Jow Forums artwork

Let's get an image dump thread going for inspirational pieces of art like pic related

Attached: 1557330203094.jpg (2412x3048, 583K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Look up some Frank Frazetta, his work is god-tier for inspiration

Attached: Jaguar-God-II.jpg (940x1200, 340K)

Attached: SavatageMountainKing.jpg (302x300, 27K)

This was a much-needed addition to the cesspit known as Jow Forums - Fitness. I'll be posting a few.

Attached: 1033546-ken_fist_of_north_star__5_.jpg (472x690, 55K)

Attached: hercules fighting hydra 490x653.jpg (490x653, 49K)

Attached: 7D3F0E5D-46A6-4F05-9C97-3321F934B3C1.jpg (500x676, 101K)

Attached: archer.gif (597x489, 142K)

That girl is perfect. Cant stop looking.


Statues do it for me. As well as the occasional frazzeta/conan art

Attached: 1556003966655.jpg (1000x1500, 386K)

Attached: 466cefb29469f9ef5838ffa01b8bacc9.jpg (2133x1537, 1.08M)

Attached: 880e8d215008b25e81c1c84b646d1b1f.jpg (736x537, 38K)

Some good heroic Christian imagery

Attached: Archangel-Michael-58ae447c5f9b58a3c95549e8.jpg (768x1152, 132K)

Attached: here's you.gif (640x360, 1.85M)

what's the name of this sculpture? I know that, as a Parisian, I should know, but I'm kind of stupid.

Attached: fra66_2.jpg (298x400, 31K)

Attached: 1534270438242.jpg (550x800, 66K)

awesome, found his website.

*user of the year award*

Laocoön and His Sons

Osef que tu sois parisien

Mais : Groupe du Laocoon - Laocoön and His Sons

Bonne soirée



Attached: Dont+you+watch+the+history+channel+hitler+had+like+3+_28832bc97d67e2fd548c161a2ae4346d.png (1024x768, 460K)

hey fuck off with that gay shit

Attached: breker shilling.png (406x654, 272K)

Gay and anti-pagant

Attached: 1541369309144m.jpg (731x1024, 174K)

Based berserk poster

We need more of this, but irl.

Time for some CHAD GERMANISM

Attached: Arminius says goodbye to Thusnelda - Johannes Gehrts (1884).jpg (676x960, 201K)

>those calves
what was his routine?

Attached: 1485478309389.png (1280x916, 608K)

Frazetta is the best

Attached: frazetta-lotr1.jpg (989x1280, 304K)

Attached: François-Léon_Benouville_-_The_Wrath_of_Achilles_(1847).jpg (800x1280, 220K)

Attached: 0321_wyeth_charlemagne.jpg (1030x1392, 1.58M)

Attached: 1418797303241.jpg (800x1158, 444K)

dumping on this website is so annoying.

Attached: 1457849519977.jpg (679x950, 389K)

Attached: badass-art copy.png (1600x1200, 2.47M)

Attached: 1511183452762.jpg (1024x768, 114K)

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u5.jpg (550x361, 52K)

Attached: 27c356c0534be85219f0855800e465dd9859e5db42af068504d211b94c405847.jpg (750x1086, 129K)

saved the best for last Jow Forums

Attached: 8c112fd0a51e807608da85af7ef2d3c54b63ffa2506615db7e43a45ca24d43eb.jpg (1024x986, 139K)

The original fallouts had some random, but dope artwork

Attached: fallout1_2.jpg (500x398, 61K)

now this is something I did not see in a long time, my nigga

Part 2

Attached: justin-sweet-1-016.jpg (1333x1000, 225K)

Toasting a gladiator

Attached: 1532465822648.jpg (2425x1630, 3.97M)

Anyone else ever seen pic related? Such a fun old S&S kino.

>that natty bod on the hero
>those babes
>that epic quest of heroism and valor
>those cool animal companions
>that dark magic by those wicked old crones and their dark lord
>that charming cheesiness

only patricians will be able to appreciate these kinos

Attached: THE BEASTMASTER.jpg (736x673, 101K)

Probably only grew that beard because he's a chinlet. And the fair maiden is gonna cuck him for some BIG MEDITERRANEAN COCK.
The sword is pretty great though, good job guy.

