Talk bout the awesome times you stood up for yourself

Talk bout the awesome times you stood up for yourself.

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Lot's of kids were assholes to me in elementary, cause I was fat. Then one day a little midget decided it was a smart idea to pick on someone 2 times his height and 3 times his weight. I literally picked the little bastard up and threw him on the ground. Being physical stops people from fucking with you a lot, especially if you're a big guy

what does it matter if the normies see you as a loser anyway?

When I voted for Hillary.

Pretty much when I'm drunk around people

>Chad bullying me in high school
>we get in a fight
>I break his wrist
>he can't play in the upcoming school sportsball game
>our school loses
>somehow the story is twisted so that I attacked him for no reason, despite him relentlessly bullying me for over 5 years
>everybody in the school hates me even more
>Chad is showered with sympathy

I would blankpost if I could.

My relatives would always barge in and make me do their paperwork properly because they are computer illiterate. They would then complain behind my back how im not good at it. So i told them to go find someone who can get the job done unlike me. They then panic and start saying they like me doing it. But nope, i said no is no. Not doing it anymore. Leave.

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>Uncle asks me to do his taxes
>Tell him I will
>Don't do his taxes
>He gets audited
>Turns out he was not paying taxes on his cash business
>Gets sent to prison

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tfw no jnigri gf

>be me in high school
>one ghetto black girl bitches at everyone
>she's decent to me though
>one day I was already having a terrible day
>in art class I go to get my supplies
>she's near where the supplies are
>cusses at me and tells me to watch where I'm going
>tell her to get the fuck out of my way so I can get my stuff
>she continues to bitch at me, I get my stuff and continue to yell at her from across the room
>draw my shit in peace
It honestly came out of nowhere, I never do this to people.

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She became turned on by you

>mother would always go in my room late at night to check if I was staying up too late
>this would either result in me getting busted or woken up sometimes
>sleep naked without blankets one night
>she never did it again

She kept peeking

The times I stood up for myself were not awesome.
It's standing up for other people that's awesome.

One time a guy bullied me so I literally pissed on his face, as papa Jordan recommended to me. It seems to have worked because he hasn't bullied me since. I think he might also be mentally ill though, or maybe the HIV has affected his cognition because he acts pretty strangely.

>be with friend
>be smoking
>some guy asks for a smoke
>i say that i dont smoke
>friend gives a cigarette to him
>he goes away

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I was being bullied outside of school by some shit's older brother in boyscouts
he made his rounds bullying everyone else, he didn't target me until this one day where he built up small shit all day long with frequent insults, pushes, basic shit for a full day straight
we were at the park doing shit for a merit badge. There was a patch of bamboo sticks coming out of the mud (kinda rare in southern california)
he was being a real piece of shit once the parents walked away for a bit and he said something that pissed me off.
I got so mad or maybe he just built up so much anger over the entire day, when he started walking away, I threw my water bottle at the back of his head.
>"if you do that again, Im going to beat you up
I was in 6th grade, he was an 8th grader who also played a sport. But I got fuckin pissed, and I threw my water bottle again.
he started running at me, but I plucked a bambo stick out of the ground and started whacking him with it. He finally caught it and for 2 seconds we had a tug of war.
I used his pull against him and I shoved it into his stomach pretty hard. it split across his stomach and cut him pretty bad.
he charged straight at me and tried to overextend my arm in a shoulder lock, but my shoulder is so flexible that nothing happened (super lucky)
eventually the parents came back and saw me. my mom said I wasn't in trouble, but his mom made me apologize over the phone. he never bothered with me again.

>middle school
>our lunch recess consisted of all the students being herded out to the parking lot to stand around
>im just randomly walking around because no friends in that lunch period
>drop my lunchbox
>i see this dumbass ive known since elementary walking up to it to kick it
>not really a bully just a stupid trailer park kid who used to give everyone shit
>anyway im not about to let this kid kick my lunch box
>i really just meant to block his kick but it used way to much power
>end up kicking his leg as he's swinging it back
>hit him hard enough that he stumbles and almost falls
>he cried like a bitch and ran away

I never stood up to my real bullies and its something i will always regret. My mum told me to just ignore them but that doesnt work, it only emboldens them.

