I want yo change, HELP ME

Possible ? I do intermittent fasting, I do not eat much but I eat mainly , with exceptions some days when I eat pasta or potatoes, I do cardio 2 times a week, 8 days are gone and no change yet,I wanted to be in shape for September but I do not feel that it works

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I eat mainly vegetables*


read the sticky you disgusting pile of shit

Already read it, " be in deficit and do sports " woah I didn't know that

haha u look like shit go play fornite zoomer haha

Graduate highschool first

pushups and situps and 10km runs thruout the whole summer.

>intermittent fasting
what an idiot.

>eat mainly pasta and potatoes
carbs. Yuck

>cardio 2 times a week
you should cardio every single fucking day. NB4 "I don't have time", I work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. I take a lot of time to be with my wife, or to read, cultivate myself and stuff. Despite this I still have time to work out AND do 1h of cardio every day.

>8 days and no result
at this point I'm pretty sure this is bait

No I eat mainly vegetables and meat like turkey,salmon,chicken

so now you know and aren't following it? Is this our fault?

whatever. The fact that you believe in intermittent fasting, that you think cardio 2 times a week is enough to see results in 8 days, makes you faggot.


lmao i looked worse than you, just stop eating you weak faggot jesus

Nope, it's impossible to change

Nah man you can never change your body we were all born with the bodies we have and are just here to converse

Literally this. Its up there because its sound advice, whether you follow this or not is your issue

Im in déficit and I do sports faggot

OP fuck the morons here, follow this diet and cut carbs(fruit, and krispies mainly) after you cut enough weight.

adjust cardio and carb intake
cottage 1%
whole egg
3 rice krispies or 4 slices of low cal bread/ or 5gram carb for one slice


cup and a half protein shake
banana/small apple


115g chicken breast/turkey/beef/sinta steak/shoulder boiled OR 145 of fish(forgot the types but most of them are good for you beside the fat ones)
75g rice/pasta OR 100g yams/potato/buckwheat/quinoa/bulgur BOILED

3-4 veggies OR 300-400g boiled veggies.
1 tbspn olive oil/tahini/half avocaddo


1 tuna

1 egg yolk

3 rice krispies or 4 slices of low cal bread/ or 5gram carb for one slice

1 veggie

1 tbspn olive oil/tahini/half avocaddo


115g chicken breast/turkey/beef/sinta steak/shoulder boiled OR 145 of fish(forgot the types but most of them are good for you beside the fat ones)
75g rice/pasta OR 100g yams/potato/buckwheat/quinoa/bulgur BOILED


cup and a half protein shake

eat 30 minute after waking up, space 3 hours between meals. eat the carbs after workouts.

meaning you dont have to buy protein or getting lost with your protein intake, switch protein shakes for tuna/eggs and it'll be fine :).

you can drink zero coke or diet sprite

once a week you can have a cheat meal with desert(dont over do it obviously lol)

You need to eat more srs. Cutting won't get you anywhere you have near zero muscle mass.

lift weights 5 times a week doing iso drills
5th day rotate workouts.
youll see results man.

>I do intermittent fasting
water fasting 2 days a week
>I eat pasta or potatoes
ditch the pasta for rice, keep the potatoes, try to add carbs from other sources like fruits and vegetables
>I do cardio 2 times a week
more, do it for 25-45 minutes everyday
>8 days are gone and no change yet
stop being a fucking idiot, you won't see slight results until at least a month has gone by

he needs to get his bodyfat in check before even trying to bulk, i'm 100% sure he will bulk too hard and will become so fat he will never cut it.

Intermitent fasting is for really lean people, you fatass should be on snake juice fasting for 72 hours

test e and deca srs
the only thing that will save you

>I do cardio 2 times a week, 8 days are gone and no change yet
retard. dio u expect results in a week??????????? this shit takes months, and do some otehr shit than cardio u actual mongoloid. FUCKING LIFT

based advicefag :D

>2 times a week
>8 days
>I went for a run 3 times why am I not in shape yet?

Ok, real talk: you need lift. Just start with a full-body program like

3x5 Rows
3x5 Bench Press
3x5 Squats

3x5 Chinups
3x5 Overhead Press
1x5 Deadlift

3x5 Dips
3x10 Curls
3x60 meter Farmer's Walks

Eat 1.6g protein per kg of bodyweight. Eat at maintenance until your fat gets replaced by noob gains. Do hill sprints on tuesday, thursday, and saturday. Rest on sunday.

Need more details. Post your diet log and training log for the last 3 months.
>I don't have a diet log or a training log
Well there's your fucking problem.

>8 days
lol welcome to hell idiot

Ok that is some shitty starting point but I have seen people start off worse and still make it.
1. Eat at a fking deficit. Use the info in the sticky to calculate the amount of calories you should be eating to mantain then eat 500-600 below that. Eat plenty of water and weigh yourself everyday. Compare weight monday to monday.

2. Calculate your necessary protein and fking EAT it.

3. WORK OUT. 3-5 times per week at the gym, focus on the basics (squat, bench, ohp, dl) and progreessive overload.

It is not nuclear science. Research a bit to create a program of eating and working out. Then FUXKING DO IT.

If you fail you only have yourself to blame

>claims to have already read it
>still not eating protein
>expects changes in 8 days

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And you didn't instantly lose all fat and get muscular? Guess making big changes takes time. Who would have thought