Any Robots From Brazil?

Hey guys, brazillian from RS here. Any of you guys from Brazil, or at least been to Brazil?
If you're brazillian, what led you into becoming a robot in one of the most hypersexualized countries in the world? How come?
I've just been a nerd all my life and it doesn't fit with our social contexts.

>Please refrain from speaking portuguese on the thread, or it may end up pruned.

>Is there a BRBot Discord?

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Does it really matter user ?
Also yes and yes for your main questions

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Carioca cyborg reporting
>what led you to be a robot in the most hypersexualized country in the world?
I'm chad on the streets and robot on the sheets. I take part on every fucking normie activity there is, and enjoy some, but I'm really broken inside

everyone acts like chad/stacy no matter how they look, i cant fit in

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no but chilean master race reporting

Well, I'm asking, so at least for me it does.
What brought you here user?

That's weird, but not unheard of. I'm sorry.
Now that I'm an adult I've learned to interact socially and be a normie when needed, but whenever I do so I feel like I'm faking it all and it ends up straining me a lot. I guess we might be similar in that aspect to be honest.
Have you ever been to Sao Pedro da Aldeia?

So true, it's disgusting.
Is it all the social media? The vapidness of our society? I never understand for sure.
Just trying to act normal around normies here puts a huge weight on me.

Well, I guess you're welcome too. How'd you get here?

BR's are literally the scum of the earth worst then niggers.

Yeah, but you love us so much you can't even leave us alone in our thread. Fuck off.

seconding this
why can't you guys get past broken level english ffs even the rest of the goblinos and oscuridads in south american can

Because it's not often that we have to deal with burgers or british muslims, thank God.
All we need is enough english reading capacity to play Call of Duty for the PS2 and to browse PornHub categories.

I'm from brazil but I would never say this under any circumstance online except in these garbage threads. I stay indoors to avoid contact with every br*zilian that exists out there why would I want to engage in conversation or anything with them in here

well, that makes you guys the dumbest people on earth since english is the easiest language to learn in the world
ESLs from europe know it unwillingly by age 10

brazilian here, living in the countryside of SP(jfl), I'm here cus mental and not attractive enough to overcome my autism.
Btw I hate this country so much.

>the dumbest people on earth
haven't you heard of the french?


Why do you guys hate here so much? Is it because of the hypersex low-IQ normies?
I don't know, I think if you have a stable job and some income this place can be pretty great.
We've got a good variety of stuff to buy and places to go to, legalized hookers, and so many retards we can almost feel normal depending on where we're at.

>hypersex low-IQ normies
you're visiting a board that is 80% that
I couldn't give a shit about sex, people are just obnoxious and not interesting in the slightest, at all

Nope. Never went outside of my state

>Why do you guys hate here so much?
Poverty, dumbness, degeneracy, people wanting to know everything about your life, Corrupt government, everything is expensive, high taxes cus corrupt government...

Brazilian society/culture is the worst i`ve seen, i fell bad for all my other fellow brBots i mean if you have a mental illness and you are a brazilian i guess you are in hell,suicide isn`t easy, mental health awareness is literally non existent, culture/society will literally give you PTSD if you are timid, streets are full of niggers screaming funk, violence is ultra high making easy to have paranoia/agoraphobia.

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Just figured out this town is in RJ. Nevermind, still never been there

Yeah, I feel ya.
Most people around where I live feel like they're the same person on repeat whenever they're talking, it's kind of depressing.

I still have to leave home every once in a while, since I'm in college. Unfortunately looking for a job too, so I'm going to be evading the NEET lifestyle altogether soon-ish I hope.
Not that I want to though.

Well, at least we have internet escapism...


Pretty nice place it seems. I have acquaintances there, planning on visiting one day.

>Well, at least we have internet escapism...
I want to escape from this hellhole but family won't let me.

100% me right here.

Why? Do you have mans of going to another country and sustaining yourself there?
My family wouldn't be too happy about financing my stay elsewhere either.
My family is all sorts of fucked up too, they're usually more of a burden than help, unfortunately. One more reason for me to want to just disappear into the woods, but we can't even have that here, with fucking plague mosquitoes and gay tigers.

Shit, this must be the worst. Being so close to normiehood, but then so far...
Wish you guys luck.

in the countryside is about a bunch of retarded folks dressed as cowboys while playing some cucksongs doing cocaine, and you're ostracized if you're not with them.
But still the reasons I hate this country the most is that all the shit costs a lot and our currency is worthless, so unless you're really rich, you're fucked.

Another thing that is extremely disgusting is how the leftist cancer has infiltrated our society.
Even with all of the socialist scandal that was PT, colleges, institutions and the media are still leftist cucks that want us to suck venezuelan "refugee" cock and allow niggers to fuck our wives.
And if you say anything against it you're ostracized and outcast.

I feel your pain though, I lived in the countryside for a good few years. Bunch of redneck cunts thinking they're West Clithood.

>but I'm really broken inside
Brazilian who speak perfect english here.
Brazilians in general are lazy and don't bother learning things beyond working level.

Disregard the greentext. It wasn't meant to be there.

I'm not a robot, but i'm anti-social and I started coming here mostly because of the women hate threads. I don't hate them anymore though, I just tend to have low expectations about them

>Brazil tred
>no Felipe
fuck you all, imma out

That's true.


There's always a reason or another to hate them hehe. But they're not all the same, although 80% they're all alike.

Is that a meme I'm unaware of?

>Please refrain from speaking portuguese on the thread, or it may end up pruned.
Nao tem nenhuma regra que proiba falar em outra lingua nessa board, seu grande imbecil.
Cade meus nordestinos? So tem sulista fudido nessa merda?

