Anxiety takes over my life everyday...

anxiety takes over my life everyday, but especially so because of family/relationship/money problems in my life currently. it's not only situational anxiety but i'm also just clinically fucked.
i'm tired of letting my mind control me and making irrational decisions and having irrational obsessions.
are SSRI'S a meme and is there a natural alternative to it? such as some sort of herbal treatment?
along with this, what lifestyle changes can i make?

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ssris are good for fixing your routine in short-medium term, take them as long as it takes until you feel ready to come off

Don't be a fucking contrarian. SSRIs were the best thing that ever happened to me when I was a clinically depressed teen. I'm not on them anymore, but they saved my life.

If your doctor isn't a quack, he'll monitor your dosage so they help you without turning into a zombie.

You need an outside perspective to give you coping techniques for your anxiety. You're going to have to get some real counseling, and your doctor is probably going to give you a place to go when he prescribes your shit. If he doesn't, ask him if he has some recommendations. Different therapists have different techniques, so you may not feel like you're getting everything you need out of your sessions. Change after two months if that's the case.

Life gets a lot better when you walk through that door, OP. Best of luck.

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notOP and can relate to OP in that I too have anxiety issues ( a lot of it is genetic so pills don't fully cure it) but I did come over to Jow Forums wondering if I just started actually just doing some walking on treadmill (there is one downstairs) if that would also help because I honestly don't get a lot of physical activity but I don't really need to bulk up or honestly lose too much weight

hey it's your lucky day OP I am kinda smurt and I did a half assed paper on neurotransmitters for my psych 101 class so I am 100% fully qualified to give you a professional opinion on your situation.

No, SSRIs aren't a meme, but they are limited in their effectiveness. For one, I am fairly sure they only target Seratonin, which is just one of the three neurotransmitters which when out of balance are known to cause depression, so they may not even really work for you. But they probably will because it's why most people have depression. Two, their effectiveness is temporary and your nervous system will adapt eventually so it requires more and more of it to have any effect. Pretty sure anyway. So you will only have a real temporary window(which is usually 6 months to 2 years maybe) to basically get your shit together.

Which also leads me to this. No psychiatrist that knows bumfuck about anything is going to tell you that you have to take SSRIs to cope for the rest of your life if they don't just want your money. They are meant to be a temporary relief and aid for you to begin to repair your life and daily habits so that you can function properly and eliminate the source of your depression. This is probably, for you, a lack of consistent exercise(start running every other day) and physical activity, lack of vitamins like the essential vitamin D(get sunlight) negative thoughts that reinforce feeling like shit(think positive, don't beat yourself up, I can write a whole other post on this) and other misc sources like not having proper social involvement, low self esteem from poor hygiene and self care, not having a job, lots of stress, etc.

Actually, SSRIs don't fix you, despite what some morons may tell you. What they DO do is help you not feel like shit long enough to fix yourself. But you have to do that.

Also it's worth noting that anything you can do with SSRIs you can do without them, but it takes a hell of a lot of motivation that you just might not be able to muster up to do it. The insidious thing about depression is that it is self propagating; everything that you need to fix your condition, depression takes away. It may have been tough to hear, but if anyone ever told you to just "stop being depressed" they were completely and utterly stupid to be sure, but they were also correct. Literally the only way to cure depression is to will yourself to do things that combat depression, like things mentioned in my previous post. So technically you really don't need SSRIs or any help from any psychologist or medical man to cure yourself. That doesn't mean it's easy. But you can do it, because people before you have done it, and the only thing stopping you from doing it is yourself and your own brain habits.

There is a ton of literature online about literally any question you could have regarding this topic. If you have any questions about anything here I can maybe probably answer them with complete accuracy. Barring that, the most important things for you to learn about now are







Of course, your ability to get out of the position that you are in is entirely dependent on how willing you are to take the steps to remove yourself from it. Nothing is keeping you there except yourself, all the tools you need are available to you, and no matter what you tell yourself you and only you are capable and responsible for your own direction in life. Good luck fren.

ignore the more spiritual shit and just on the practices. SSRI unfortunately didn't work but this basic ass book did. Its short too and easily skimmable.

I've been on cipralex, effexor, Strattera, venlafaxine, and zoloft. Cost me a shit load of money and all of them had different side effects and some form of heavy tradeoff for.. well... Numbing your emotions. The worst part is waiting weeks for them to take effect. Some of them really make you very different and I really wonder how doctors give this stuff to suicidal folks. You can kinda lose your mind with sleep side effects.

If you wanna give this stuff a shot make sure you try everything else before it. My personal experience ofc.

I weaned off everything and just smoked pot as a crutch. Eventually got active, got a decent job, and I'm a lot happier now. Still a work in progress like a lot of people and interacting with people at work is helping me with my social retardation/anxiety.

St. John's wort, which is an SSRI/SNRI but supposedly has milder sides. Other options include
>LSD/psilocybin microdosing

Oh god that's the one that gave me fucking brain zaps isn't it, god that was the worst one I ever took.

Yeah effexor was by far the worst one for side effects. I would get those zaps near bedtime and it gave me horrible vivid nightmares. Never had nightmares since I was a kid. Fapping also felt completely numb. There's tons of horror stories about it on the net.

Last resort material for sure.

i been on wellbutrin for 3-4 weeks now i think, at first it made me feel hella numb to all my problems but now i just feel the same but with more anxiety. im done bros

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>Zoloft makes fapping completely numb
>decide to stop taking it
>fapping is still numb
>panic and look online
>apparently it can be permanent
WHY the fuck is this shit legal?
It's been over a year since I stopped and it's only gotten a little better

By numb I mean orgasm doesn't feel good anymore
I never got the genital numbness that some do

>Be essentially crippled after neck injury
>Best friend is having chemo and refuses to even let his family see him

>World is full of people whining about being anxious

I'll be glad to leave this fag planet.

