the fuck do women get all their energy from?
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt fuckin believe man
I have never
ITT: Autists turn themselves into anime girls in a new thread coz image limits
Be black
Why do women get offended when people stare at their ass or boobs? I wouldnt mind if people checked out my butt...
Be femcel for years
Holy shit why is bjork so perfect? god i wish i could go back in time and meet her and be her bf or even friend
High School
She accidently got pregnant
Is there anything more sad than a pencil dick?
Dumb as fuck
I let my boyfriend creampie me every time we have sex
Friend hating on my new skinny ripped light blue jeans
Any Robots From Brazil?
Tfw gonna be a 23 yo doomer in 5 months
Skinny or fat girls?
You aren't giving yourself cancer are you user?
What did you have for breakfast?
Why do you robots keep pestering fembots after they've already told you they're terrible and want to be alone...
Once chance at life
/self-improvement/ - #2
Interviewing Jow Forums Episode 2: Incels Talkback Thread
People like this actually exist
Overhear woman talk about how kids ostracize her autistic son
Doc prescribed me light anti-depressants after I was just honest and told them I was too stressed out by work so I...
Tfw only 18 and I've completely given up on life
Lets play a game user!
Everything bad thats ever happened to me was becuase I was in a small town and laws with weed
Your robot degeneracy finally pushed you to do something truly heinous and you're being executed...
The amount of women on Jow Forums is at an all time high. Here's why
Virgin moids really are so prime and SEXY at 18. Little innocent sluts they are. I just want a prime...
Shit school/college teachers
How many hours a week do you work robots?
Why don't you just save a 23 foreveralone femcel who thinks this guy is hot, Jow Forums?
Im a guy and im thinking of moving over to crystalcafe to get away from the incels here
NEET and Hikikomori general Thread
How do you expect to die?
Talk bout the awesome times you stood up for yourself
How do I politely tell my trans friend that I don't want to be seen in public with them?
Hahaha look at this looser Sharing information for free to millions of people daily
What serial killer does your personality match up with?
Spend 90% of my time watching videos and podcasts of intelligent thinkers like Sam Harris...
What year did the world stop feeling real for you?
Who are you? The real you?
Cold Weather Thread
How do serial killers go about their day to day lives with a brain full of memories of them killing random people in...
Both housemates are away for a few days. House to myself. What do?
Discord is just high school all over agian with the cool kids and social anxiety
/cozyboys/ #3
When was the last time you masturbated? What did you nut on or in?
Guys I just saw some really scary sruff in the woods tonight, what do?
Your college roommate transitions and is now a cute trap
Wtf i hate beef now
If you really think about, love from your family and friends is really the only kind that matters...
Robots, why don't you just convert to Islam...
Black women and white men
Based weighted blankets
How many days does Eugenia have left to live bros?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #47
Tfw no girlfriend
Walk into locker room
Be hapa
Pic related offers to take your virginity in exchange for you fucking her raw and not pulling out
Oye, whiteboy! Come over here
What would you do if your dad called you and said "I fucked your mother last night HAHA" and hung up?
Why do they lie to us?
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
Who are you?
/hikki diet/
Real hooman bean
Zoomers are now nostalgic for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012)
Drinking thread
/drugfeel/ - downer edition
Write a cathartic letter! Vent! Get stuff off of your mind and take a bit of weight off your shoulders! Let your...
Would people like us unironically enjoy having a relationship?
Asking her out tomorrow
There's nothing dangerous about prostate play-
In a girlfriend:
Any wagecucks who live alone here?
You ever cry at night knowing you will never understand everything at a masters level...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship