>be hapa
>go outside
>accidentally make eye contact with a white woman
>she gives me a look of disgust
i just want to die
>be hapa
>go outside
>accidentally make eye contact with a white woman
>she gives me a look of disgust
i just want to die
> not begging for you dick
>be Greek
>Not pouring your vanilla latte on that slut
>be native american
>look like an aztec statue
>go outside
>accidentally make eye contact with a white woman
>she gives me a look of disgust
>be white man
why does everyone hate hapas?
because they dont have no alibi they ugly
>because they dont have no alibi
depends on the situation
Dude, I knew a happa in High School who was the most Chad dude I knew. Dude could get any gf he wanted including the kind of blondes Elliot worshiped.
>be spic
>look like a literal goblin
>go outside
>accidentally make eye contact with a white woman
>she gives me a look of disgust
Im fucking tired of being a shitskin, i want to be white so bad
HAPA females are hot as fuck. Too bad for the males though.
Yeah... Same man being a spic can really suck ass sometimes especially if you got the shit end of the spic genetics. Ldar imo thats what I do.
>tfw white, tall spic
>everyone just assumes I'm southern European or sometimes Russian
>no one believes me when I tell them I'm Mexican
feels great not being associated with beaners not gonna lie
lol. why did i laugh so soundly at this
have you tried looking like this tho
>be white
>have slanted eyes
>have eye condition where one of them is even more slanted
>have high cheekbones
>women are scared of my eyes
>strangers think im staring at them in disgust
>guys think im a hapa or russian
>have mismatched face so i look like i have two different faces
"pretty boy" done differently.
>owee mommy the grill gave me a meanie lookie
quit being such a sensitive fag
>be hapa
>women pay me no attention
a-at least they're not disgusted, right?
oh but poor hapa people, hapa nationalism when
Race traitor dog.
Mexican isn't a race though. He can't be a traitor.
Pretty boa? Are you kidding me? Pretty boaahhh???
if he would look like this i would fuck him even tho im not gay
Same, his family was rich, and he was actually tall.