Bro I seen your video

Not a very awesome outcome, but congrats for standing up for yourself user. And fuck chads

Trips of (t)Ruth. Too bad I didn't learn that till I was over 20

Not really. Thats easy. Much harder to remember to love yourself than being kind to others.

some kid in middle school I barely talked with just randomly karatechops me in the nack when I was bending over and laughing for some reason.

Now I may be the smallest weakest dude in the entire town but I kung fu ultra instinct chopped him back so hard in his neck he fainted

Zangief Kid was great. Also checked.

this is why school shootings happens
>normies relentlessly bully and torment robot for no reason over the years
>act like victim when robot snaps
>"w-we must bahn gunz!!!"

>sophomore year in highschool
>this really annoying guy in english class
>just ignore him most of the time
>at some point he's obviously fucking with me
>one day I can't handle it anymore more and tell him to stop and leave me alone
>doesn't listen to me and keeps going on
>stacy in our group pretty much tells him to fuck off for me
>later on in the year he acts friendly with me for some reason
>just ignore him and he mostly leaves me alone
Not all girls are bitches, bros.

I carried a knife on me for all of high school but never stabbed anyone.

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Honestly, this. The only fights I ever got in were defending someone else, because it offended my sense of fairness and I have a self-destructive tendency to actually care about other people. When I got shit on, I just figured that was the natural order of things.

I don't even know how to not hate myself, let alone actually love myself.

Im in love with her. Tell me more send me nudes

user in action

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>Not all girls are bitches
True, but unfortunately, enough of them are that I completely fucked up every real chance I had with some genuinely good girls, because I was convinced they couldn't possibly be doing anything other than setting me up for some kind of cruel humiliation.

I'm the student in this story.

in reality
>guy is unlikable for reasons
>gets rightfully bullied
>instead of fixing his unlikable behavior he just doubles down, behaving in an increasingly autistic manner
>eventually goes full retard and shoots people
>autistic bullied robot thinks this is all justifiable

>My mum told me to just ignore them
fucking cunt, that's not the right answer but women are too dumb to understand male bullying

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>I wrote bad things about girls in my 6th grade class on my bullies table and snitched to the discipline instructor about how "chad is writing mean things about girls on his table".
>his parents got called
>they scolded him in front of principal and everyone else in our class
They still bullied me but the satisfaction from that event is still present in my heart from almost 12 to 13 years ago

I never stood up for myself when I really think about it, But I've stood up for others. I once had this teacher who was going off on my friend for no reason, so I told him he was being unreasonable in front of the class and he should calm down. He didn't but I was proud of myself.

>11th grade
>reading Beowulf in English class
>wigger swagfaggot who sat next to me kept asking what every other word meant and I sometimes just did work for him to get him to stop bugging me.
>teacher had a good idea of what was going on and told me to stop doing the work for him or I would get in trouble too.
>the bugging for every other word continued until one day I got fed up, got up in the middle of class, walked to the bookshelf and grabbed a dictionary, and went and sat it in front of him.
>class oohed and laughed, felt like a million bucks.

until we got out into the hallway where the guy slammed my head into the lockers until I passed out. I had a severe concussion that took me years to get over. The only good part of this was that he was arrested and charged with assault (got five years in prison) as well as expelled from school. When I got back later that year I barely avoided getting beat up again by his cousin who of course blamed me for everything.

