Why is the fear of going bald worse than the feeling of being bald?

Why is the fear of going bald worse than the feeling of being bald?

I started noticing my hair thin a lot and now I have constant anxiety even though ive had a shaven head before

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Because being bald makes you look worse but it doesnt get any worse when you dont have any hair left to lose. Losing hair and getting slowly uglier and uglier and trying to hide the fact your balding sucks. I buzzed my head like a year after I noticed my hairline started moving and it hasn't really bugged me since but that year it affected me alot

How fucked am i?

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5~10yrs, next stage in 5ish if lucky

Can i prevent it?

It indicates the end of your youth. No more place for delusion.
It is hard to find something to live for once your youth is over

tfw my youth ended at 17

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I said it a lot of times in this board. When you are bald you get different treatment growing up. (started going bald at 15). But after some years, maybe a decade, you get mentally stronger for some reason. Bald men are considered either sick and weak or as strong and dominant. It polarizes, it forces you to take decissions in life. But hey what do I know, I am just a fucking baldie of shit

I'm sorry man I didn't mean that. I'm just projecting because I'm in a miserable stage in my life right now.

im the same guy here to tell this fucker to go fuck himself
I am 25, what the fuck are you talking about, you are not bald at all. You fucking manginas, go cry for mommy when some hairs fall, jeeeeez

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Here is a fact, there is a bald man network. When you walk down the street or are in a store and you see another secure bald guy, both of you will always give a nod to one another. Beware furries, the chrome dome will shine and rise like the eastern sun.


>even though ive had a shaven head before

Because then it was your choice and you could just let it grow back no problemo.
But once you go bald due to age/genetics there's no going back and it wasn't even your choice.

t. larry david

Guy in OP pic would look great with no hair.

Balding is only a bad deal for people with shitty faces.

You’ve described every human fear. The fear itself is more powerful than the unhappiness or pain or the actual event. When you feel fear, repeat the litany against fear from dune. I will post it next. It helps me a lot in anxious social situations.

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gross fuckin karl pilkington stubble shit


The fear of most things is worse than the reality. With some exceptions obviously.

Most things you learn to accept because resisting it is too painful and strenuous for your mind to handle.


Hair loss in men can be contributed to high testosterone
Shave it with no shame
Be the high test alpha male you were born to be

Keep dreaming. Men with no hair loss have higher DHT than balding men.

Never understood the crazy fear around balding. If you're ugly before, you're still going to be ugly after. Same thing with good looking people.
The insecurity is entirely in your head and other people don't have enough time to stop and seriously give a shit about your hair. If someone teases you about your hairline/calls you baldie, your reaction alone is going to determine others' perception of you. If you recoil/go quiet, you're just going to make the atmosphere awkward and reek of insecurity. If you go along, laugh, and make a little joke about it yourself, the conversation will stay fun and people will move on without batting an eye about your hair.
>t. 21 year old with a joke of a hairline
If you were regularly enjoying interaction and attention from women before balding, you're going to keep getting laid afterwards. If you weren't, nothing will change.
The truth is that this board is now so full of Jow Forums and lookism faggots that any and all failures with women are attributed to esoteric physical flaws, and shitposters fan the flames by incessantly making insecurity threads. The reality is that, unless you are grotesquely deformed, like 90% of rejections you face from women have nothing to do with appearance, but are from your behavior around them.

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Male pattern baldness is entirely determine by hair follicle sensitivity to DHT.
Hair loss being a sign of high test is cope thrown around by insecure niggers.
You're bald. Just fucking deal with it and live your life.

Delusional baldies

My bros tell me my norwood 3 buzzcut looks awesome.

Bitches don't comment :/

Do you like men?

Don't think so but i've been wrong before.

At least you've still got self-awareness. Good luck with your problems.


>Fear is an illusion perpetrated by the woman-mind.
~Some small venue Georgia wrestler. ca. 1997

I used to laugh at haircels, now I am becoming one. I have a big head, I won't look good bald. Think my only option is full bear mode with a beard to make my head look smaller than my body.

Time to dreamers bulk until I die in my 50s of a heart attack.

Underrated post

I'm fucked.

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Yes, come to terms with it early

now I want to be bald

This is the only good post here.

I've been rocking the bald look since 18. Never had issues with women even as a bald, baby faced teenager. I'm 26 now.

-A bald head will accentuate your facial features.
-The darker the complexion, the better you look bald. Tanning is important if you're white.
-Bald men are seen as more dominant and masculine, so capitalize off that. Get bigger, grow a beard (if you can). Tattoos are a plus.

Quit taking dumb shit like nizoral and finasteride and hiding behind hats. You really don't have anything to worry about unless you have a weak jawline and weird shaped head.

I say this as a bald man who lived it through their teenage and college years: young women don't care. You can and will still get laid. It only gets better with age. The bald and beard combo is undefeated and very popular with black women / latinas.

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based zensunni

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If you're bald, just do steroids dummy

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The day of the razor is coming very soon, furheads.

You’ll regret mocking us.

Every man mocks bald men until he notices his hair thinning, then the jokes are no longer funny

lookin good bro, women absolutely love that shit

lmao at this blue pilled faggot
balding drops you 2 points in looks
>butt hurrr durrr if someone was good looking he stays good looking and vice versa hah!
they both drop by 2points, deal with it bald cuck

> If you recoil/go quiet, you're just going to make the atmosphere awkward and reek of insecurity. If you go along, laugh, and make a little joke about it yourself,
keep making fun of yourself to pretned that it doesnt bother you lmao, what a cuck

COPE more, 99% of you bald faggots end up looking like Moby
>b-but muh testosterone
>muh confidnece
lmao at you past prime cucks

nice troll friend but i'm not white and i'm high test so i look good regardless

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Balding sucks. Does it suck more in your head than reality? Not sure. I know I hated it. Posted this a million times but I did something about it. I pretty much only post in balding threads as I can relate. Forgive me if you have seen this pic before.

Fight it if you can. But I have seen many bald guys I was envious of. Just pray you don't get the double whammy of height deficiency coupled with baldness.

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