Help me for the love of god

i am "6'0 and 93 kgs

lost some weight doing cardio and dont know whats next, should i mantain my weight, take protein and start lifting?
should i lose more weight?
what type of supplements should i take?

sorry for the retarded questions, i have already read the sticky but its not clear to me what i should do

Attached: xd.jpg (367x624, 28K)

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Is this bait?

lose weight while lifting weights

op this guy is true, cardio is the best way to lose your balls not to lose fat

start with bulking, gaining muscle, then when you have muscle focus on fat loss

>wants to lose weight
>what supplements should i take
woo lad what an absolute kek

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You know the rules; Tits and timestamp bitch

Currently in this exact same mode after cutting from 130kg last year with cardio and diet

>i tried cutting past 90kg
>1400 cal a day
>i just felt like i was gonna die, no muscle mass at all and no gainz possible in the gym

>write this summer off fatboi
>get your diet on point and eat a small surplus, probably aim for maintenance at first while you figure it out.
>lift heavy as much as possible

Give yourself something to cut to for next summer.

That's what i started doing late last year and have made some decent starter gains, doubled my shitty lifts to still sub dyel tier but im getting there.
Now im going for a small cut to try and look slightly less shit for a music festival in August and then it's back on the clean bulk till next year.

Fuck most supplements,
>eat a balanced diet,
> maybe get some whey protein in if your tracking it properly
>fish oil and multivit (some good male focused ones have good zma in them which i recommend)
>sleep better
>fix everything else thats no doubt shit in the meantime - clothes, teeth, hair ect.

Play the long game with me op and we might just make it in a year or 2.
Pic related is my progress last year, you actually look tons better than me so you can definitely do well.

Good luck brah

Attached: Progress - 295lbs - 195lbs.jpg (1920x1280, 1019K)

That's some pretty good progress man. Actually let's turn this into a general advice thread.

>Play the long game
The importance of this cannot be stated enough. Most people mess it up thinking that they'll have to endure a diet and some exercise for a little while, and then they'll get into shape. Never considering that they actually want to stay there, and what they do should be a permanent lifestyle change

-500 cals tdee and enough protein per day, should be enough. also lift weights. -500 cals wont kill your lifts if you don't even lift yet.

Not op but does this mean i cant gain muscle mass and lose weight at the same time?

OP here.
so in summary i need to cut past with whey protein and lifting 90kg and then start bullking hard.

thanks for helping a newbie out, i appreciate it, believe me i do

how much protein? right now im just eating some scrambled eggs 1 hour before workout.

Definitely keep focusing on losing weight till you're down around the 15% bf area.

what is the bf area?

Snake diet, fast until you see abs

nice titties necklet

That is gross. Lose body fat until the gut goes away.

How are you this fat at 200lbs at around that weight I had abs, and was semi skelly semi fit. Now im a bit bulkier at 220lb but I dont have a gut like that.

body fat

hes not gonna see abs dude, hes got no muscle on him

I've never done phisycal activities for extended periods of time

thanks for all the help!

I looked somewhat similar at the start. Building muscle for 2 years really helped, however that fat distribution will not go away regardless of how hard you cut.

You will need to get liposuction for your love handles and gynocomastia. You'll likely ignore my advice at first, but it will likely be the final step towards you looking good after you've built the muscle.

Snake diet fasting. You can cut down pretty quickly by doing 48 and 72 hour fasts drinking water with sodium and potassium makes it pretty easy. Fast down until you shredded then add muscle. It’s easy to gain weight for you, losing it is what you should focus on.