Some woman ignored her beta and fucked Chad when all 3 where kids. Then her beta went abroad to work. And she accidently went to Chads home and had unprotected sex. She is worried that Beta will not support her lifestyle any more. The responder says that it is the Betas fault for not giving her a decent relationship, forcing her to sleep with Chad.
She accidently got pregnant
Other urls found in this thread:
Typical, I hope beta divorces her. She will still win in the eyes of the court however it beats being cucked.
No worries. As soon as Islam is made the official religion in the Western societies, everything will be just fine.
It's not cruel how she cheated on Michael. Cheating can happen anytime, to anyone. What's cruel is how she thinks of both Ryan and Michael not as people, but as embodiments of ideas. Ryan is the fun bad guy, Michael the boring provider. That's a convenient and useful way to think of someone because you don't have to engage with the person anymore. However, it completely undercuts the worth of that other person and leads to weird neuroses like fetishizing your bad boy ex, which she clearly does. All I can say is that I'm sorry for both Ryan and Michael that they fell for this kind of woman and probaly will continue to be abused by the like. Hopefully Michael has cheated on her during the business trip. The realization he's probably not what she always thought of him as, however painful it may be, will bring her down back to earth again.
You mean things will never be fine?
That story reads like bait written by an incel.
If a woman falls during pregnancy that can cause a miscarriage, why does the article not say this?
I would kick her ass to the curb so she and Ryan can fight over child support. Ironically, my name IRL is Michael, I'm 27 and I travel a lot for work.
>fell pregnant
Ooopsie seetheart I just slipped on chads cock and I got pregnant!
But it's not user. The next and finale crusades are coming, and not with swords and horsemen but in fire and flame. Yes user soon enough the Holy Land will be erased from this earth.
BOOM, the end.
Start again.
Incredibly well said user. I commend you.
when will the law allow us to slay thots
now that is a quality post, my dude
I think I get it now. You have to have the safety and stability of a beta as well as the wild and adventurous attitude of the alpha.
Now go out and apply this knowledge to your own dating life!
Reminder that the person who spams these women hate threads, is a 31 year old half-thai swede whose father got a mail order bride, now he spends his days hating women, hating himself and hating asians and is also starting to transition into an anime tranny himself.
Remember, Grappa Swede the 31yo virgin.
Or you can just do the opposite as a guy. Boring breadwinner gf, thot fucktoys. It's not really moral, but it's a pretty good life
I like the strange grammar that it uses when saying she "fell pregnant." It's almost like it's saying she had no agency in it at all.
What kind of subhuman would cheat on a breadwinner gf? A girl like that is a rare and valuable thing and anybody who would cheat on a girl like that is just as bad as the thot the article is talking about.
it's normal for men to cheat, faggot. get in with the times. men cheated since the dawn of time the only difference being they cheated with the same 5-10 whores out of 100.
>Get with the times
In millennials, adultery is more common with females. Get with the times.
That will just bring many other problems. Also Islam won't take over like that, instead it will be a chaotic mess. If being a caliphate has any benefits, Europe won't get them because no one will have that kind of power over the melting pot.
Getting killed in the street is probably a bigger problem than women being shit since it's easier to avoid women if they're all terrible than to never go outside.
>Implying anything will ever be fine
He isn't wrong though. Get lost faggot.
turns out that guy should've been the one who was concerned
Also, very ironic link to another article in between paragraphs about women being attracted to "bad boys"
I wonder what it's like to constantly bear such a large load of cognitive dissonance
Ah, typical woman-hating tranny.
I don't find her very attractive. Also younger girls remain into me for some reason
Why are women like this?
And why do I feel like she is going to turn this into the guys fault?
Daily reminder that Euros are automatically cucks.