That's not standing up for yourself, that's passively betraying a relative, wtf

>Decided to get my shit together two years ago
>Start gyming
>Start trying new things
>Get into kickboxing
>Homely but ultimately cute tomboy there
>Actually get along
>Start spending a lot more time with her outside of kickboxing
>Fun being around her, but I had some issues
>She did shit petty like punching me in the back or ripping shit out of my hands
>She also got super pissy if you suggested or made mention of her being a girl or weak
>Real chip on the shoulder
>Her bullshit escalated the more time we spent together
>Eventually get sick of it and tell her off
>We break into an argument
>She takes it the only way she knows
>Starts throwing punches
>I take the first few before losing my cool
>Throw all my weight against her in a tackle
>She falls down with me on top of her
>She's flailing trying to get free
>Ground and pound her
>Break her nose and bang her up pretty good
>Try to apologize after realizing what I did
>She just storms off
>Don't see or hear from her in three or four months
>Get a text from her out of the blue
>Meet up with her
>She's wearing something outside of her usual gym shit or a ratty t-shirt and jeans
>We both apologize
>She agrees to stop most of the shit she was doing before
>A month later we're dating

Turned out better than I though, but I still feel like I broke her.

It's not productive to argue with someone who shouts over everyone and pretends they won, so I made some breadtube videos.

I went for a bit more plausible deniability.

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That is rough user. I'm sorry that such shitty people exist. Is he still in prison?

that was almost ten years ago so no doubt he's out now, unless he did something to get sent back.

Sounds like he's stupid and has no impulse control. Probably has half a dozen kids and has been in and out of the can for at least half the time since he was released.

I agree with all except 'rightfully' bullied
Is that the appropriate method of getting people to improve?

The attack on me was planned, the teacher was a swole as fuck Gulf War vet who wouldn't have let him get many punches in. He waited until I was in the hallway and there were no teachers (well one old woman who couldn't do anything) before attacking.

No. Bullying people absolutely never persuades anyone that they're wrong. Hell, facts don't persuade anyone that they're wrong! If you want to get someone to change, you first have to persuade them that you're on their side. This is why cults are effective and public service campaigns are not.

That's good enough evidence of premeditation to convict someone in court, but merely waiting until the hallway and then going overboard like that still displays stupidity and a lack of impulse control.

Some years ago a fat (female) Russian cunt punched me in the schnoz because I told her to stop annoying my friend.
I proceeded to grab her and push her towards a nearby desk (was still in school), im p sure it was full force.
Tfw my nose still bleeds for no reason after that day.
Next day my mom got called and someone told her I gave her a concussion.

...that being said, "effective" and "rightful" are not the same as "completely fucking expected." So if you swapped out "rightfully" and replaced it with "predictably," then that user would be completely on point.

he pled guilty so I don't think it mattered if it was premeditated or not. Most normies thought he was in the right for doing it to, claiming I 'disrespected' him by doing that.

That I was autistic sperg probably didn't help either.

True story
>Was at some greasy poutine place in my home town that people go to after the bars close
>Go there with a couple of mates of mine
>My one friend being hammered keeps loudly saying the phrase
>"25 bucks, fat florescent sluts"
this was on account that there was a "paint party" happening at the one bar and there was a 25 dollar cover fee. The joke being you pay 25 bucks and get a fat florescent slut.
>There were these two older women in there who didn't take kindly to his sexist words
>They start nagging him about being sexist and blah, blah, blah
>This goes on for like half an hour and I'm getting tired of it
>Tell the old bitches to shut the fuck up and that none of us want to fuck them and to go away
>Was actually really out of character for me but I was really drunk
>Later I kept talking to them and kept jokingly as the better looking one to be my girlfriend despite her being like 32 and me like 24.
>Before she leaves she gets up and makes out with me
>My friend were like "what the fuck?"

Bitches love getting put in their place.

>My relatives would always barge in and make me do their paperwork properly because they are computer illiterate. They would then complain behind my back how im not good at it. So i told them to go find someone who can get the job done unlike me. They then panic and start saying they like me doing it. But nope, i said no is no. Not doing it anymore. Leave.

>They would then complain behind my back how im not good at it.
How did you find out?