>tfw Agamemnon steals slave girl

Cope harder shitskin
Based and Goldenpilled

Attached: 1537389276255m.jpg (1024x857, 197K)

Attached: Ancient_German_Family.jpg (644x760, 447K)

Attached: Oden-på-Sleipnir.jpg (696x520, 55K)

Art and Jow Forums tier poetry what more can you ask for

Attached: RedPoem.jpg (1000x1333, 275K)

Attached: 1513440270433.jpg (624x351, 50K)

Attached: 1513636105036m.jpg (1024x576, 99K)

Attached: 1519164744267m.jpg (1024x779, 116K)


Attached: wotan-odin-woden.jpg (600x600, 88K)

Requires will power, test yourself brother

Attached: 1538190409782m.jpg (1024x615, 138K)

Attached: 750ad334d1012257fee238698aa1f64ffacda448002b52b0df0a15f73bd54ed5.jpg (1280x1029, 656K)

I haven't seen it but your enthusiasm makes me want to desu.

Attached: 1529189728873.jpg (627x900, 100K)

Alright my friends, I have things to do but if you all want more heart I'll be happy to oblige (as soon as a I can)

Attached: PicsArt_10-21-12.09.58.jpg (2048x1384, 496K)

Shit, that's really sad


>ew what's wrong with him? is he crying? stacy is gonna freak out when I tell her about this

Attached: MOSHED-2019-5-8-22-47-32.jpg (637x451, 25K)

hey man delete this

>makes lucifer himself bald
baldies really are hated huh

>caring for the opinion of women

Attached: early-germans.jpg (1920x1200, 718K)

Mirin those forearms.

That is a lovely painting. What's the story behind it/ its name?

Faggot. Get that shit outta here

Hylas and the Nymphs is an 1896 oil painting by John William Waterhouse. The painting depicts a moment from the Greek and Roman legend of the tragic youth Hylas, based on accounts by Ovid and other ancient writers, in which the enraptured Hylas is abducted by Naiads while seeking drinking water

Attached: 3724f.jpg (485x689, 56K)

Attached: AESTH_TorsoofHercules.jpg (720x1000, 31K)

not him but thank you user.

No problem bro

Attached: 83daf516980bf38a205b0fe88529eb5a726232ddf126129ac0be638d9a030709.jpg (1158x1714, 1.73M)


Attached: jojocaesar.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

"b-but I thought they used to be attracted to obese women"

the trump jojo manga inspires me

Attached: trump.jpg (871x729, 161K)

I'm the person who asked and yah thank you user :)

This was the GOAT

Based Thread. My gym buddy is swinging by in a couple minutes but I'll dump Frazetta until he gets here. I have several of these paintings hung up around my apartment.

Attached: fireAndIce.jpg (861x1200, 222K)

Attached: 1541405342969.jpg (933x1400, 352K)

that's the guy in the painting was doing

Attached: frazetta_dinosaurs.jpg (897x1200, 209K)

Attached: frazetta_Conan.jpg (1035x1200, 421K)

Attached: frazetta_viking_barfight.jpg (683x1024, 172K)

They never change

Attached: 1553188259980.jpg (850x7691, 2.45M)

Attached: frazetta_Barbarian.jpg (892x1200, 522K)

The man himself. Was he Jow Forums?

Attached: FrankFrazetta.jpg (300x387, 21K)


Got you covered homos

Attached: Sadao Hasegawa.jpg (736x947, 91K)

I see German attempts to destroy society
Have a base historically

Attached: liberatore.jpg (1164x800, 611K)

And he did the art for the Gor series, the only Jow Forums approved sci-fi.

1 x 1 kill Nemean lion
1 x 7 Lernaean Hydra head cut (plus one crab crush
1 x 1 Ceryneian Hind sprint
1 x 1 Erymanthian Boar carry
2 x 1 River lift
1 x 200 Stymphalian bird shoot
1 x 1 Cretan Bull wrestle
1 x 4 Diomedes horse pull
1 x 1 cunt punt
1 x 10 Cattle of Geryon steal
1 x 1 Atlas lift
1 x 3 Cerberus curl

love this one

"Society" should have been strong enough to defend itself, no mercy for the weak.

Attached: 1541368427689.jpg (2174x2559, 1.08M)