Been given endoscopy and colonoscopy but nothing, I think I'm sick and have been for years because I weighed more in fucking middle school..
I try to eat good but shit hurts my stomach. I try to workout but it tends to hurt my stomach... sometimes I fight through the pain, and can. What do you guys think is wrong with me? Also how do I gain some fucking weight I try but I never do
I'm expecting people to make fun of me, so, that's just in the air I guess kek
I have and they can't tell me what's wrong, multiple doctors and gastroenterologists
Adrian Bennett
Oh God why did I post this
Fuck it
Ian Ramirez
Its because of the mustache. Remove it properly from little bit from the sides leave little in the middle and baaaaam. Extra test boost has just arrived
Owen Brooks
What the fuck I'm 5'8 130 and I look thinner than you.
Nicholas Mitchell
>endoscopy and colonoscopy lookin cute, i might give you an endoscopy or colonoscopy too, if u know what i mean :^)
Lucas Gutierrez
Well to be fair my friends say if I did that I'd look like a literal Hitler, but I think they're retarded
But I'm not doing that Dunno, man. I have muscle, but not alot because I don't work out... I dont workout at all lol I don't really have any body fat either...
Maybe being skinny isn't so bad?
Matthew Baker
It's probably psychological at this point lol
Michael Reyes
So you don't eat and you don't train and you're not sure why you aren't gaining weight/muscle?
Nicholas Baker
I have the same problem but it's almost gone. As you may know this is a classic case of IBS( Irritable bowel syndrome). I have lost count of how many doctors I have been to when I was a teenager. I also had colonoscopy and that Xray test there they put liquid into your anus and xray your stomach. Im now 21 and I have identified what caused my problems. My main problems was the urgency to go to the toilet whenever I woke up early in the morning i.e for school etc. Through experience I found that I need at least 8 hours of sleep and needed to wake up at least 2-3 hours before i left the house so I have enough time to go to the toilet if needed. My advice is to learn from experience and identify whats causing your problems. For my stomach spasms I have found that Valium works the best although it's addictive for alot of people, not me. Good Luck
Connor Jackson
Do you think? Fuck I can't stop though.
Maybe I really am just insane. So insane it's killing me..I've thought about that. But I'll never admit mental illness to a doctor.. it can't be mental, I feel pain in my stomach sometimes..
Grayson Wood
No I have stomach issues, I can only eat so much until I'm full and then if I workout on a full stomach my stomach hurts, bad
Gavin Phillips
Interesting.. Thank you.
My Great grandmother has IBS
Ian Anderson
I fluctuated between 115 and 120 at 5'11 up to my early 20s, around 24 or 25 I just started to fill out more, now I sit around 150
Just keep going, maybe keep a food diary if you aren't already to try and nail down the foods that you are sensitive too.
You look skinny now, but not weirdly skinny and I think just working on your posture would help a lot.
Ayden Robinson
How so posture wise?
Logan Hughes
Mirin your Adonis belt genetics at least
Gavin Turner
>5'8 >118 >that D O U B T
Blake Clark
But it's true
Angel Carter
one of those is false, stop baiting dude.
Zachary Williams
Wtf do I gotta show you somehow
Nicholas Morgan
Thank you user
Owen Sanchez
Brandon Robinson
try regular bone broth.
Wyatt Sanchez
What? How much per day or week
Christopher Nguyen
gf had the same shit dropped gluten and dairy all better now
David Young
probably have HIV
Tyler Cox
Possible...I should go get tested.. that'd fucking suck, I'm not even sexually active
Jacob Campbell
Might be this too..
David Clark
ur not 118 at 5'8" lmao.
Connor Scott
I had similar issues, was fixed by homemade Kefir. Maybe look into a good holistic doctor/chiro
Stay away from physicians and gastros, they will just prescribe you antacids and tell you to go home. Modern medicine is shit.
Brandon Bailey
I am though, retard
David Moore
I have figured that out... A holistic doctor? Tips so I don't get some hippie boomer autist bitch and I actually get a shaman-tier doctor or wot
Joseph Brooks
you ever check for parasites?
Jeremiah Cook
Yes they did a culture test and nothing
I may just go and try to do all the tests again but I don't have insurance atm and all those previous tests took like a year to finally get all done... Idk suicide is always an option lmao
Jose King
Well first, if your problems are digestive then you need to start making Kefir. Buy Kefir grains on Craigslist or find someone near you. It will change your life and your digestion..
You'll have to look around for a holistic doctor. Many chiropractors do the holistic thing. I had a hiatal hernia that my chiropractor helped fix, there are definitely good ones out there.
Inb4 quacks. Naw, the biggest quacks I've come across are physicians, aka legal drug dealers who know nothing about health and nutrition. Physicians are good for getting testing done. And if you've already done the necessary tests and nothing shows up, it's time to move on to alternative means.
Mason Lewis
Kefir grains? Isn't Kefir that yogurt drink I buy at Aldi all the time? How the fuck do I make it myself and what's the difference between self made and store bought...
I'm gonna go alternative as soon as I have the money to lol which will be soon, hopefully
Gabriel Clark
Stop eating anything with glutten or caffeine (obviously drinks too).
Stop drinking alcohol for the time being
Fast for 72 hours on snake juice or nothing, do no eat anything, answer your questions watching snake diet videos
Caleb Hall
It's okay op. I used to look like that, not look at me. Just keep working out hard and drink a gallon of milk a day and you'll start getting those lbs up
Definitely research IBS, use common online IBS knowledge and start making changes, don't expect instant results from anything.
I had similar lifelong problems that prevented me from achieving my gym goals for years (and fucked up all aspects of my life in general), through 2018 I achieved maybe a 80% reduction in symptoms by quitting coffee, eliminating whole grain food and things like sunflower seeds from my diet, drinking chamomile and peppermint tea daily, anxiety management with some gay mindfulness shit.
I tried lots of other things before and they didn't help or made things worse (possibly just by making me think more about it) until I found the right combination of changes for my individual version of the disease, so you really have to keep trying
Brandon Diaz
Have they tested you for celiac? My sister was constantly suffering from abdominal pain until she was diagnosed with it and cut bread from her diet.
Kayden Smith
So you don't eat carbs at all? No bread, no grain whatsoever? No seeds? Just curious
Connor Russell
I believe I was tested for it and it came back negative but I could be wrong, I did so many fucking tests one after the other I forgot and just went to them
Adam Harris
Sorta. I did half a gallon of milk a day for a few months in college. I put on 15 lbs pretty quick which helped a lot since my weight crashed around the time of final exams cause I was on Adderall all the time.
My nips are always hard. Always have been that way
Jose Lee
so how the hell did you gain all that weight, should i really drink 1/2 gallon of milk everyday
Levi Williams
First order of business is to figure out your digestive issues. I wouldn't go hard in the gym until your internals are healthy, hardcore lifting will only stress you out more. Being fit is all about health my dude. I'm not sure what you eat but Dr Mcdougall tends to talk about digestive issues a lot and maybe his advice could help you? Its helped me. He's also on the youtubes
I'll give it a read.. I've tried for years dude. This shit has destroyed me mentally. I wanted to dedicated myself to the military as young as age 14. When I turned 16, these problems began to slowly arise...By 18, they were in full affect. I wanted to dedicate myself, and become a fucking Ranger.
Now I sit in ignorance of what I have, and I'm most likely deteriorating every year. I don't eat a lot because shit just isn't appetizing anymore..I don't feel hungry as much...I drink water and I feel nauseous sometimes...
I would kill myself if I wasn't so drawn to Socrates' teachings of the Soul..
Aiden Edwards
I went through all that, tested for everything, diagnosed with ibs Happens most often in the morning when I'm stressed/nervous so I keep myself exhausted through lifting Still can't live a normal 9-5 life because if I wake up and start feeling cramps then it turns into an hour of pain and running back to the toilet I know what foods have caused it the most often so I stay away from them but even if I eat something that hardly even gives me problems, it's still possible Welcome to hell OP, enjoy the lean physique
Lucas Murphy
It is what worked for me. When I graduated high school I was pretty much same size as you are now ~120 and 5'8. Now I'm 2 in taller and about 190 in that pic. I've also been lifting for 6 years now
Your digestive issues sound like a whole nother thing though. Have you tried weed?
Hunter Ortiz
checked, and fuck my life
at least we don't fight with swords and shields anymore, eh, user?
at least if a pack of feral nogs or jose's come at my door, I can fire a few rounds with my toothpick arms
no but i should actually start lifting...Lifting doesnt hurt my stomach a quarter as much as cardio
out of curiosity what do you do for a job/work, i'm currently in this struggle.. I want to be an electrician now
as a matter of fact, weed is one of the only things that induces appetite for me, and helps with the stomach pains... I just took a dab a few seconds ago. . Thinking about getting pure CBD distillate for my spare pen I have
Angel Thompson
Fine dining, we don't open till 5:30 pm so I sleep in and if I have issues I have plenty of time Tried night shift in a factory and it was good at first but then it was happening halfway through the shift and the line was stacking up while I was in the bathroom Best bet would be to work for yourself, personal training, handy man, landscaping, etc etc
Nathaniel Cox
That's the best route I'm on then
My Grandfather is an electrical contractor and I can inherit his business
Chase Edwards
Goal body
Parker Scott
Crohn's maybe?
Jose Williams
Tested negative.
I do have ulcers though
Wyatt Clark
Anthony Barnes
How the fuck are you 118lbs
Owen Hernandez
i found that gluten free + 16/8 fasting helped a lot. other people have had success with FODMAPS. try eating a very plain diet w/o anything irritating for a while
Jaxon Russell
its a simple case of onions genetics
Jaxson Butler
Stfu fag I got my testosterone tested I'm above the 500's from what I remember
Easton Watson
There is no brand with Kefir grains. They all originate from the same source, Russia, from like centuries ago. There's a ton of info online, look up Kefir and Kefir grains on youtube
Charles Cox
But you can buy them at trader Joes or whole foods