>I agree with all except 'rightfully' bullied
>Is that the appropriate method of getting people to improve?
The normal/traditional loop is
>act autistic
>have strong male role models/strong family unit/teachers/etc to correct you
>fix your shit (stop acting autistic) while also standing up for yourself a bit
>people back off for multitude of reasons
>integrate into society
nowadays it's
>autistic robot who smells terrible, has a dirt stache, black jeans with black $10 walmart sneakers gets bullied for being a fucking disgusting weirdo
>autistically screeches, making it worse
>flails wildly or does some weird karate move he saw in naruto
>gets btfo
>more bullying
>goes home
>his single mom doesn't do shit to help because she's a shit-tier female
>teachers are cucks/retards/post-feminist cunts
>life spirals out of control
>autistic weirdo thinks he's special but in reality he's just digging the hole deeper and deeper
>posts on Jow Forums about how killing normies is okay

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The collapsing society is increasingly going to be reflected in collapsing individuals. Unfortunately, it's also going to push fault on those individuals.

You've correctly noted the importance of having some semblance of an actual community to turn people who struggle out of the gate into valuable contributors. Destroy the community, and you wind up in a feedback-loop death-spiral.

>mom not in the mood to cook meat
>i say that i'll go to sleep without having dinner if she doesn't make meat
>she gives up and make meat for me
kek, she isn't brave enough to leave her big boy hungry.

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>My relatives would always barge in and make me do their paperwork properly because they are computer illiterate. They would then complain behind my back how im not good at it. So i told them to go find someone who can get the job done unlike me. They then panic and start saying they like me doing it. But nope, i said no is no. Not doing it anymore. Leave.
fkn based man glorious did not expect to happen incredible things

>sick of being family tech support monkey
>start charging them for service (much less than what they would pay someone outside to do it)
>they still get fucking insanely mad at me.

I've simply taken up telling everyone straight-up that I don't touch Windows anymore, but I'd be happy to help them install linux. Once they realized I was totally serious, they stopped asking.

>decline to answer question
>get my shirt collar grabbed and lifted and the question repeated to me
>stare them in the eye and sternly repeat my non-answer
>they back off in a huff
Didn't feel threatened enough to really be proud of it, but it still felt good.
I thought the whole point of that move was to lift the person, so I almost laughed, since they were just mussing up my shirt.

nah I don't mind it if I'm getting paid, even a little. I just made the mistake of working for free at the start/

>be me
>everyday of my life
>standing up for myself whenever i get a chance
>feelsgood not being a beta

trips of sweet justice right there


fuck about what normies think about you

i once threatened to murder a guy for calling me a fag in public when i was minding my business. he didn't say anything after that. just went on my way.

They were talking on speaker phone unaware that i could hear everything from the next room.

>be a tomboy all strong female shit and learning kickboxing
>get fucking pounded bloody by a dude
>come back and date him later
Proof women enjoy being dominated

>until we got out into the hallway where the guy slammed my head into the lockers until I passed out.
You deserved it for being a smug, pseudo-intellectual dickhead tbf.

spotted the dumb kid from school

Be me 16 year old sick at school
>toxic guy that everyone hates is rigth below me on balcony
>nothing to drop in his head
>16 year old mind analyzes every possibility
>guy tries to look up while covered in my rotten insides
>too late, im long gone
The guy didnt go to school 2 weeks after that, i didnt know my vomit was so dangerous, i didnt even feel that bad, oh and i almost forgot that he was a bully

Based user beating a tomboy into a submissive gf

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year old mind analyzes every possibility

You fucking nerd
based user

wigger swagfaggot

You should care what we normies think of you incel.
We are passing legislation to lock people with autism up in cages because they are a danger to others.
You'll be the first one I come after you loser

uhh when i was in elementary school some guy grabbed the football from my hands and I shoved him but then he shoved me back and I bitched out so it probably doesn't count

I wouldn't call her submissive, but she's a lot more tame than she was prior. Plus she's gradually accepting more of her feminine side, which is nice.

Everytime I've ever been criticized in my life I just sit and take it silently until the other person is done. I've learned to never argue, there's really nothing that can come out of it. If they ask me a question I just tell them exactly what they want to hear.

