Wtf i hate beef now

wtf i hate beef now

Attached: 1548907225119.webm (720x900, 1.65M)

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why? dude looks tasty

what a relief!
When will this poison of a product desist?

when the solar system burns out. tastyyyy

I love dogs but I'd probably try it if it was offered to me.

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what a cutie, I want to pet her

Same, if it was one of those dogs bred for cooking.

Same for Horse, I unironically want to eat some.

Why do I think about how much I want to shoot it in the head and rip its skin open with a knife?
/predatorfeels/ :(

>implying it wouldn't do the exact same to you in a heartbeat if it had the chance

Cows don't have opposable thumbs. A cow is too stupid to kill a real human.
And they're delicious. And God said we could eat them.

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