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You know for some of us this isn't whining but actual genetic problems right? Really bothers me that people think all of us are just making this up.

It took a while for mine to feel good again but I was on cipralex after effexor and that one also had the same side effect to a lesser degree. I'd say after the entire process was over maybe a full 5 months for me to feel 90%

>are SSRI'S a meme
>is there a natural alternative to it?

There will always be someone who suffers more than you, user

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Make sure you eat a high fat breakfast in the morning, helped me out a lot.

Mentally ill guy checking in. Drugs will not fix the underlying issues in your life, for most people they are a just a crutch. That being said, a small portion of the population with serious chemical imbalances needs mood regulating drugs otherwise their lives will be hellish.

The problem is psychiatrists are fine putting people with low-mid grade depression or anxiety on drugs that they may not need, or would be better off without. In these cases the potential upside of the medication is not much better than the potential negative side effects. It is really a mixed bag and psychiatry is not an exact science, when prescribing medication they are just throwing different drugs at the problem to see what will stick. Because brain chemistry is so variable some drugs might work amazingly and others might make you suicidal. Having seen enough psychiatrists to know the good ones from the bad ones, even the best still have to refer to what amounts to anecdotal evidence in justifying what drug they want to put you on.

As a result I see drugs as an absolute last resort. Unless you are diagnosed with major or extreme mental disorders I wouldn’t recommend them. I believe that fortunately most mental issues can be managed or resolved by therapy, self help, and making sure your diet, exercise, and sleep are all on point.

Hey nigger we all have problems.
What gives you anxiety is different from mine, or some other user.

Any you guys help me out, Google give shit generic answers,

I'm usually a pretty positive guy pretty big group of friends, enjoy work an so on, and recently I've been getting closer to achieving my literal childhood dreams in this job, still far off but making good progress. I literally cant complain about anything, great parents, stable job, rent a nice house near work for cheap, can drive, lots saved and in best shape I've ever been in.

But I'm still falling into these massive bouts of depression that can go on for weeks, stop for a few days and start again. It usually gets worst when I fuck up even the most minor things, like not beating my time in a run, or saying something wrong in a conversation, and suddenly I'm a worthless piece of shit. Death fantasies make me feel relieved for a bit before I snap out of it and it's starting to worry me. Will it go away if I just keep trucking through? I really really dont like the idea of medicating for it though.

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You say that you know what is causing you pain, but then insinuate that the part where you actually fix them is inhibited by wheels spinning inside your head. You make it sound like you feel overwhelmed by the need to move in every direction at once - of being simultaneously stuck in place and pulled from every limb, like you're strapped to The Rack.

This suggests that your solution is to figure out how to analyze, prioritize, plan, and execute. To break problems down into action-items that you can line up and knock down. This is actually pretty simple. Most people just get tripped up because it never really occurs to them that they're allowed to just sit down, organize their embarrassing problems into bullet-points on paper that nobody else will ever see, and break them down into embarrassingly small and simple steps that can actually be organized into a plan of action. It feels really dumb when you do this because you end up admitting stupid garbage to yourself, like "Step one is to make a spreadsheet with my work history on it, because I get so frustrated with applications asking for details I have to go digging for that I just close the page and give up." But then the problem is broken down into steps that you'll actually do, and you can start to attack.

Analyze. Prioritize. Plan. Execute. Attack.

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Thank you, it genuinely warmed my heart reading these replies. I’m going to try to incorporate good practices into my daily life for now before I begin SSRI’s because I’m afraid it might make me infertile or something. Life is fucked because all my income is going towards best friend who is homeless, and it’s hard to support myself and him. Hopefully once that is out of the way I can get my life figured out.

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Lists and outlines are based. Ty user

Try phenibut if you haven't yet.

Yes, dry fasting, start with 48s and then 72s, it will fix your hormonal issues and mental diesases

I agree. Since you're the only person dealing with problems, I've decided I'm just gonna be happy starting today.

>it's working

I can't believe it was this simple

You have so many problems I’m so jealous. Please tell us how you do it massa

I have severe anxiety and panic attacks, here's info I rec based on experience

books to read that i rec:
dare by barry mcdonagh (helped me immensely during the worst months of panic attacks i've ever had)
the worry trick by david a. carbonell
when panic attacks by david burns
flow by mihaly csikszentmihalyi

tried zoloft many years ago and i couldn't nut so i got off of it

st johns wort and kava are worth trying out (kava only in moderation)
magnesium is worth trying

I've read lots of anecdotal stuff about CBD oil helping anxiety
you could try it yourself and see if it works for you
personally can't say if it's snake oil or not because i haven't tried it yet

cut out alcohol and caffeine (at least until you are managing your anxiety)

meditating helps (pirate headspace audios or sam harris mindfulness audios to start off)
progressive muscle relaxation is worth trying
diaphragmatic breathing / deep breathing is god tier for helping anxiety, watch a few vids of it on youtube to learn how to do it
wim hof breathing is good as well

i've dealt with every feeling/sensation anxiety has to offer, if you need any specific advice on it i could possibly offer advice

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This is just the reactions from the exhaustion of easy living. Just stop being bitches. You're all going to age and shit is going to go horribly wrong for most of you. You'll look back on this gay shit with embarrassment.