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>be me at new job
>get along with coworkers but mostly keep to myself
>new asshole gets hired a week later
>schizoprenic, BPD, and former felon
>for some reason starts talking shit to me and treats me like I killed his dog
>realize that he's probably just doing this because im the "quiet guy" and he thinks im an easy target and that we operate on prison politics or something
>decide to confront him about this the following day
>come to work as usual, see him eating a burger in the break room
>say "whats up" and approach him
>try to break the ice, even though he looks visibly annoyed that im talking to him
>finally just decide to get it over with and ask him why is he always fucking with me and what did I ever do piss him off
>he laughs it off and then just tries to blame it on his BPD and tells me to stop being such a bitch
>ofcourse he does this, he wasn't expecting me to just confront him but to just quietly take his bullying like were still middle school so he's not prepared for it
>I politely but sternly ask him to just chill out, and stop with the "jokes" because I don't like it
>he immediately gets defensive and stands up
>walks over to me like he wants to fight and says "or else WHAT"
>I stand my ground and just stare him, telling him to back off
>there's security camera in the room watching us, so I don't think he's dumb enough to actually punch me but who knows
>he starts yelling and screaming trying to intimidate me and repeating "or else what or else what are you threatening me, huh?"
>coworkers hear the noise and come in and get in between us
>ends rather peacefully otherwise
>the dude never bullied me again afterwards and left me alone
>gets fired a few weeks later for trying to fight one of the managers so it all worked out in the end

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Probably because you don't actually go out and experience things.

That's a pretty bold assumption user....
Are you sure there's no other reason why I don't have a tomboy GF?

Maybe im just ugly? Or something other genuine reason.

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>Father gets on me for random shit
>One day he asks me to go pick up a pizza
>Get it and come home
>They charged a delivery fee
>Tell him and say I will call and fix the problem
>He starts to yell at me for an hour
>Something inside me snaps and I start yelling back
>He tells me if I don't like how he treats me I should leave
>Pack my shit and leave
That was 4 years ago. Never heard from him again.

You could be a social retard.
You could be simply unlucky.
You could have also missed your chance without even knowing it.
Or maybe you just haven't met her yet.

There's 101 different reasons why you don't have the object of your desire, I just stated one.
Keep your hopes up user.

Well im not a social retard, and I go out fairly regularly. I was just joking any way I know exactly why I don't have a tomboy gf or any gf at all.

>just go out and experience things and be urself :^)

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>just b urself
Truly awful advice that I would never give to anyone. However, constant self-improvement is paramount to leading a good life.
Don't 'b urself', yourself is shit. Be better than who you are now.

Its all the same meaningless platitudes normies like you enjoy regurgitating.

If you think self-improvement is bad than you are truly a lost soul that deserves misery.

Telling people to go out and experience things and just bee urself isn't "Self improvement" you dingus.

>cops came up to me and told me to take my hands out of my pockets
>I didn't even want my hands in my pockets that bad, but I kept them in there for forty minutes throughout the whole encounter with the cops while they got all sweaty and stuff
>no one tells me where to keep my hands

>on family trip in mountains
>my younger cousin steals his older sisters favorite stuffed animal(ffs shes 21 at the time)
>comes into our room and beats him until hes crying and takes it back
>as shes leaving tell her shes really mature for how she handled that
>comes back and starts hitting me
>get out of bed and shew squares up instantly looking for a fight
>throws a few pathetic punches and kicks
>throw a right hook into her jaw and give her a fat busted lip
Honetsly I got lucky, but it still felt good. She weighed like 160-170 at nearly the same height and I was a skinny 130lb 17 year old. After the punch I had to talk her down from fighting cause she still wanted to go if she had tackled me i would have been fucked. My cousin thanked me for standing up for him but my dad was pissed the next day, and I think my uncle still slightly doesnt like me but it was worth it.

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One time at school one of your actual robot spergs pulled me off a table because the teacher said "You shouldn't sit on the tables." and after the teacher left the room I sat on the table.
Yeah, you pulled me hard and I shoved you then you punched me then I punched you in the face lol. I didn't get in trouble either you did xD
Bye, Rufus.