> sindrome do vira-lata: o fio
Bua bua, chora mais, bando de criancoes que nunca amadureceram. O problema nao eh o pais, sao voces mesmos. Dejam honestos por um minuto e olhem ao redor, olhem para os outros robos gringos, voces acham realmente que se tivessem crescido e vivido no primeiro mundo seriam magicamente melhores, sociaveis, mentalmente saos, e felizes?
Nao seriam porra nenhuma, seriam os mesmos bunda mole choroes que sao agora, arrumando desculpas pra justificar o proprio fracasso, botando a culpa no tabuleiro ao inves de reconhecer sua propria inepcia.
Voces vivem no pais mais facil pra se perder a virgindade e fazer amizades do mundo, povo extremamente amigavel e abertos por toda parte, meninas safadas loucas pra dar em cada esquina, tudo o que precisa fazer eh sair da zona de conforto e se arriscar e se aventurar no mundo. Mas o que voces fazem? Se trancam na solidao do quarto e passam o dia chorando na internet porque a vida nao eh tao facil quanto poderia ser.

Misogyny is poisoning for your mind. Unless you are intended to remain celibate forever, I suggest you tried to build a healthier relationship with your innermost female side

Unica coisa pior que americano chupando pau de europeu e brasileiro chupando pau de americano. Tenho um odio imenso de quem fala que Estados Unidos e um paraiso por ser primeiro mundo

I was a robot during my school years, probably due to unhealthy social interactions throughout the school years (aka bullying) and my closeted sexuality.
In college you cansay I pretty much blossomed and became borderline normal. It was only possible because I found an amazing thing that changed my life forever
> Friends
It's like the best medicine possible. A group of good friends to guide you through a normal social life. Alcohol and drugs helped me a lot though. And online dating too.
But still I have some scars of my dark years in school and I keep coming back here because I have nowhere else to go on the internet. But apart from that, on real life at least, I think I'm one of those robots who made the Transition and healed from the teenage awkwardness that plague these poor lost souls.

Brazilian from MG here, I've been a loner since pre-school, I just don't know how to talk to people.

there's Felipe for u

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Nao sabia que tinha internet no nordeste mano.

La vem o macho conselheiro. Vai chupar um ovo palhaco.
Ninguem aqui ta culpando o pais pela propria vida. Nao vem dizer que o Brasil e uma maravilha tambem.

Ja pensou que talvez algumas pessoas tenham massa encefalica funcional e nao querem simplesmente vadias faceis que dao pro bairro inteiro, ou viver entre um bando de carneiros incapazes de introspeccao e pensamento critico? Acho que esse e o problema.

E realmente, viver nos EUA ou entre as pernas da tua mae nao ia resolver nada mesmo, mas foda-se, todo mundo tem o direito de pensar o que quiser irmao.


>Alcohol and drugs
Explain yourself.

*puts sock in panties*
tehe im a trap give me attention!

Ain't that a dude though?

>Alcohol and drugs
Pq vc acha que os normais gostam tanto de alcool?
Todas as pessoas tem suas parcelas de problemas sociais, o mundo nao eh dividido entre pessoas normais e robos. Todo mundo ja experimentou, em diferentes niveis, do sabor da solidao, do estranhamento, de estar isolado numa festa, ou incapaz de abordar estranhos e fazer amizades, ou se sentir fora de lugar, como se nao pertencesse aquele ambiente, se sentir terrivelmente timido ou incapaz de interagir com outras pessoas... Esses sao sentimentos comuns para todos os humanos,em diferentes niveis.
O alcool nada mais eh que um grande atalho, uma passagem secreta para a normalidade, um cheat code da vida real. Vc deixa de ser um esquisito isolado e se torna um cara divertido, animado, risonho, feliz e o principal, socialmente desinibido, em apenas alguns goles.
Claro que tudo tem seu preco mas eh a forma mais comum, usada por grande parcela da populacao, para interagir e socializar. Foi como eu comecei tambem, e foi a grande bengala que me permitiu caminhar pelos caminhos tortuosos da vida noturna, pavimentando a estrada da normalidade.
Eh claro que a saturacao e a ressaca impediram o alcool de ser meu companheiro de viagem por muito tempo. Hoje eu uso a maconha para isso, embora ela tambem nao seja o bastante pra me sustentar numa festa noturna, so o pozinho magico me satisfaz nesse aspecto.

ah cala a boca
isso aqui nao e facebook

Virjao here, I am ugly as fuck, boring and have autism-tier social skills. No friends, no girlfriend, borderline NEET.

Also, the hypersexuality of this country disgusts me. I realise that the only chance for me is banging some drunk bar slut, but that is not for me. I am a romantic on the pais of bunda.

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Where can I get a caring BR boyfriend who will take me to Selecao games.

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It actually surprises me to see how many of us ended up here. I have 3 different mental illnesses and all of them affect my social skills, and ye I am diagnosed, Id say Im pretty fucked
My pc broke today >.< I was hoping to make some progress on my modded darkest dungeon run since Ive got 2 days off, guess I will just read manga all day

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Please put your feet in my face.

This: But I get you.

Shit, I feel ya man. I'm sorry... Keep trying though.

Are you a girl? Where from?

I'm sorry user. I don't think I have mental illnesses. I'm just a pussy is all.

BR bot reporting

Reading these threads always make me angry for multiple reasons.
Puta que pariu.

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>Where from?

Go back to Faceberg, normalviados.

Tell me more.

Haha, same. It's cool to make them though.

